Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt - Acre fell to Ibrahim's army six months
Time: May, 1832
Place: Acre, Israel
Details: The city fell to Ibrahim's army six months later in May 1832. After Acre, he continued on to win control of Aleppo, Homs, Beirut, Sidon, Tripoli, and Damascus.

Crusades-Lord Edward's crusade
1271 - Holy Lands

Crusades-Frederick II reached Acre
1228 - Acre

Napoleon-Siege of Acre
Wednesday Mar 20, 1799 - Acre, Ottoman Empire (Present Day Acre, Israel)

Crusades-Siege of Acre
Friday May 18, 1291 - Acre

Crusades-Siege of Acre (1189)
Monday Aug 28, 1189 - Acre

Crusades-Massacre at Ayyadieh
Tuesday Aug 20, 1191 - Acre

Crusades-Departure of Philip II
Saturday Aug 31, 1191 - Acre

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha took Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre, Israel

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Egyptian force eventually captured Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha were sent north to besiege Acre
Oct, 1831 - Acre, Israel

Crusades-Sultan Baibars drove the Franks to a few small coastal outposts
1260s - Acre

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Egyptian invasion of Syria
Monday Oct 31, 1831 - Ottoman Syrian provinces

Mamluks-Baibars' troops attacked Acre
Sunday Aug 26, 1263 at 02:37:00 AM - Acre, Israel

Mamluks-Siege of Acre (1799)
1799 - Acre, Israel

Mamluks-Battle of Ain Jalut
Friday Sep 3, 1260 - Ayn Jalut

Shimon Peres-Operation Grapes of Wrath
Thursday Apr 11, 1996 - Lebanon

Arameans-Tiglath-Pileser III occupied Samaria
734 BC - Israel

Ancient Egypt-Battle of Megiddo (609 BC)
609 BC - Megiddo, Canaan

Ancient Egypt-Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC)
Thursday Apr 16, 1457 BC - Megiddo, Canaan

Ancient Greece-Siege of Tyre
Jan, 332 BC - Tyre, Phoenicia (Present-Day Lebanon)

World War 1-Battle of Megiddo
Monday Aug 19, 1918 - Northern Palestine

Qasem Soleimani-2006 Israel–Hezbollah War
Oct, 2019 - Lebanon, Northern Israel and the Golan Heights

Crusades-Battle of Hattin
Friday Jul 3, 1187 - Galilee

Crusades-Battle of Ain Jalut
Friday Sep 3, 1260 - Ayn Jalut, Galilee

Seleucid Empire-Battle of Panium
200 BC - Banias

Byzantine Empire-Battle of Yarmouk
636 - Syria
May 1832

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Egyptian force eventually captured Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha took Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre, Israel

Abraham Lincoln-Purchase of a general store on credit in New Salem
1832 - New Salem, Illinois, U.S.

Sojourner Truth-Met Robert Matthews
1832 - New York, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln entered politics
Mar, 1832 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln briefly interrupted his campaign to serve as a captain in the Illinois Militia
1832 - Illinois, U.S.

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Egyptian force eventually captured Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha took Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre, Israel

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Hambacher Festival
1832 - Central Europe (Present-Day Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)

Elizabeth Blackwell-Family emigrated from Bristol to New York
1832 - New York, U.S.

Ottoman Empire-320 km from the capital, Constantinople
Sep, 1832 - Ottoman Empire

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-School of Medicine for women
1832 - Egypt

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-The Egyptian army continued their campaign into Anatolia
1832 - Anatolia, Turkey

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-The Battle of Konya
Wednesday Nov 21, 1832 - Konya, Turkey

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Battle of Konya
Friday Dec 21, 1832 - Konya, Ottoman Empire

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Events leading up to the revolution of the 1848
1832 - Central Europe (Present-Day Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)