Ancient Greece - Battle of Thermopylae
Time: 480 BC
Place: Thermopylae, Greece
Details: In 480 BC, the first major battle of the invasion was fought at Thermopylae, where a small rearguard of Greeks, led by three hundred Spartans, held a crucial pass guarding the heart of Greece for several days. As a result, Phocis, Boeotia, and Attica were under Persian control.
Cleopatra-Battle of Pharsalus
Sunday Aug 9, 48 BC - Palaepharsalus, Greece
Ancient Greece-Battle of Mantinea (362 BC)
362 BC - Mantineia, Greece
Ancient Greece-Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC)
Wednesday Aug 3, 338 BC - Chaeronea, Boeotia, Greece
Ancient Greece-Battle of Leuctra
Wednesday Jul 7, 371 BC - Boeotia, Greece
Ancient Greece-Athenian failure to regain control of Boeotia at Delium and Brasidas' successes in northern Greece
424 BC - Boeotia, Greece
Roman Republic-War of Actium
Tuesday Mar 23, 32 BC - Greece and Egypt
Ancient Greece-Athens took control of Boeotia
450s BC - Boeotia, Greece
Kingdom of Pergamon-Attalus I provided Romans assistance in the Second Macedonian War
200s BC - Greece
Ancient Greece-Third Macedonian War
171 BC - Thessaly, Ancient Macedonia and Illyria
Byzantine Empire-Zeno became the sole claimant to Emperor of the empire
480 - Byzantine Empire
Roman Republic-Etruscans attacked the Roman camp
480 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Roman Republic-Rome was rent by internal dissension
480 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Etruscan civilization-Etruria's ally Carthage was defeated
480 BC - Italy
Martial arts-Extensive development in martial philosophy and strategy emerged
480 BC - China and India
Ancient Greece-Battle of Himera
480 BC - Himera, Sicily
Ancient Greece-Battle of Salamis
480 BC - Salamis Island, Greece
Ancient Greece-Second Invasion
480 BC - Greece