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W. E. B. Du Bois - Marriage

Time: Tuesday May 12, 1896

Place: Wilberforce, Ohio, U.S.

Details: While at Wilberforce, Du Bois married Nina Gomer, one of his students, on May 12, 1896.



W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois accepted a teaching job at Wilberforce University
1894 - Wilberforce University, Ohio, U.S.
Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
The Wright brothers-The West Side News
Mar, 1889 - Dayton, Ohio, U.S.
Bosnian War (The government building in the centre of Sarajevo burns after being hit by tank fire during the siege in 1992) Image
Bosnian War-Peace talks began
Wednesday Nov 1, 1995 - Dayton, Ohio, U.S.
Bosnian War (The government building in the centre of Sarajevo burns after being hit by tank fire during the siege in 1992) Image
Bosnian War-The war ended with the Dayton Peace Agreement
Tuesday Nov 21, 1995 - Dayton, Ohio, U.S.
Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
The Wright brothers-Wright Cycle Company
1896 - Dayton, Ohio, U.S.

On This Day - 12 May

The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Friday May 12, 1865 - Tampere, Finland
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower-Commission was set up to examine Eiffel's scheme and its rivals
Wednesday May 12, 1886 - France
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
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Friday May 12, 1905 - Russian Empire
Mother's Day-The First Mother's Day in Brazil
Sunday May 12, 1918 - Brazil
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Agricultural Adjustment Act is enacted
Friday May 12, 1933 - U.S.

May 1896

X-ray-Edison and the fluoroscope
Tuesday May 5, 1896 - U.S.


X-ray-Sending the news
Wednesday Jan 1, 1896 - Germany
Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
The Wright brothers-Wright Cycle Company
1896 - Dayton, Ohio, U.S.
The Second Boer War
Second Boer War-The Boer government handed their prisoners over to the British for trial
1896 - South Africa
The Second Boer War
Second Boer War-Second Matabele War
1896 - Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)
Incandescent light bulb with a medium-sized E27 (Edison 27 millimeter) male screw base - image
Incandescent light bulb-Malignani patented an evacuation method for mass production
1896 - Italy and U.S.