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Vladimir Lenin - 3 years exile

Time: Feb, 1897

Place: Eastern Siberia, Russian Empire

Details: In February 1897, he was sentenced without trial to three years' exile in eastern Siberia. He was granted a few days in Saint Petersburg to put his affairs in order and used this time to meet with the Social-Democrats, who had renamed themselves the League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class.



Pablo Picasso image
Pablo Picasso-Education
1897 - Madrid, Spain
Max Planck
Max Planck-He published his treatise on Thermodynamics
1897 - Germany
Incandescent light bulb with a medium-sized E27 (Edison 27 millimeter) male screw base - image
Incandescent light bulb-The Nernst Lamp
1897 - Germany
Staphylococcus aureus - Antibiotics Test plate
Antibiotic-The First Known Scholarly work to consider the Therapeutic capabilities of Molds resulting from their Anti-Microbial activity
1897 - France
Carter G. Woodson
Carter G. Woodson-Douglass received his diploma
1897 - Huntington, West Virginia, U.S.
Gustav Stresemann
Gustav Stresemann-Joining the University of Berlin
Apr, 1897 - Kaiserswerther Str., Berlin, German Empire (Present day Germany)
Penicillin-Ernest Duchesne independently discovered the healing properties of a Penicillium glaucum mold
1897 - Lyon, France
Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize-Approving the well
Monday Apr 26, 1897 - Oslo, Norway
Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize-Awarding members
Monday Jun 7, 1897 - Norway and Sweden
Carter G. Woodson
Carter G. Woodson-Woodson taught at Winona
1897 - Winona, West Virginia, U.S.
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois presented a paper in which he rejected Frederick Douglass's plea for black Americans to integrate into white society
1897 - U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-From the Capitol building to its new headquarters
1897 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-John Russell Young in the office
1897 - Washington D.C., U.S.
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois left Philadelphia and took a professorship in history and economics at the historically black Atlanta University
Jul, 1897 - Atlanta University, Georgia, U.S.
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill volunteered to join Bindon Blood's Malakand Field Force
Jul, 1897 - Present-day Malakand, Pakistan
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Strivings of the Negro People
Sunday Aug 1, 1897 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bicycle-First Electric Bike
1897 - Chichester, West Sussex, England, U.K.
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-First Book "The Story of the Malakand Field Force"
Oct, 1897 - Present-day Bangalore, India
Joseph Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels-Joseph Goebbels's Birth
Friday Oct 29, 1897 - Rheydt, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Lucky Luciano Image
Lucky Luciano-Birth
Wednesday Nov 24, 1897 - Lercara Friddi, Sicily, Italy