Byzantine Empire - Battle of Myriokephalon
Time: Friday Sep 17, 1176
Place: Lake Beyşehir
Details: In the east, however, Manuel suffered a major defeat in 1176 at the Battle of Myriokephalon, against the Turks. Yet the losses were quickly recovered, and in the following year Manuel's forces inflicted a defeat upon a force of "picked Turks".
Armenian Genocide-No Armenian question longer exists
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Ottoman Empire-Treaty of Nasuh Pasha
Tuesday Nov 20, 1612 - Ottoman Empire
Byzantine Empire-Justinian II returned to Constantinople
705 - Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire-Beginning of the Macedonian dynasty
867 - Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire-Empress Theodora restored the veneration of icons
843 - Byzantine Empire
On This Day - 17 September
Roman Empire-Tiberius's reign
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