Second Boer War - Britain annexed Natal
Time: 1843
Place: South Africa
Details: Around 15,000 trekking Boers departed the Cape Colony and followed the eastern coast towards Natal. After Britain annexed Natal in 1843, they journeyed further northwards into South Africa's vast eastern interior.

Nelson Mandela-2nd Marriage
Saturday Jun 14, 1958 - Bizana, South Africa

Nelson Mandela-The campaign protests
Sunday Jun 22, 1952 - Durban, South Africa

Sojourner Truth-Truth began attending Millerite Adventist camp meetings
1843 - New York, U.S.

Sojourner Truth-Changed her name
Thursday Jun 1, 1843 - U.S.

Frederick Douglass-Douglass joined other speakers in the American Anti-Slavery Society's "Hundred Conventions" project
1843 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln was defeated by John J. Hardin
1843 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Robert Todd Lincoln birth
Wednesday Aug 2, 1843 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali's mind became increasingly clouded
1843 - Egypt