Ronald Reagan - Divorce
Time: 1949
Place: U.S.
Details: After the couple had arguments about Reagan's political ambitions, Wyman filed for divorce in 1948, citing a distraction due to her husband's Screen Actors Guild union duties; the divorce was finalized in 1949. Wyman, who was a registered Republican, also stated that their break-up was due to a difference in politics (Reagan was still a Democrat at the time).
Albert Einstein-American Citizen
1940 - U.S.
Barack Obama-Won the the Presidential Elections 2008
Tuesday Nov 4, 2008 - U.S.
Amazon-Walmart sued Amazon
Friday Oct 16, 1998 - U.S.
Chinese Civil War-Only Tibet was left
1949 - China
First Indochina War-Newly established State of Vietnam
1949 - Vietnam
First Indochina War-France officially recognized the nominal "independence" of the State of Vietnam
1949 - Vietnam
Conflict in Myanmar-The Commander-in-chief of the Tatmadaw General Smith Dun was fired
1949 - Kayin State, Myanmar
Akio Morita-The Magnetic Recording Tape
1949 - Tokyo, Japan