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Beethoven - Compositional Drop

Time: 1813

Place: Vienna, Austria

Details: In early 1813 Beethoven apparently went through a difficult emotional period, and his compositional output dropped. His personal appearance degraded—it had generally been neat—as did his manners in public, notably when dining.



German revolutions of 1848–1849-Austrian troops opened fire on unarmed demonstrators
Wednesday Aug 23, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Vienna, Austria)
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Studying In Vienna
1800s - Vienna, Austria
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Creditanstalt becomes insolvent
Monday May 11, 1931 - Vienna, Austria
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Imperial Government secretly decided on another confrontation against the French
Wednesday Feb 8, 1809 - Austria
Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong-Operetta
1920s - Vienna, Austria
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Siege of Güns
Friday Aug 5, 1532 - Austria, and Hungary
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-The Ninth Symphony
Friday May 7, 1824 - Vienna, Austria
The Holocaust-Germany annexed Austria
Saturday Mar 12, 1938 - Austria
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Napoleon married Marie Louise
Sunday Mar 11, 1810 - Augustinian Church, Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-The Secod Symphony
1802 - Vienna, Austria
Chernobyl disaster-The second reports on Chernobyl; INSAG-7
1992 - Vienna, Austria
Libraries-Austrian National Library
1368 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Deafness Beginning
1798 - Vienna, Austria
The Holocaust-100,000 Austrian Jews had left the country
May, 1939 - Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Collaboration with Da Ponte
Oct, 1785 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-His Most Perfect Single Work
Friday Nov 14, 1828 - Vienna, Austria
J.F.Kennedy Image
John F. Kennedy-Khrushchev meeting
Sunday Jun 4, 1961 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
1819 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-War Reached Vienna
1809 - Vienna, Austria
Carlos Slim
Carlos Slim-Telekom Austria
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Writing the Erocia
1803 - Vienna, Austria
The Holocaust-Adolf Eichmann was put in charge of the Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna
Aug, 1938 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Vienna Statue
1880 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Attracting recognition
1807 - Vienna, Austria
Chernobyl disaster-The reports on Chernobyl; INSAG-1
Friday Aug 29, 1986 - Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart marries Constanze
Sunday Aug 4, 1782 at 09:03:00 PM - St Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-First Performance in Vienna
1795 - Vienna, Austria
World War II
World War II-Bulgaria and Yugoslavia signed the Tripartite Pact
Mar, 1941 - (Present Day Vienna, Austria)
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Suleiman the Magnificent failed to take Vienna
Friday Sep 27, 1529 - Vienna
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Working as the Kammermusicus to the Emperor’s court
Oct, 1787 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Falling in Love
May, 1799 - Vienna, Austria
Yersinia pestis
Plague-The Great Plague of Vienna
1679 - Austria
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-The Congress of Vienna restored the pre-Napoleonic patchwork of independent governments
Jun, 1815 - Vienna, Austria
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Vienna fell for the second time in four years
Saturday May 13, 1809 - Vienna, Austria
Joseph I Habsburg Birth
Joseph I Habsburg Birth
Tuesday Jul 26, 1678 - Vienna
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Leaving for Vienna
1792 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Inflammatory Fever
Oct, 1816 - Vienna, Austria
Ignaz von Seyfried Birth
Ignaz von Seyfried Birth
Thursday Aug 15, 1776 - Vienna
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-The Creatures of Prometheus
1801 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-The Pathétique
1799 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Last Public Appearance as a Soloist
May, 1814 - Vienna, Austria
German revolutions of 1848–1849-Revolution in Vienna was a catalyst to revolution throughout the German states
Mar, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Austrian Empire)
Charles II Brith
Charles II Brith
Monday Jun 3, 1540 - Vienna
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Gasoline shortage/world oil glut
1979 - Worldwide
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Iran and Saudi Arabia block efforts of OPEC price hawks to fix the price of OPEC oil in a currency more stable than the U.S. dollar
Jun, 1978 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Arab oil ministers decide to end most restrictions on exports of oil to the United States
Jun, 1974 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC decides on a 14.5 percent price increase for 1979
Tuesday Dec 18, 1979 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Price oil in terms of a fixed amount of gold
Sep, 1971 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Effective OPEC
1970 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC goes to two-tier pricing
Jan, 1977 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC makes a full 14.5 percent price increase for 1979 effective on April 1
Monday Mar 26, 1979 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC oil ministers agree to use oil weapon in Arab-Israeli War
Wednesday Oct 17, 1973 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Study of supply and demand in relation to possible production controls
Friday Sep 13, 1974 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC discusses raising prices to offset the decline of U.S. dollar value
Friday Mar 16, 1973 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-" a complete and total embargo "
Wednesday Feb 3, 1971 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC moves to prevent companies whose interests were nationalized in Iraq
Friday Jun 9, 1972 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC raises prices on average of 15 percent
Tuesday Jun 26, 1979 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC Gulf Six decides to raise the posted price of marker crude from $5.12 to $11.65 per barrel
Saturday Dec 22, 1973 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC threatens "appropriate sanctions"
Saturday Mar 11, 1972 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC directs members to negotiate price increases to offset the devaluation of the U.S. dollar
Wednesday Sep 22, 1971 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC approves the plan providing for 25 percent government ownership of all Western oil interests operating
Friday Oct 27, 1972 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC prices reunified at $12.70 per barrel as Saudi Arabia and UAE fall into line
1977 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-All except Libya
Monday Mar 18, 1974 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Eight OPEC countries raise posted prices by 11.9 percent
Friday Jun 1, 1973 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC announces a 15 percent increase in government per barrel revenues as of October 1
Wednesday Sep 24, 1975 - Vienna, Austria
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-OPEC decides to freeze prices until April 1
Monday Jan 7, 1974 - Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-His first son and the tragedy
Tuesday Jun 17, 1783 at 02 PM - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
1803 - Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-The Abduction from the Harem
Tuesday Jul 16, 1782 - Burgtheater, Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart meets Haydn
1784 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-The Recipient of the Für Elise
1810 - Vienna, Austria
German revolutions of 1848–1849-The citizens of Vienna returned to the streets
May, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Vienna, Austria)
Anton Teyber Birth
Anton Teyber Birth
Wednesday Sep 8, 1756 - Vienna
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Becoming a Freemason
Tuesday Dec 14, 1784 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Back to Work
Jun, 1813 - Vienna, Austria
Battle of Mohcs
Battle of Mohcs
Sunday Aug 29, 1526 - the Hungarian Empire
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart's last opera
Friday Sep 30, 1791 - Theater auf der Wieden, Vienna
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Winning a Piano Duel
1799 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Apr, 1825 - Vienna, Austria
German revolutions of 1848–1849-Austria was the predominant German state
1846 - Central Europe (Present-Day Austria)
Beethoven Image
Monday Mar 26, 1827 - Vienna, Austria
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Battle of Vienna
Sunday Sep 12, 1683 - Vienna
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Publishing the Erocia
1806 - Vienna, Austria
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Beethoven Expected to Return to Bonn
1794 - Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-A new baby and a new house
Tuesday Sep 21, 1784 - Vienna, Austria
Georg Reutter Birth
Georg Reutter Birth
Friday Nov 3, 1656 - Vienna
Beethoven Image
1809 - Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart resigns
Monday Jun 8, 1778 - Vienna, Austria
Carlos the Jackal Image
Carlos the Jackal-OPEC Attack
Sunday Dec 21, 1975 - Vienna, Austria
Andreas Anton Schmelzer Birth
Andreas Anton Schmelzer Birth
Wednesday Nov 26, 1653 - Vienna
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Battle of Vienna
1683 - Vienna, Austria, Holy Roman Empire
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart wins a duel against Clementi
Monday Dec 24, 1781 - Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart meets Beethoven
Tuesday Apr 7, 1778 - Vienna, Austria
Ferdinand IV Birth
Ferdinand IV Birth
Thursday Sep 8, 1633 - Vienna
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler-Homeless
1909 - Vienna, Austria-Hungary, Austria
German revolutions of 1848–1849-The citizens of Vienna had demonstrated against the emperor's actions
Oct, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Vienna, Austria)
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Congress of Vienna declared Napoleon an outlaw
Monday Mar 13, 1815 - Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Going to Vienna for the first time
Oct, 1762 - Vienna, Austria
Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern-International Union of Socialist Youth
2008 - Vienna, Austria
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-Stayed with his older brother Martin and his family
Oct, 1912 - Vienna, Austria-Hungary


German Empire
Unification of Germany-German campaign of 1813
1813 - Germany
Simon Bolivar
Simón Bolívar-Bolívar was given a military command in Tunja
1813 - Tunja, New Granada (modern-day Colombia)
Simon Bolivar
Simón Bolívar-Bolívar entered Mérida
Monday May 24, 1813 - Mérida, Venezuela
Beethoven Image
Beethoven-Back to Work
Jun, 1813 - Vienna, Austria
Simon Bolivar
Simón Bolívar-Decree of War to the Death
Tuesday Jun 15, 1813 - Venezuela
Simon Bolivar
Simón Bolívar-Caracas was retaken
Friday Aug 6, 1813 - Caracas, Venezuela
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Battle of Dresden
Thursday Aug 26, 1813 - Dresden, Kingdom of Saxony (Present Day Germany)
Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim was left in command of Upper Egypt
Sep, 1813 - Egypt
Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Muhammad Ali landed at Yanbu
1813 - Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Frankfurt proposals
Nov, 1813 - Frankfurt, Germany
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-The Allies had withdrawn the offer
Dec, 1813 - Frankfurt, Germany