United Nations - Chinese seat on the Security Council
Time: Monday Oct 25, 1971
Place: U.S.
Details: With the spread of decolonization in the 1960s, the organization's membership saw an influx of newly independent nations. In 1960 alone, 17 new states joined the UN, 16 of them from Africa. On 25 October 1971, with opposition from the United States, but with the support of many Third World nations, the mainland, communist People's Republic of China was given the Chinese seat on the Security Council in place of the Republic of China that occupied Taiwan; the vote was widely seen as a sign of waning US influence in the organization.

Audrey Hepburn-The Spirit of Audrey
2002 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Qasem Soleimani-United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747
Mar, 2007 - New York, U.S.

Joe Biden-Biden supported the 1999 NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
1999 - U.S.

Jacinda Ardern-Attending the UN General Assembly
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019 - New York, U.S.

United Nations-UN peacekeeping force was established to end the Suez Crisis
Wednesday Nov 7, 1956 - U.S.

United Nations-Security Council resolution
Friday Jul 7, 1950 - U.S.

United Nations-Headquarters
Tuesday Sep 14, 1948 - New York City, New York, U.S.

United Nations-General Assembly approved a resolution to partition Palestine
Saturday Nov 29, 1947 - U.S.

United Nations-Reducing the size of the organization somewhat
1992 - U.S.

United Nations-Systemic failure
2013 - U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-Gaulle argued that France must have its own nuclear arsenal
Apr, 1954 - U.S.

Jacinda Ardern-Criticising Donald Trump in the UN
Dec, 2017 - New York, U.S.

Chernobyl disaster-The Chernobyl Trust Fund was created
1991 - U.S.

United Nations-UN intervened with peacekeepers in crises
2000s - U.S.

United Nations-Ninth Secretary-General
Sunday Jan 1, 2017 - New York City, New York, U.S.

United Nations-The UN officially came into existence
Wednesday Oct 24, 1945 - U.S.

United Nations-Further management reforms
1997 - U.S.

United Nations-United Nations Commission on Human Rights was formed
1993 - U.S.

Audrey Hepburn-Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF
1989 - U.S.

Audrey Hepburn-Hepburn narrated two radio programmes for UNICEF
1950s - U.S.

Atlantic Charter-Declaration by United Nations
Thursday Jan 1, 1942 - U.S.

Invasion of Panama-the General Assembly of the United Nations
Friday Dec 29, 1989 - New York, U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace
1949 - New York City, New York, U.S.

United Nations-First public debate between candidates for Secretary-General
2016 - U.S.

2008 Sichuan earthquake-UNICEF reported that China formally requested the support of the international community to respond to the needs of affected families
Wednesday May 14, 2008 - New York City, New York, U.S.

United Nations-2005 World Summit
Wednesday Sep 14, 2005 - New York City, New York, U.S.

United Nations-United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379
Monday Nov 10, 1975 - U.S.

Chernobyl disaster-The United Nations Scientific Committee revealed cases of thyroid cancer
2005 - New York, U.S.

United Nations-Organs
1945 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Muhammad Yunus-He Was appointed To The High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth
Mar, 2016 - New York City, New York, U.S.

United Nations-Sustainable Development Goals
2015 - New York City, New York, U.S.

United Nations-Millennium Summit
Wednesday Sep 6, 2000 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Joe Biden-Biden and Jill Tracy Jacobs were married
Friday Jun 17, 1977 - New York, U.S.

Penicillin-Over 646 billion units per year were being produced
Jun, 1945 - New York, U.S.

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Pfizer released trial results for a vaccine
Monday Nov 9, 2020 - New York, New York, United States

Warren Buffett-Salomon Inc.
1987 - New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Assuming the role of publisher
1972 - New York, U.S.

Eiffel Tower-The tower lost the title of the world's tallest structure
Tuesday May 27, 1930 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Donald Trump-Grand Hyatt Hotel
1980 - New York, U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump attracted public attention
1978 - New York, U.S.

The Beatles-The Beatles were Inducted Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Wednesday Jan 20, 1988 - Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, U.S.

Jacinda Ardern-Working at a soup kitchen
2005 - New York, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla lived at the Waldorf Astoria
1900 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Severo Ochoa-New York University School of Medicine
1942 - 560 1st Ave, New York, U.S.

Angelina Jolie-The Good Shepherd
Friday Dec 22, 2006 - New York, United States

Nikola Tesla-Tesla moved to the St. Regis Hotel
1922 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-1980 work
Feb, 1980 - New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-More work and The Avengers creation
Sep, 1963 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-The Amazing Spider-Man
1966 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Directing Marvel's series
1960s - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Creating superheros with Kirby
Nov, 1961 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Marcus Garvey-Marcus returned to New York City
1916 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Kevin Hart-New Host
Oct, 2020 - U.S.

Elizabeth Blackwell-Kitty Barry
1856 - U.S.

Stan Lee-Writing at Atlas Comics
1950s - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Amazon-Amazon has about a 5 percent share of US retail spending
Wednesday Aug 8, 2018 - New York City, New York, U.S.

1973 oil crisis-Kissinger's interview
Monday Jan 13, 1975 - New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Stepping from Marvel regular duties
1990s - New York, U.S.

Angelina Jolie-Clinton Global Initiative
Sep, 2007 - New York, New York, United States

Stan Lee-Dissatisfaction with his career
1950s - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Carlos Slim-Benjamin N. Duke House
2010 - Manhattan, New York City, U.S.

Stan Lee-Anti drugs Awareness
1971 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Becoming the editor
1941 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Richard Jewell-Richard Jewell v. NBC
2019 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Donald Trump-He registered as a Republican
1987 - Manhatten, New York, U.S.

Bernard Arnault-LVMH Tower
Dec, 1999 - New York, U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015 - New York, U.S.

Frederick Douglass-Marriage
Saturday Sep 15, 1838 - New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Graduating high school
1939 - New York, U.S.

Aaron Hernandez-Getting Drafted
Apr, 2010 - Radio City Music Hall, New York, U.S.

Aaron Hernandez-2010 NFL Draft
2010 - Radio City Music Hall, New York, U.S.

Lady Gaga-One Last Time: an Evening with Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga
Aug, 2021 - New York, U.S.

Lucky Luciano-To Ellis Island in New York Harbor for deportation proceedings
Saturday Feb 2, 1946 - New York, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Office space at 8 West 40th Street
1915 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Aaron Hernandez-Deciding to enter the draft
Wednesday Jan 6, 2010 - Radio City Music Hall, New York, U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-The Crisis
Nov, 1910 - U.S.

Donald Trump-The First two pages of Trump's 2005 federal income tax returns were leaked
Tuesday Mar 14, 2017 - 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-South Fifth Avenue building that housed Tesla's lab caught fire
Wednesday Mar 13, 1895 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Eiffel Tower-Inspiration
1853 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Bank of America-BankAmerica lent hedge fund D. E. Shaw & Co.
1997 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Actual writing of comics
Aug, 1941 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

James Bond-The episode aired live (CBS Series "Casino Royale")
Thursday Oct 21, 1954 - New York City, New York, U.S.

James Bond-CBS paid Ian Fleming $1,000
1954 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Marcus Garvey-Garvey called for the impeachment of several senior UNIA figures
Aug, 1922 - U.S.

3D printing-Tools of the Trade
Nov, 1950 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Citibank
1995 - New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Working at Timely Comics
1939 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Marcus Garvey-Two million members
Jun, 1919 - U.S.

Marcus Garvey-Amy Ashwood became General Secretary of UNIA
Nov, 1918 - U.S.

IBM-100th Anniversary
2012 - U.S.

Richard Jewell-Richard Jewell v. New York Post
Wednesday Jul 23, 1997 - New York, U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-"Steel"
1997 - U.S.

Black History Month-The Wall Street Journal describes it as "a time when the culture and contributions of African Americans take center stage"
2020 - 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York City, U.S.

Marcus Garvey-There were tensions between UNIA and the NAACP
1919 - U.S.

Franklin D. Roosevelt-1910 Elections
Tuesday Nov 8, 1910 - U.S.

Kevin Hart-Extending Hart's company’s agreement with SiriusXM
2020 - New York, U.S.

Stan Lee-Part-time jobs as a teen
1930s - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal freestyled a diss rap about Bryant
Sunday Jun 22, 2008 - New York, U.S.

New York Stock Exchange-NASDAQ was founded and competes with the NYSE as the world's first electronic stock market
Monday Feb 8, 1971 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Marcus Garvey-Garvey twice reached out to Du Bois
1921 - U.S.
On This Day - 25 October

Pablo Picasso-Born
Tuesday Oct 25, 1881 - Málaga, Spain

First Sino-Japanese War-Assaulting The outpost of Hushan
Thursday Oct 25, 1894 at 07:00:00 PM - Hushan, China

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini agreement with Nazi Germany
Sunday Oct 25, 1936 - Italy

Korean War-The PVA First Phase Offensive
Wednesday Oct 25, 1950 - North Korea

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-A mass of Protesters Gathered in Front of The Parliament Building
Thursday Oct 25, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Lucky Luciano-Anastasia's assassination
Friday Oct 25, 1957 - Apalachin, New York, U.S.

Fidel Castro-U.S. Companies' Nationalization
Tuesday Oct 25, 1960 - Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis-The US raised the readiness level against Russia
Thursday Oct 25, 1962 at 10 PM - U.S

Ruhollah Khomeini-Khomeini denounced both the Shah and the United States
Sunday Oct 25, 1964 - Iran

Ronald Reagan-Operation Urgent Fury of Grenada
Tuesday Oct 25, 1983 - Grenada, Carribean islands

Bosnian War-Operation Amanda
Tuesday Oct 25, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kosovo War-The Serbian withdrawal commenced
Sunday Oct 25, 1998 - Kosovo

Microsoft-Windows XP
Thursday Oct 25, 2001 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.

Windows-Windows XP
Thursday Oct 25, 2001 - Redmond, Washington, United States

Monday Oct 25, 2004 - U.S.

Uber-A Uber branded Visa credit card is announced for the United States market
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017 - U.S.

Google LLC-The Exposé, "How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the ‘Father of Android’"
Thursday Oct 25, 2018 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Popeyes-Popeyes announced that the chicken sandwich would return to locations across the US
Friday Oct 25, 2019 - U.S.

Georg Gebel Birth
Friday Oct 25, 1709 - Brzeg

George II's death
Saturday Oct 25, 1760 - Great Britain

Jan Wagenaar Birth
Friday Oct 25, 1709 - Amsterdam

Renée of France Brith
Tuesday Oct 25, 1510 - Touraine

William Grenville Birth
Thursday Oct 25, 1759 - Buckinghamshire

Eduard's death
Wednesday Oct 25, 1415 - York

Xanana Gusmão-Gusmão Completed His National Service
1971 - Timor-Leste

Mobile Phones-The First automatic analog Cellular Systems
1971 - Tokyo, Japan

Mobile Phones-ARP System
1971 - Finland

Josip Broz Tito-Re-elected as President of Yugoslavia by the Federal Assembly for the sixth time
1971 - Yugoslavia

Computer-The First single-chip microprocessor
1971 - U.S.

Patch Adams-Adams earned his Doctor of Medicine in 1971
1971 - Virginia, United States

First Sudanese Civil War-Joseph Lagu Formed a Successful Coup d'état against Gordon Muortat
1971 - Southern Sudan

Muhammad Yunus-Returning home
1971 - Bangladesh

Martin Bormann-The West German Government Declared That Its Hunt For Bormann Was Over
1971 - West Germany

Microprocessor-Pico Electronics and General Instrument (GI) Introduced Their First Collaboration In ICs
1971 - Pennsylvania, U.S.

Nike, Inc.-The Relationship between BRS and Onitsuka Tiger Was Nearing an End
1971 - Oregon, U.S.

Muhammad Yunus-Obtaining His PhD In Economics
1971 - Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.

Microprocessor-Intel's Version of The 1201 Microprocessor arrived
1971 - California, U.S.

Muhammad Yunus-He published the Bangladesh Newsletter
1971 - Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.

Linux-Unix Release
1971 - New Jersey, U.S.

Computer animation-Metadata
1971 - Toronto, Canada

Meditation-Claudio Naranjo's Meditation
1971 - Chile

Jimmy Carter-Governor of Georgia
Tuesday Jan 12, 1971 - Georgia, U.S.

Donald Trump-The Trump Organization
1971 - New York, U.S.

1973 oil crisis-" a complete and total embargo "
Wednesday Feb 3, 1971 - Vienna, Austria

Thanksgiving-Columbus Day
1971 - U.S.

New York Stock Exchange-NASDAQ was founded and competes with the NYSE as the world's first electronic stock market
Monday Feb 8, 1971 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Patch Adams-Patch and friends founded the Zanies
Feb, 1971 - Hillsboro, West Virginia, U.S.

1973 oil crisis-Nixon imposed a price ceiling on oil in 1971
1971 - U.S.

1973 oil crisis-Tehran Price Agreement of 1971
Sunday Feb 14, 1971 - Tehran, Iran

New York Stock Exchange-Non-profit corporation was formed
Thursday Feb 18, 1971 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski moved to Lombard
1971 - Chicago, Illinois, United States

1973 oil crisis-Algeria nationalizes 51 percent of French oil concessions
Feb, 1971 - Algeria

Indira Gandhi-Indian General election
Sunday Feb 28, 1971 - India

Microprocessor-Delivering The First Production Units of The 4004 To Busicom
Mar, 1971 - Japan

Prince Charles-The Royal Air Force College Cranwel
Monday Mar 8, 1971 - Royal Air Force, Cranwell, England

Muhammad Ali Clay-1st Fight against Frazier
Monday Mar 8, 1971 - Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.

Holy Roman Empire-Roman-German Empire
1971 - (then Germany)

Igor Stravinsky-Stravinsky was taken to the Hospital
Thursday Mar 18, 1971 - New York, U.S.

Igor Stravinsky-Stravinsky moved into a Newly Furbished Apartment
Monday Mar 29, 1971 - 920 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, U.S.

1973 oil crisis-The agreement raises posted prices of oil delivered to the Mediterranean from $2.55 to $3.45 per barrel
Friday Apr 2, 1971 - Tripoli, Libya

Igor Stravinsky-The Edema Returned
Sunday Apr 4, 1971 - 920 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, U.S.

Igor Stravinsky-Death
Tuesday Apr 6, 1971 at 05:20:00 AM - 920 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, U.S.

Freddie Mercury-Mercury chose the name "Queen" for the new band
1971 - England, United Kingdom

Stan Lee-Anti drugs Awareness
1971 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Johan Cruyff-The European Cup
Wednesday Jun 2, 1971 - London, England

Nike, Inc.-The Swoosh Was First Used by Nike
Friday Jun 18, 1971 - U.S.

Jimmy Hoffa-Resignation
Saturday Jun 19, 1971 - Washington D.C.,U.S.

Red Dog (Pilbara)-Birth
1971 - Paraburdoo, Western Australia

Elon Musk-Birth
Monday Jun 28, 1971 - Pretoria, South Africa

Mobile Phones-Readycall
Jul, 1971 - London, England

Jul, 1971 - Connecticut, U.S.

Louis Armstrong-Death
Tuesday Jul 6, 1971 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Jimmy Carter-Georgia Human Rights Council
Thursday Jul 8, 1971 - Columbus, Georgia, U.S

Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan-The Abu Dhabi Fund For Arab Economic Development
Thursday Jul 15, 1971 - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Pelé-Last International Match
Sunday Jul 18, 1971 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

First Sudanese Civil War-1971 Sudanese Coup d'état
Monday Jul 19, 1971 - Khartoum, Sudan

KFC-First in New Zealand
1971 - Royal Oak, Auckland, New Zealand

International Monetary Fund-Nixon Shock
1971 - U.S.

Xanax-Xanax Patented
1971 - Michigan, U.S.

1973 oil crisis-President Richard Nixon orders 90-day nationwide freeze on all wages, prices, salaries and rents
Sunday Aug 15, 1971 - U.S.

Bernard Arnault-Graduation
1971 - Palaiseau, France

1973 oil crisis-Price oil in terms of a fixed amount of gold
Sep, 1971 - Vienna, Austria

Microprocessor-TMS 1802NC
Friday Sep 17, 1971 - Dallas, Texas, U.S.

Communist insurgency in Sarawak-The official date of the formation of the party to coincide with the Pontianak Conference
Sunday Sep 19, 1971 - Malaysia

1973 oil crisis-OPEC directs members to negotiate price increases to offset the devaluation of the U.S. dollar
Wednesday Sep 22, 1971 - Vienna, Austria

Richard Branson-Branson was questioned in connection with the selling of records declared export stock
1971 - London, England, United Kingdom

Richard Branson-The Manor Studio
1971 - Oxford, England, United Kingdom

1973 oil crisis-US had information
1971 - U.S.

3D printing-Johannes F Gottwald patented the Liquid Metal Recorder
1971 - Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.

Bernard Arnault-After Graduation
1971 - France

Xerox-Archie McCardell was named president of the company
1971 - New York, U.S.

Xerox-David T. Kearns as a Xerox executive
1971 - U.S.

1973 oil crisis-U.S. Phase II price controls begin
Nov, 1971 - U.S.

Microprocessor-The First Commercially Available Microprocessor
Monday Nov 15, 1971 - California, U.S.

Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan-The Presidency of The UAE
Thursday Dec 2, 1971 - United Arab Emirates

Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan-Supreme Commander of The Armed Forces
Thursday Dec 2, 1971 - United Arab Emirates

Indira Gandhi-The Indo-Pakistani War
Thursday Dec 2, 1971 - India – Pakistan

Ted Bundy-Ted met Ann Rule
1971 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.

1973 oil crisis-Libya nationalizes British Petroleum concession
Tuesday Dec 7, 1971 - Libya

Gita Gopinath-Birth
Wednesday Dec 8, 1971 - Kolkata, India

Disasters with highest death tolls-Hanoi and Red River Delta Flood
1971 - Vietnam

Atari, Inc.-Computer Space
Dec, 1971 - Sunnyvale, California, United States

Jimmy Hoffa-The Commutation from President Nixon Was Conditional
Dec, 1971 - U.S.

Jimmy Hoffa-Released from Prison
Thursday Dec 23, 1971 - Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Justin Trudeau-Birth
Saturday Dec 25, 1971 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

James Bond-Diamonds Are Forever
Thursday Dec 30, 1971 - United Kingdom

Vietnam War-Military Deaths In 1971
1971 - Vietnam