Kingdom of Pergamon - Battle of Aphrodisium
Time: 238 BC
Place: Anatolia
Details: Attalus defeated the Gauls and Antiochus in the battle of Aphrodisium and in a second battle in the east.

Hittites-Anitta text
1745 BC - Kussara (Present-Day Souhtwestern Kültepe)

Disasters with highest death tolls-115 Antioch Earthquake
Friday Dec 13, 115 - Roman Empire (now Turkey)

Disasters with highest death tolls-587 Antioch Earthquake
Sunday Sep 30, 587 - Byzantine Empire (now Turkey)

Ottoman Empire-Armenian genocide
1915 - Ottoman Empire

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim's forces won and captured the Grand Vizier
Wednesday Dec 21, 1831 - Turkey

Hittites-Zalpuwa first attacked Kanesh under Uhna
1833 BC - Present-Day Kayseri Province, Turkey

Disasters with highest death tolls-342 Antioch Earthquake
342 - Roman Empire (now Turkey)

Disasters with highest death tolls-526 Antioch Earthquake
May, 526 - Byzantine Empire (now Turkey)

Disasters with highest death tolls-458 Antioch Earthquake
Sep, 458 - Byzantine Empire (now Turkey)

Ottoman Empire-Anatolian Beyliks
1250s - Turkey

Huns-The Saragurs defeated the Akatziri
463 - Turkey

Napoleon-Ottoman Emperor Selim III recognized Napoleon as Emperor
Feb, 1806 - Ottoman Empire (Present Day Turkey)

Assyria-Shalmaneser I conquered eight kingdoms in central Anatolia
1274 BC - Central Anatolia

Ottoman Empire-Ottoman Interregnum
Tuesday Jul 20, 1402 - Anatolia, and Balkans

Ahmed II's death
Sunday Feb 6, 1695 - Turkey

Roman Empire-Gordian I proclaim himself emperor
Mar, 238 - Rome

Roman Empire-Gordian I died
Thursday Apr 12, 238 - Carthage, Africa Proconsularis (Present-Day in Tunisia)

Roman Empire-Pupienus and Balbinus joint emperors
Sunday Apr 22, 238 - Rome

Roman Empire-Maximinus Thrax died
Thursday May 10, 238 - Aquileia, Italy, Roman Empire

Roman Empire-Gordian III was proclaimed sole emperor
Sunday Jul 29, 238 - Rome

Ptolemaic Kingdom-Ptolemy III had introduced an important innovation
238 BC - Alexandria, Egypt