Jimmy Hoffa - Chief Counsel of the Division of Civil Disability and Workers Rights
Time: 2010
Place: Missouri, U.S.
Details: Barbara agreed to serve under Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster as Chief Counsel of the Division of Civil Disability and Workers Rights.
Jimmy Hoffa-Retirement of Barbara
Mar, 2011 - Missouri, U.S.
Flag of the United States-24 Stars
Thursday Jul 4, 1822 - U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-Dred Scott v. Sandford
1857 - U.S.
Rosa Parks-The Missouri Legislature voted to name the highway section the "Rosa Parks Highway"
1994 - Missouri, U.S.
Harry S. Truman-Missouri National Guard
1905 - Missouri, U.S.
2010 - Munich, Germany
Christine Lagarde-The Finance Minister of France
2010 - Geneva, Switzerland
Symbian OS-Open-source Qt framework introduced to Symbian
2010 - Espoo, Finland
HTC-Handset sales
2010 - Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook Opened Its Fourth Office, In Hyderabad
2010 - Hyderabad, Telangana, India