Battle of Hochkirch
Time: Saturday Oct 14, 1758
Place: Prussia
Details: The Austrian army defeated Prussia at the battle at Hochkirk.

August Meiner Birth
Saturday Nov 3, 1753 - Bautzen

World War II-Upper Silesian Offensive
Saturday Mar 31, 1945 - Upper Silesia, Germany

Christian Gottlieb Ziegler Birth
Saturday Mar 25, 1702 - Pulsnitz

German revolutions of 1848–1849-The Prussian government called up a large portion of the army reserve—the Landwehr in Westphalia and the Rhineland
Dec, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

John George IV, Elector of Saxony (1668)
Thursday Oct 18, 1668 - Saxony

Johann Gottlieb Naumann Birth
Monday Apr 17, 1741 - Blasewitz

German revolutions of 1848–1849-German composer Richard Wagner engaged in the revolution in Dresden
Wednesday May 9, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Dresden, Saxony, Germany)

Gustav Stresemann-Dresden town council
1906 - Dresden, Kingdom of Saxony (Present day Saxony state, Germany)

Heinrich von Bellegarde Birth
Sunday Aug 29, 1756 - Dresden

Napoleon-Battle of Dresden
Thursday Aug 26, 1813 - Dresden, Kingdom of Saxony (Present Day Germany)

Winston Churchill-Bombing of Dresden
Tuesday Feb 13, 1945 - Dresden, Germany

German revolutions of 1848–1849-May Uprising in Dresden
Monday Mar 5, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Berlin, Dresden, Saxony, Germany)

Gustav Stresemann-Stresemann and Saxon
1902 - Kingdom of Saxony (Present day Saxony state, Germany)

Bartholomus Ziegenbalg Birth
Friday Jul 10, 1682 - Saxony
On This Day - 14 October

Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-His inauguration
Friday Oct 14, 996 - Egypt

Napoleon-Battle of Jena–Auerstedt
Tuesday Oct 14, 1806 - Jena and Auerstedt, Germany

Napoleon-Treaty of Schönbrunn
Saturday Oct 14, 1809 - Schönbrunn Palace near Vienna, Austria

Incandescent light bulb-Edison filed his first patent Application for "Improvement In Electric Lights"
Monday Oct 14, 1878 - New Jersey, U.S.

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Birth
Tuesday Oct 14, 1890 - Denison, Texas, U.S.

Second Boer War-Siege of Kimberley
Saturday Oct 14, 1899 - Kimberley, South Africa

1905 Russian Revolution-October Manifesto
Saturday Oct 14, 1905 - Russian Empire

Theodore Roosevelt-Assassination Attempt
Monday Oct 14, 1912 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.

Mamie Till-Mamie married Louis Till
Monday Oct 14, 1940 - New Madrid, Missouri

The Holocaust-Jewish prisoners attempted escape
Thursday Oct 14, 1943 - Sobibór, Poland

Korean War-The Battle of Triangle Hill
Tuesday Oct 14, 1952 - North of Gimhwa-eup, Chorwon County, North Korea

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Queen's Privy Council for Canada
Monday Oct 14, 1957 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Retaliation
Friday Oct 14, 1960 - Cuba

Fidel Castro-The Retaliation
Friday Oct 14, 1960 - Cuba

John F. Kennedy-Soviets' construction of intermediate-range ballistic missile sites in Cuba
Saturday Oct 14, 1961 - Cuba

Iran–Iraq War-The Ambush
Wednesday Oct 14, 1981 - Iran

Kaká-Sidewalk of fame
Tuesday Oct 14, 2008 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Justin Trudeau-Prime Minister Stephen Harper called an election
Tuesday Oct 14, 2008 - Canada

New York Stock Exchange-Second-longest bull market begins
Wednesday Oct 14, 2009 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Kevin Hart-Kevin Hart: What Now? (The Mixtape Presents Chocolate Droppa)
Friday Oct 14, 2016 - U.S.

Hubert Matthijs Birth
Friday Oct 14, 1774 - Utrecht

George Washington-Virginia Regiment was assigned to Britain's Forbes Expedition to take Fort Duquesne
1758 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Elizabeth Hamilton Birth
Tuesday Jul 25, 1758 - Belfast

John Hoppner Birth
Tuesday Apr 4, 1758 - Whitechapel

Battle of Zorndorf
Monday Aug 14, 1758 - Russia

Siege of Louisbourg (1758)
Tuesday Jul 25, 1758 - Nova Scotia

Washington served in the Virginia House of Burgesses for fifteen years
Monday Jul 24, 1758 - Frederick County