Kingdom of the Lombards - A civil war
Time: 624
Place: Italy
Details: A civil war broke out in 624, led by Arioald, Duke of Turin and Adaloald's brother-in-law (through his marriage to Adaloald's sister Gundeperga).
Kingdom of the Lombards-Agilulf king of the Lombards
590s - Italy
World War II-One million soldier disarmed
Thursday Sep 9, 1943 - Italy, Balkans, Southern France
Antonio Stradivari Birth
Tuesday Dec 1, 1671 - Cremona
World War II-Spring 1945 offensive in Italy
Wednesday May 2, 1945 - Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and the Veneto regions, northern Italy
Bank of America-Parmalat SpA sued Bank of America for $10 billion
Jul, 2009 - Collecchio, Italy