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Nicaraguan Revolution - A General Strike Called For The End of The Somoza Regime

Time: Monday Jan 23, 1978

Place: Nicaragua

Details: Following the riots, a general strike on 23–24 January called for the end of the Somoza regime and was, according to the U.S. State Department staff at the U.S. Embassy, successful at shutting down around 80% of businesses in not only Managua but also the provincial capitals of León, Granada, Chinandega, and Matagalpa.



Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-President Somoza Resigned
Tuesday Jul 17, 1979 - Managua, Nicaragu
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-The FSLN began a Campaign of Kidnappings
1970s - Nicaragua
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-The Organization of American States Supervised Negotiations between The FSLN and The Government
1979 - Nicaragua
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-The administration of U.S. President Jimmy Carter Cut Off aid To the Somoza Regime
1978 - Nicaragua
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-Forming The FSLN
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On This Day - 23 January

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January 1978

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