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Ancient India - Battle of the Hydaspes River

Time: 326 BC

Place: Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan

Details: The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought between Alexander the Great and King Porus. The Battle of the Hydaspes River was fought by Alexander in July 326 BC against King Porus on the Hydaspes River in Punjab, near Bhera. The Hydaspes was the last major battle fought by Alexander.



Temple of Hephaestus - Athens, Greece - Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece-Battle of the Hydaspes
May, 326 BC - Hydaspes River (Present-Day Punjab Province, Pakistan)


Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Second Samnite War
326 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)
Temple of Hephaestus - Athens, Greece - Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece-Battle of the Hydaspes
May, 326 BC - Hydaspes River (Present-Day Punjab Province, Pakistan)
Temple of Hephaestus - Athens, Greece - Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece-Alexander personally led a campaign
326 BC - (Present-Day Pakistan and Afghanistan)