Johann Sebastian Bach - Bach became the organist at the New Church
Time: Aug, 1703
Place: Weimar, Germany
Details: In August 1703, he became the organist at the New Church, with light duties, a relatively generous salary, and a new organ tuned in a temperament that allowed music written in a wider range of keys to be played.

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach was appointed court musician in the chapel of Duke Johann Ernst III
Jan, 1703 - Weimar, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Konzertmeister
1714 - Weimar, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-First Child
1708 - Weimar, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach left Mühlhausen returning to Weimar
1708 - Weimar, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Little Organ Book
1708 - Weimar, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach eventually fell out of favor in Weimar
1717 - Weimar, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-The Well-Tempered Clavier
18th Century - Weimar, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels spoke at party meetings in Munich and at the annual Party Congress
1926 - Weimar, Germany

The Holocaust-Buchenwald was liberated
Wednesday Apr 11, 1945 - Weimar, Germany

Weimar Republic-Council of the People's Deputies takes control
Nov, 1918 - Germany

Unification of Germany-German Empire
1871 - Germany

German revolutions of 1848–1849-A law allowing universal suffrage
Saturday Apr 8, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

Treaty of Versailles-The German government refused to sign the treaty
Jun, 1919 - Germany

Johann Heinrich Buttstett Birth
Saturday Apr 2, 1735 - Erfurt

Napoleon-Battle of Jena–Auerstedt
Tuesday Oct 14, 1806 - Jena and Auerstedt, Germany

Napoleon-Congress of Erfurt
Saturday Aug 27, 1808 - Erfurt, Germany

Johann Gottfried Walther Birth
Monday Sep 18, 1684 - Erfurt

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Draft of the Paulskirchenverfassung constitution was finally passed
Wednesday Mar 28, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

Johann Kellner Birth
Monday Sep 28, 1705 - Thuringia

Johann Sebastian Bach-Marriage
Monday Oct 17, 1707 - Dornheim, Germany

Operation Mincemeat-German reaction after the information about the briefcase
Friday May 14, 1943 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-German referendum
Sunday Dec 22, 1929 - Germany

German revolutions of 1848–1849-A resurgence of revolutionary activity occurred in Baden
1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

Unification of Germany-Prussian representative in Florence signed a secret agreement with the Italian government
Monday Apr 16, 1866 - Germany

Albrecht Kossel-Marriage
1886 - Germany

Josef Schnabel Birth
Sunday May 24, 1767 - Naumburg

Weimar Republic-Von Schleicher's government took over after the resignation of Franz von Papen
Sunday Dec 3, 1933 - Germany

Treaty of Versailles-The Allied Powers Blockaded Germany
1910s - Germany

X-ray-X-ray crystallography
1912 - Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach moved in with his eldest brother
1695 - Ohrdruf, Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (Present Day Germany)

Weimar Republic-Hitler proposed the Enabling Law to the Reichstag
Thursday Mar 23, 1933 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Renounced both the English and Polish Agreement
Thursday Apr 28, 1938 - Germany

Karl Lichtenstein Birth
Tuesday Sep 8, 1767 - Bavaria

Anna May Wong-Wong became an inseparable friend of the director Leni Riefenstahl
1920s - Germany

Weimar Republic-Increased unemployed in the Weimar Republic
1926 - Germany

Juliana van Stolberg's death
Wednesday Jun 18, 1580 - Nassau

Treaty of Versailles-An armistice was temporary during the war
Jan, 1919 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Hindenburg died
Thursday Aug 2, 1934 - Germany

Weimar Republic-The German Republic was announced by Philipp Scheidemann
Saturday Nov 9, 1918 - Germany

Charles Frederick Horn Birth
Tuesday Apr 13, 1762 - Nordhausen

Berlin Wall-New Passport
Wednesday Dec 11, 1957 - East Germany, Germany

Computer-One of The Earliest Examples of an Electromechanical relay Computer.
1939 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Iron Cross
Sunday Aug 4, 1918 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Expansion of the army
Mar, 1935 - Gemany

X-ray-Being noticed with cathode rays
1869 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Offended by the British "guarantee"
Friday Mar 31, 1939 - Germany

Bicycle-The Recumbent Bicycle
1893 - Germany

Cameras-German Mec 16 SB
1960 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Marriage
Monday Sep 2, 1929 - Germany

Holy Roman Empire-Roman Empire
1157 - (Then Germany)

Weimar Republic- A coup attempt against the Weimar Republic
Saturday Mar 13, 1920 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-The Only legal political party in Germany
Friday Jul 14, 1933 - Germany

Paulus Melissus Brith
Wednesday Dec 20, 1539 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-The records of the Wannsee Conference
Tuesday Jan 20, 1942 - Germany

Unification of Germany-German campaign of 1813
1813 - Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach applied for a post as organist at the Blasius Church
1706 - Blasius Church, Mühlhausen, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Gott ist mein König
1708 - Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach had a cantata performed on Easter
Sunday Apr 24, 1707 - Mühlhausen, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4
1707 - Mühlhausen, Germany

X-ray-Discovery by Röntgen
Friday Nov 8, 1895 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Military mobilization is ordered
Tuesday Aug 22, 1939 - Germany

Michael Ballack-Retirement
Tuesday Oct 2, 2012 - Germany

German revolutions of 1848–1849-"State Committee for the Defence and Implementation of the Constitution"
Wednesday May 2, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

Heinrich Himmler-Appointing Reinhard Heydrich
1931 - Germany

Holy Roman Empire-Hohenstaufen
1079 - Duchy of Swabia, Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of Sicily, Kingdom of Jerusalem

Nobel Prize-Forbidden laureates
1938 - Germany

Adidas-The First Football Match After World War II
1948 - Germany

Revolutions of 1848-German revolutions of 1848–1849
Feb, 1848 - Germany

Severo Ochoa-Wander years
Sep, 1936 - Germany, England and U.S.

Holy Roman Empire-The German dualism between Austria and Prussia dominated the empire's history after 1740
1740 - Germany, Holy Roman Empire

Albrecht Kossel-Children
1880s - Germany

X-ray-Sending the news
Wednesday Jan 1, 1896 - Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Mother's Death
Saturday May 1, 1694 - Eisenach, Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Birth
Saturday Mar 31, 1685 - Eisenach, Germany

Holy Roman Empire-Battle of Riade
Sunday Mar 15, 933 - (Present Day Central Germany)

Adolf Hitler-Other parties had been intimidated into disbanding
Thursday Jun 29, 1933 - Germany

Mozart-Travelling with prince Lichnowsky
1789 - Germany

Weimar Republic-Treaty of Rapallo
Sunday Apr 16, 1922 - Germany

Hot Dog-Suspicion that sausages contained dog meat
20th Century - Germany

World War II-Delayed attack
Wednesday Aug 23, 1939 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-World War I Ended
Monday Nov 11, 1918 - Germany

Revolutions of 1848-A depiction of Leopold I of Belgium's symbolic offer to resign the crown
1848 - Germany

The Holocaust-Letter from Reinhard Heydrich to the Einsatzgruppen
Thursday Sep 21, 1939 - Germany

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Joining the Nazi Party
Tuesday Nov 1, 1938 - Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Nuremberg Laws
Sunday Sep 15, 1935 - Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Removing SPD/KPD governments
Monday Oct 29, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Heinrich Himmler-Running The SS as a separate Organization
1930 - Germany

Holy Roman Empire-Martin Luther launched what later be known as the Reformation
1517 - Germany, Holy Roman Empire

Antibiotic-The First Synthetic Antibacterial Organoarsenic Compound Salvarsan
1907 - Germany

World War 1-Germany entered into World War I
Saturday Aug 1, 1914 - Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach's Missa of 1733
1733 - Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Chief of German Police and a State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior
Wednesday Jun 17, 1936 - Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Hitler became the Führer
Wednesday Aug 1, 1934 - Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Clavier-Übung III
1735 - Germany

IBM-Quantum Computer
Mar, 2020 - Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach copied, transcribed, expanded or programmed music in an older polyphonic style
1740 - Germany

Cameras-Leica I
1925 - Germany

Lothar Meyer-Marriage
1866 - Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Joining the German Democratic Party
1918 - Weimar Republic (Present day Germany)

German revolutions of 1848–1849-D'Ester had been elected to the Central committee of the German Democrats
Monday Oct 30, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

Johann Sebastian Bach-Bach was appointed court musician in the chapel of Duke Johann Ernst III
Jan, 1703 - Weimar, Germany

Buckingham Palace-The Design
1703 - London, England, United Kingdom

Columban Praelisauer was baptized
Thursday Jan 11, 1703 - Kötzting

Ak incident (1703)
Tuesday Mar 20, 1703 - Edo

Antoine Deparcieux Birth
Sunday Oct 28, 1703 - Portes

Johann Kunckel's death
Tuesday Mar 20, 1703 - Sweden