Babylon - Battle of Hamath
Time: 605 BC
Place: Hama (Present-Day Syria)
Details: The Battle of Hamath, sometimes called the Battle of Hama, was a battle between the Babylonians and the fleeing remnants of the Egyptian army defeated at Carchemish. It was fought near the ancient city Hamath on the Orontes.

Ancient Egypt-Battle of Hamath
605 BC - Hama

Qasem Soleimani-Soleimani was seen in the northern Hama Governorate countryside in Syria
Mar, 2017 - Hama, Syria

Arameans-Tabrimmon was an Aramaean king
11th Century BC - Hama, Syria

Arameans-Zakkur was the ancient king of Hamath
785 BC - Hama, Syria

Arameans-Irhuleni was King of Hamath
10th Century BC - Hama, Syria

Arameans-King Tou was a king of Hamath
12th Century BC - Hama, Syria

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim defeated Ottoman army at Homs
Friday Jul 8, 1831 - Homs, Syria

Roman Empire-Elagabalus was proclaimed emperor
Jun, 218 - Emesa (Present-Day Homs, Syria)

Seleucid Empire-Treaty of Apamea
188 BC - Apamea, Syria

Hittites-Battle of Kadesh
1274 BC - Present-Day in Syria

Gulf War-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein expelled Abu Nidal
Nov, 1983 - Syria

Qasem Soleimani-Retaking of Qusayr
May, 2013 - Qusayr, Syria

Ancient Egypt-Battle of Kadesh
1274 BC - Kadesh, Syria

Arameans-The first time appeared of Arameans
2300 BC - Tell Mardikh, Idlib, Syria

Arameans-Amrit was Aramean city
31st Century BC - Tartus, Syria

Babylon-Nebuchadnezzar II
605 BC - Babylon (Present-Day Iraq)

Babylon-Battle of Carchemish
605 BC - Carchemish

Ancient Egypt-Battle of Carchemish
605 BC - Carchemish

Ancient Egypt-Battle of Hamath
605 BC - Hama

Assyria-Battle of Carchemish
605 BC - Carchemish