Hittites - Ashur-uballit I
Time: 1365 BC
Place: Assyria
Details: Unfortunately, that son was evidently murdered before reaching his destination, and this alliance was never consummated. However, the Middle Assyrian Empire (1365–1050 BC) once more began to grow in power also, with the ascension of Ashur-uballit I in 1365 BC. Ashur-uballit I attacked and defeated Mattiwaza the Mitanni king despite attempts by the Hittite king Šuppiluliuma I, now fearful of growing Assyrian power, attempting to preserve his throne with military support. The lands of the Mitanni and Hurrians were duly appropriated by Assyria, enabling it to encroach on Hittite territory in eastern Asia Minor, and Adad-nirari I annexed Carchemish and northeast Syria from the control of the Hittites.
Babylon-Anti-Assyrian pact
610s BC - Assur
Arameans-The Neo Assyrian Empire was descended
626 BC - Tikrit, Saladin, Iraq
Assyria-Founding of Assyria
3rd Millenium BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
25th Century BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Akkadian-speaking people
4th Millenium BC - Assur, Iraq
Assyria-Earliest king recorded
2450 BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
3rd Millenium BC - Present-Day Iraq
Assyria-Earliest known reference to Anatolian Karu
2350s BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Most of Assyria briefly became part of the Neo-Sumerian Empire
2112 BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Attacks from barbarian Gutian people
2154 BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Assyrians in the Akkadian Empire
2330s BC - Mesopotamia (Present-Day Iraq)
Qasem Soleimani-Push back ISIL militants
2014 - Amirli, Iraq
Babylon-Babylon eventually became subject to the Middle Assyrian Empire
1365 BC - Babylon (Present-Day Iraq)
Assyria-Ashur-uballit I "Ended the Mitanni Empire"
1365 BC - Mitanni Empire (Present-Day Syria)