Mexican Revolution - 1910 Mexican Presidential Election
Time: 1910
Place: Mexico City, Mexico
Details: Although similar overall to Díaz in his ideology, Madero hoped for other elites to rule alongside the president. Díaz thought he could control this election, as he had the previous seven; however, Madero campaigned vigorously and effectively. To ensure Madero did not win, Díaz had him jailed before the election. Madero escaped and fled for a short period to San Antonio, Texas. Díaz was announced the winner of the election by a "landslide".
Mexican Revolution-Huerta's presidency
Wednesday Feb 19, 1913 - Mexico City, Mexico
Mexican Revolution-Díaz Seized The Presidency
Tuesday Nov 28, 1876 - Mexico City, Mexico
Mexican Revolution-Madero announced His Intent To Challenge Díaz For The Presidency
1910 - Mexico City, Mexico
Pelé-1970 World Cup
Tuesday Jul 21, 1970 - Aztec Stadium, Mexico City, Mexico
Carlos Slim-Galas de México
1976 - Mexico City, Mexico
Francisco Franco-Graduated
1910 - Toledo, Spain
Xinhai Revolution-Homer Lea Supported Sun Yat-sen's Military Ambitions
1910 - China
Marie Curie-She isolated Pure Radius Metal
1910 - Paris, France
Marie Curie-Curie succeeded in isolating Radium
1910 - Paris, France
Antibiotic-The Hoechst Company began To Market The Salvarsan Compound
1910 - Höchst, Frankfurt, Germany