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Muhammad Ali of Egypt - Bolukbashi

Time: 18th Century

Place: Kavala, Ottoman Empire (Present-Day Kavala, Greece)

Details: His mother was Zeynep, the daughter of the "Ayan of Kavala" Çorbaci Husain Agha. When his father died at a young age, Muhammad was taken and raised by his uncle with his cousins. As a reward for Muhammad Ali's hard work, his uncle gave him the rank of "Bolukbashi" for the collection of taxes in the town of Kavala.



Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-His marriage of Amina
18th Century - Kavala, Ottoman Empire (Present-Day Kavala, Greece)
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Birth
Saturday Mar 4, 1769 - Kavala, Ottoman Empire (Present-Day Kavala, Greece)
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Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim's birth
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Q. Servilius Caepio
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