Assyria - Ashur-bel-kala death
Time: 1056 BC
Place: Assyria (Present-Day in Iraq)
Details: Assyria and its empire were not unduly affected by these tumultuous events for some 150 years, perhaps the only ancient power that was not, and in fact thrived for most of the period. However, upon the death of Ashur-bel-kala in 1056 BC, Assyria went into a comparative decline for the next 100 or so years.
Assyria-Adad-nirari II
911 BC - Assyria (Present-Day in Iraq)
1990s BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Fall of Assur
614 BC - Assur, Assyria (Present-Day in Iraq)
Assyria-Eriba-Adad I
14th Century BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Short reigning kings followed
1207 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Puzur-Sin deposed Asinum
1750s BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Ashur-nadin-ahhe I was deposed
1430 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
2000 BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
1700 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-First fully urbanized independent king of Assyria
2080 BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Tiglath-pileser I "Assyria's position as the world's leading military power"
1115 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Peaceful and largely uneventful reigns
17th Century BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
1872 BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Tukulti-Ninurta I
1244 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Eriba-Adad I "Broke the ties to the Mitanni Empire"
1392 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Erishum I
1973 BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Weak Assyria
1020 BC - Assyria (Present-Day in Iraq)
Assyria-Ashur-nadin-ahhe I
1450 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Ashur-nadin-ahhe II
15th Century BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Adasi "Restoring strength and stability to Assyria"
1720 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
1417 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-End of the Old Assyrian Empire
1760s BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Arameans-The rise of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
1050s BC - Sharqat, Iraq
Assyria-Puzur-Ashur I
2025 BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Adad-nirari I
1307 BC - Assyria
1408 BC - Assyria (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Battle of Nineveh
612 BC - Nineveh, Assyria
Assyria-Ashurbanipal "unusually well-educated king"
669 BC - Assyria