Historydraft Logo

Bitcoin - Anonymous party discovered and reported an invalid-block denial-of-server vulnerability to developers of Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin ABC, and Bitcoin Unlimited

Time: Sep, 2018

Place: U.S. and Worldwide

Details: In September 2018, an anonymous party discovered and reported an invalid-block denial-of-server vulnerability to developers of Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin ABC, and Bitcoin Unlimited. Further analysis by bitcoin developers showed the issue could also allow the creation of blocks violating the 21 million coin limit and CVE-2018-17144 was assigned and the issue resolved.



Bitcoin-The Price reached $1,163
Saturday Nov 30, 2013 - U.S.
Bitcoin-Bitcoin's price was $6,343
Sunday Jul 1, 2018 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-The price fell to $3,747
Tuesday Jan 1, 2019 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-The bitcoin price rose to $259
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013 - U.S.
Bitcoin-Bitcoin Core 0.13.0 which was released
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-Bitcoin Core’s 0.13.1 release featured the "Segwit" soft fork that included a scaling improvement aiming to optimize the bitcoin blocksize
Oct, 2016 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-Bitcoin Core 0.12.1 was released
Friday Apr 15, 2016 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-Several hacks
2018 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-Price had recovered to $13,000
Jun, 2019 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-The controversial Segregated Witness [SegWit] software upgrade was approved ("locked in")
Saturday Jul 15, 2017 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-Prices rose and climbed up to $998
Sunday Jan 1, 2017 - U.S. and Worldwide
Bitcoin-Price Change in six hours
Apr, 2013 - U.S.
Bitcoin-From $13.30 rising to $770
Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bitcoin-Release 0.10 of the software was made public
Monday Feb 16, 2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bitcoin-The update to this release resulted in a minor blockchain fork
Monday Mar 11, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bitcoin-The blockchain temporarily split into two independent chains
Mar, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bitcoin-Reaching its all-time high
Sunday Dec 17, 2017 - U.S. and Worldwide
Dollar Tree
Dollar Tree-Company opened a store in Washington, D.C
2009 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bitcoin-The Bitcoin Foundation was founded
Sep, 2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bitcoin-Bitcoin-Qt version 0.5.0 was released
Tuesday Nov 1, 2011 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass-Douglass delivered the keynote speech at the unveiling of the Emancipation Memorial
Friday Apr 14, 1876 - Lincoln Park, Washington D.C., U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower participated in the clearing of the Bonus March encampment in Washington D.C.
1932 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-SEC filed a complaint against Xerox's auditors, KPMG
Wednesday Jan 29, 2003 - U.S.
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint against Xerox
Thursday Apr 11, 2002 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden was elected the 46th president of the United States
Nov, 2020 - U.S.
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois was the first African American invited by the American Historical Association
Dec, 1909 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Java (programming language)-The Writ
Jan, 2019 - Washington, U.S.
Coverture-Violated Law
1871 - Washington, DC, U.S.
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy-Execution date (March 4) was set
1986 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Impeachment of Bill Clinton
Impeachment of Bill Clinton-Court ordered the Case to Proceed
May, 1997 - U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump nominated U.S. Appeals Court judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the seat on the Supreme Court
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Bona Fide
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy-Execution date was announced
Dec, 1988 - U.S.
1966 - Washington, DC, U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-John Adams Building completed
1938 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-The Supreme Court
Wednesday Jul 24, 1974 - The Supreme Court, Washington D.C., U.S.
Malcolm X Image
Malcolm X-Met Martin Luther King Jr.
Thursday Mar 26, 1964 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Purchase of the Russian Imperial Collection
1930s - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Librarian-in-Residence program
2017 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Purchase of G. V. Yudin's eighty-thousand volume Russian library
1906 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Boorstin retired
1987 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Congress passed an act allowing the Library of Congress to establish a trust fund board
1965 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Billington established the Library Collections Security Oversight Committee
1992 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Lost 300
2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Harry Truman appointed Luther H. Evans as librarian of Congress
1944 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-From the Capitol building to its new headquarters
1897 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The Veterans History Project
2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Libraries-Library of Congress
Friday Apr 25, 1800 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-BARD
2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The Gershwin Prize for Popular Song
2007 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The library acquired Lafayette's previously inaccessible papers in 1996 from a castle at La Grangew
1996 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Billington retired
2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The Kluge Center
2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-One million volumes
1901 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-MacLeish resigned
1944 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Schatz collection of early opera librettos
1908 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Memorandum by Douglas Bryant
1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Lawrence Quincy Mumford took over
1953 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Preservation Office
1967 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The 14th librarian of Congress
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Putnam retired in 1939
1939 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Herbert Putnam persuaded President Theodore Roosevelt to transfer by executive order the papers of the Founding Fathers from the State Department to the Library of Congress
1903 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The new Thomas Jefferson Building
1865 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Roosevelt appointed Archibald MacLeish
1939 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Living Legend Awards
2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-John Russell Young in the office
1897 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The World Digital Library
2009 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Open World Leadership Center
2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-President Ronald Reagan nominated James H. Billington as the 13th librarian of Congress
1987 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Thomas.gov website launched
1994 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The Fiction Prize
2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-National Film Preservation Board
1988 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Under pressure
2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The National Digital Library
1990 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The only copy of the 1507 Waldseemüller world map
2003 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The National Book Festival
2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Putnam established the Legislative Reference Service
1914 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The library launched a mass deacidification program
2001 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Mumford retired
1974 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Gerald Ford appointed Daniel J. Boorstin as librarian
1974 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Herbert Putnam held the office
1899 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Congress.gov website
2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Purchase of a four-thousand volume library of Indica
1904 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-The library doubled the size of its analog collections from 85.5 million items in 1987 to more than 160 million items in 2014
2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-National Jukebox launched
2011 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Library of Congress reconstructed Thomas Jefferson's original library
2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Coverture-Privy Examination Laws
1890s - U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-The Farm Bureau Disclosed $8.5 Million In "Domain Sales Income"
Tuesday Jan 11, 2011 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-The First Vote
Saturday May 16, 1868 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address
Saturday Mar 4, 1865 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-Ayman al-Zawahiri was listed as under indictment in the United States
Aug, 1998 - U.S.
Flag of the United States
Flag of the United States-Potential state
Tuesday Nov 8, 2016 - U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden was also a longtime member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
1997 - U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-The Senate impeachment trial began
Thursday Jan 16, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Republican Senate majority
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020 - Senate, Washington D.C., U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-The Impeachment managers for the House presented their case to the Senate
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden voted in favor of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq
Oct, 2002 - U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Without witness testimony
Friday Jan 31, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Written questions from senators
Thursday Jan 30, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Opposed the troop surge of 2007
2006 - U.S.

September 2018

Logo of Ford Motor Company - image
Sep, 2018 - Hannover, Germany
BMW logo
BMW-New self-driving
Sep, 2018 - Munich, Germany
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga-A Star Is Born
Saturday Sep 1, 2018 - Venice, Italy
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-The world's second best selling plug-in electric car
Sep, 2018 - U.S.
Oculus-Entity Within
Sep, 2018 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios-Disney+
Sep, 2018 - U.S.
Logo for American sportswear company Nike Inc.
Nike, Inc.-Nike announced It Had Signed Former American Football Quarterback Colin Kaepernick
Sep, 2018 - Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos-Philanthropy
Sep, 2018 - U.S.
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Opening the largest mosque in Central Asia
Sunday Sep 2, 2018 - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Opening the 2018 World Nomad Games
Monday Sep 3, 2018 - Cholpon Ata, Kyrgyzstan
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-The First Hungarian leader to visit the Country since It's Independence
Tuesday Sep 4, 2018 - Cholpon Ata, Kyrgyzstan
Jair Bolsonaro Image
Jair Bolsonaro-Stabbed in the stomach
Thursday Sep 6, 2018 - Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Cortlandt Station
Saturday Sep 8, 2018 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Logo of Ford Motor Company - image
Ford-Focus on China
Monday Sep 10, 2018 - China
George Weah in Milan AC 1996 - image
George Weah-His Final International Appearance as a Football Player
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018 - The Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex, Monrovia, Liberia
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-Officially dropped out of the election
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018 - Brazil
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-The Misleading Tweet
Sep, 2018 - Los Angeles, California, United States
Richard Branson
Richard Branson-Branson took part in his fourth Virgin Strive Challenge
Sep, 2018 - France
YouTube-YouTube began to phase out the separate YouTube Gaming website
Sep, 2018 - San Bruno, California, U.S.
Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo-Ronaldo scored his first two goals for Juventus
Sunday Sep 16, 2018 - Allianz Stadium, Turin, Italy
Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo-First Champions League match for Juventus
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018 - Mestalla Stadium, Valencia, Spain
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-News Distribution Outside The United States
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Sep, 2018 - U.S.
MacOS wordmark (2017) Image
MacOS-MacOS 10.14 Mojave
Monday Sep 24, 2018 - Cupertino, California, U.S.
Disasters with highest death tolls-2018 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018 - Indonesia
Java (programming language)-Java 11
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018 - California, U.S.
Virat Kohli
Virat Kohli-Reciving the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018 - Rashtrapati Bhawan, President's Estate, New Delhi, India
Oculus-The Oculus Quest
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018 - California, U.S.
Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart-Hart has also hosted on HQ Trivia and gave away $100,000 to 1 person with Scott Rogowsky
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018 - U.S.
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona-Manager of Dorados
Sep, 2018 - Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico
Logo of Amazon
Amazon-Amazon announced to debut the Amazon 4-star
Thursday Sep 27, 2018 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump called "for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela"
Sep, 2018 - U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook Experienced a Major Breach In Its Security
Friday Sep 28, 2018 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Jair Bolsonaro Image
Jair Bolsonaro-Released from the hospital
Saturday Sep 29, 2018 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Flag of Christmas Island
Christmas Island-Closing The Christmas Island Immigration Reception and Processing Centre
Sunday Sep 30, 2018 - Christmas Island
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-The Penalty
Sep, 2018 - California, United States


BMW logo
BMW-BMW recalled 106,000 diesel vehicles in South Korea with a defective exhaust gas recirculation module, which caused 39 engine fires
2018 - South Korea
Kim Jong-un Image
Kim Jong-un-North Korea's nuclear arsenal
2018 - North Korea
Jair Bolsonaro Image
Jair Bolsonaro-The Social Liberal Party
Jan, 2018 - Brazil
Robin Williams 1996 Image
Robin Williams-HBO documentary
2018 - U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla ranked as the world's best selling plug-in passenger car
2018 - U.S.
Kobe Bryant Image
Kobe Bryant-Academy Award
2018 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Samuel Little
Samuel Little -Little confessed in front of James Holland
2018 - U.S
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook Opened an Office In Cambridge
2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
Banking hacks image
Banking Frauds and Hacks-Punjab National bank
2018 - New Delhi, India
Logo for American sportswear company Nike Inc.
Nike, Inc.-The Fiscal year 2018
2018 - Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-The 2018 Fortune 500 List
2018 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Airpods-35 million units
2018 - Worldwide
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett-3rd in List of Billionaire 2018
2018 - U.S.
League of Legends logo
League of Legends-New Game Mode
2018 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Elliot Page
Elliot Page-Elliot Page marriage to Emma
Jan, 2018 - U.S.
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange-DJIA reaches 25,000 for the first time
Thursday Jan 4, 2018 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-Super hat-trick
Saturday Jan 6, 2018 - Italy
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Sweden and Norway
Jan, 2018 - Europe
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-The Little Princess Trust
Jan, 2018 - England, U.K.
Aaron Hernandez Image
Aaron Hernandez-Appeal Heard
Jan, 2018 - North Attleborough, Massachusetts, U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook announced That It Would Change News Feed To Prioritize Friends/Family Content
Thursday Jan 11, 2018 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018 - Brazil
The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-Nokia signed a deal with NTT Docomo
Friday Jan 19, 2018 - Tokyo, Japan
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-The House of Commons voted for both houses to vacate the Palace of Westminster to allow for a complete refurbishment of the building
Jan, 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom
George Weah in Milan AC 1996 - image
George Weah-The President of Liberia
Monday Jan 22, 2018 - Liberia
A jack-o'-lantern, one of the symbols of Halloween
Halloween-Pet costumes
2018 - U.S.
Logo of Amazon
Amazon-Amazon Go was opened
Monday Jan 22, 2018 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Netflix 2014 logo
Netflix-The largest digital media company
Monday Jan 22, 2018 - U.S.
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-2 more years in prison
Thursday Jan 25, 2018 - Brazil
Logo of Ikea - image
IKEA-Founder's Death
Saturday Jan 27, 2018 - Älmhult, Småland, Sweden
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Journalist Jonathan Greenberg report in 2018
2018 - U.S.
Bitcoin-Several hacks
2018 - U.S. and Worldwide
The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-Nokia introduced the ReefShark line of 5G Chipsets
Monday Jan 29, 2018 - Espoo, Finland
George Weah in Milan AC 1996 - image
George Weah-His First Annual Message To The National Legislature
Monday Jan 29, 2018 - Monrovia, Liberia
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-Xerox announced that Fujifilm had agreed to acquire a 50.1% controlling stake in the company for US$6.1 billion
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018 - Japan
Bitcoin-Complete ban
Thursday Feb 1, 2018 - China
Papa John's Pizza logo Image
Papa John's Pizza-Papa John's Ended Their Sponsorship agreement With The NFL
Feb, 2018 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla announced that they would unveil Model Y production plans
Feb, 2018 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern-Waitangi Day
Friday Feb 2, 2018 - Waitangi Treaty Grounds, New Zealand
KFC-Temporary Breakdown
Feb, 2018 - U.K.
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-Qatar joint venture
Feb, 2018 - Qatar
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange-Largest point drop in history (1,175 points drop)
Monday Feb 5, 2018 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-RCOG
Feb, 2018 - London, England, U.K.
Mass shootings in the United States
Mass Shootings in the United States-Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018 - Parkland, Florida, U.S.
Mug shot of Pearl Fernandez
Murder of Gabriel Fernandez by Pearl Fernandez, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre-Pearl Fernandez plead guilty
Thursday Feb 15, 2018 - U.S.
Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish-Eilish embarked on the Where's My Mind Tour
Feb, 2018 - U.S.
Xiaomi logo Image
Xiaomi-First Mi store in Philippines
Monday Feb 19, 2018 - Philippines
George Weah in Milan AC 1996 - image
George Weah-Weah's first Official Visit Outside Africa
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018 - Paris, France
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-First European hat-rick
Thursday Feb 22, 2018 - Rome, Italy
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi-Pelosi sent a letter to Speaker Ryan accusing Republicans
Feb, 2018 - U.S.
Map of conflict zones in Myanmar (Burma) - image
Conflict in Myanmar-The Government of Myanmar violated the agreement
Mar, 2018 - Kayin State, Myanmar
Best Buy opens its 800th store in Chicago, Illinois
Best Buy-The company announced that it would shut down its 250 standalone Best Buy Mobile stores in the United States
Thursday Mar 1, 2018 - U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-Alphabet Bought The Nearby Chelsea Market Building
Mar, 2018 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Oculus-The first Generation
2018 - California, U.S.
Hong Kong independence flag
Hong Kong independence-March 2018 Legislative Council by-elections for the four seats left vacant by the disqualified legislators over the oath-taking controversy
Sunday Mar 11, 2018 - Hong Kong, China
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Victoria and Albert Museum
Mar, 2018 - London, England, U.K.
The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-Solidium purchased a 3.3% stake in Nokia
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018 - Finland
Stephen Hawking Image
Stephen Hawking-Death
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018 - Cambridge, England
Logo for American sportswear company Nike Inc.
Nike, Inc.-Nike's announcement about Trevor Edwards's Retire
Thursday Mar 15, 2018 - Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.
Bart Millard
Bart Millard-I Can Only Imagine
Friday Mar 16, 2018 - U.S.
Sofia Kenin Image 1
Sofia Kenin-Entering top 100
Monday Mar 19, 2018 - Wales, United Kingdom
Java (programming language)-Overturned
Mar, 2018 - California, U.S.
Java (programming language)-Java SE 10
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018 - California, U.S.
Zlatan Ibrahimović - image
Zlatan Ibrahimović-Moving to LA Galaxy
Friday Mar 23, 2018 - California, U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-The English High Court Reaction To The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal
Friday Mar 23, 2018 - London, England
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook Published a Statement Apologizing Over a "Breach of Trust"
Sunday Mar 25, 2018 - London, England
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-The Case ended
Monday Mar 26, 2018 - Brazil
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-The Federal Trade Commission Opened an Investigation Into The Matter
Monday Mar 26, 2018 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-Lazio's single season top scorer
Saturday Mar 31, 2018 - Rome, Italy
Nintendo Image
Nintendo-New Company President
Mar, 2018 - Kyoto, Japan
Brexit-21-month transition period
Mar, 2018 - United Kingdom
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Jeenbekov dismissed two high ranking officials in the State Committee for National Security
Apr, 2018 - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was admitted to King Edward VII's Hospital for a planned hip replacement
Tuesday Apr 3, 2018 - England, United Kingdom
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-(STF) voted 6–5 to deny Lula's habeas corpus petition
Thursday Apr 5, 2018 - Brazil
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-Lula appealed to the UN"s Human Rights Committee
Friday Apr 6, 2018 - Brazil
Mark Zuckerburg
Mark Zuckerberg-Usage of personal data on facebook
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018 - U.S.
Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi-Sad night at Rome
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018 - Rome, Italy
Richard Branson
Richard Branson-Branson announced the acquisition of the Las Vegas based Hard Rock Casino-Hotel
Apr, 2018 - Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.
Plane Crashes Images
Plane Accidents-Algerian Air Force Il-76
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018 - Boufarik Airport, Algeria
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-Not allowed to be visited
Tuesday Apr 17, 2018 - Brazil
The Bank of America Corporate Center, headquarters of Bank of America in Charlotte
Bank of America-Bank of America announced that it would stop providing financing to makers of military-style weapons
Apr, 2018 - Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.
Raúl Castro Image
Raúl Castro-Castro step down from Power
Thursday Apr 19, 2018 - Havana, Cuba
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Jeenbekov Fired his Prime Minister Sapar Isakov and the government
Thursday Apr 19, 2018 - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern-A toast to the Commonwealth
Friday Apr 20, 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom
Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo-First player to win league titles in England, Spain, and Italy
Friday Apr 20, 2018 - Allianz Stadium, Turin, Italy
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah-PFA Player of the year
Sunday Apr 22, 2018 - Liverpool, England
Reddit-Huffman launched Reddit's iOS and Android apps
Apr, 2018 - San Francisco, California, United States
Reddit-The company launched a major redesign of its website
Apr, 2018 - San Francisco, California, United States
Reddit-Reddit announces the roll out of a new design
Apr, 2018 - San Francisco, California, United States
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Prince Louis
Monday Apr 23, 2018 at 07 PM - London, England, U.K.
Korean War Image
Korean War-End the ongoing 65-year conflict
Friday Apr 27, 2018 - Korean Peninsula (North Korea and South Korea)
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump and his businesses had been involved in more than 4,000 state
Apr, 2018 - U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Missile strikes
Apr, 2018 - Syria
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury-Bohemian Rhapsody
2018 - U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Papua New Guinea announced That It Would Ban Facebook For a Month
May, 2018 - Papua New Guinea
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Jeenbekov Promised to fight against Tribalism
May, 2018 - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett-Buffett's Worst Investment in China
May, 2018 - Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
DC Comics logo
DC Comics-DC Universe is a video on demand service operated by DC Entertainment
May, 2018 - U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook announced It Would Offer Its Own Dating Service
May, 2018 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-Resign as part of a deal
Tuesday May 1, 2018 - U.S.