Arameans - Arameans under Syrianization and Arabization
Time: 6th Century BC
Place: Syria
Details: The first process (Syrianization) was initiated during the 5th century, when the ancient Greek custom of using Syrian labels for Arameans and their language, started to gain acceptance among Aramean literary and ecclesiastical elites.
Arameans-The emergence of the Arameans occurred during the Bronze Age collapse
1200 BC - Syria
Arameans-Arameans under Roman and Parthian rule
2nd Century BC - Syria
Arameans-Arameans under Seleucid and Ptolemaic rule
336 BC - Syria
Arameans-The Neirab steles
8th Century BC - Aleppo, Syria
Arameans-Arpad was capital of the Aramaean state of Bit Agusi
10th Century BC - Aleppo, Syria
Byzantine Empire-Nikephoros took Aleppo
962 - Aleppo, Syria
Arameans-Atarshumki I was the King of Bit Agusi
8th Century BC - Aleppo, Syria
Hittites-Hattusili I captured Aleppo
1620s BC - Aleppo, Syria
Arameans-The first time appeared of Arameans
2300 BC - Tell Mardikh, Idlib, Syria
Arameans-Arameans under Arab rule
8th Century - Syria
Roman Empire-Battle of Barbalissos
252 - Barbalissos, Syria (Present-Day Qalʿat al-Bālis, Syria)