Library of Alexandria - Apollodorus of Athens
Time: 100s BC
Place: Pergamum, Turkey
Details: Another one of Aristarchus's pupils, Apollodorus of Athens (c. 180–c. 110 BC), went to Alexandria's greatest rival, Pergamum, where he taught and conducted research. This diaspora prompted the historian Menecles of Barce to sarcastically comment that Alexandria had become the teacher of all Greeks and barbarians alike.
Kingdom of Pergamon-Eumenes III claimed the throne
132 BC - Pergamon (Present-Day Bergama, Turkey)
Libraries-Library of Pergamum
3rd Century BC - Roman Empire (Present Day Pergamum, Turkey)
Kingdom of Pergamon-Romans gave these possessions to Pergamon
188 BC - Pergamon
Kingdom of Pergamon-Philetaerus enjoyed considerable autonomy
270s BC - Pergamon (Present-Day Bergama, Turkey)
Kingdom of Pergamon-Eumenes I succeeded Philetaerus
263 BC - Pergamon (Present-Day Bergama, Turkey)