Holy Roman Empire - Austrian–Hungarian War
Time: 1477
Place: Lower Austria, Holy Roman Empire
Details: When Frederick III needed the dukes to finance a war against Hungary in 1486, and at the same time had his son (later Maximilian I) elected king, he faced a demand from the united dukes for their participation in an Imperial Court. The Austrian–Hungarian War was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Hungary under Mathias Corvinus and the Habsburg Archduchy of Austria under Frederick V (also Holy Roman Emperor as Frederick III). The war lasted from 1477 to 1488 and resulted in significant gains for Matthias, which humiliated Frederick, but which were reversed upon Matthias' sudden death in 1490.

Holy Roman Empire-Albert was assassinated (Albert I of Germany)
Tuesday May 1, 1308 - Windisch, Austria

World War 1-Battle of Dobro Pole
Sunday Sep 15, 1918 - Dobro Pole, Macedonia

Martin Bormann-The Trips to Austria
1938 - Austria

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-a column of tanks and armoured personnel carriers of the YPA 1st Armoured Brigade left heading for the airport at Brnik
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Brnik, Slovenia

Roman Empire-Campaign against the Sarmatians
Monday Nov 2, 285 - Balkans

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-First democratic multi-party elections
Apr, 1990 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Domžale radio transmitter was attacked
Tuesday Jul 2, 1991 at 11:37:00 AM - Domžale, Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-a constitutional amendment
Friday Sep 28, 1990 - Slovenia

Croatian War of Independence-New UN mission
Monday Jan 15, 1996 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The YPA nonetheless successfully accomplished much of its military mission
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The Slovenians successfully captured depots
Monday Jul 1, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-A meeting of the Slovene presidency was hastily convened
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Shot down two YPA helicopters
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The two sides disengaged
Thursday Jul 4, 1991 - Slovenia

Bosnian War-Agreement for a ceasefire
Wednesday May 6, 1992 - Graz, Austria

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-TO mounted successful attacks on border crossings
Tuesday Jul 2, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The YPA's first plan failed
Monday Jul 1, 1991 - Slovenia

Leopold Auenbrugger Birth
Thursday Nov 19, 1722 - Graz

Leopold V Birth
Thursday Oct 9, 1586 - Graz

Jakob Haibel Birth
Tuesday Jul 20, 1762 - Graz

Nikola Tesla-Tesla came into conflict with Professor Poeschl over the Gramme dynamo
1876 - Graz, Austria

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-United Nations
Friday May 22, 1992 - Slovenia

Nikola Tesla-Tesla lost his scholarship and became addicted to gambling
1877 - Graz, Austria

Nikola Tesla-Tesla enrolled at Austrian Polytechnic in Graz
1875 - Graz, Austria

Josip Broz Tito-Death
Sunday May 4, 1980 - Ljubljana, SR Slovenia, SFR Yugoslavia (now Slovenia)

Josip Broz Tito-Tito was elected as a member of the Politburo for the first time
Tuesday Dec 25, 1934 - Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Skirmishing continued
Sunday Jun 30, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Officially recognised by all European Community member
Wednesday Jan 15, 1992 - Slovania

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Rapidly losing ground
Friday Jun 28, 1991 - Slovenia

Napoleon-Treaty of Leoben
Tuesday Apr 18, 1797 - Leoben, Austria

Nikola Tesla-Tesla's father went to Maribor to beg his son to return home, but he refused
Mar, 1879 - Maribor, Slovenia

Nikola Tesla-Tesla left Graz
Dec, 1878 - Maribor, Slovenia

Battle of Nancy
Friday Jan 5, 1477 - Switzerland