Bernard Arnault - Divorce
Time: 1990
Place: France
Details: Arnault divorced Anne Dewavrin in 1990.
Adrien-Marie Legendre Birth
Monday Sep 18, 1752 - Paris
Cheron Birth
Sunday Feb 6, 1695 - Paris
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Stupid U-2 business
May, 1960 - Paris, France
Bernard Arnault-Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
1977 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-Pompidou persuaded De Gaulle to dissolve parliament
Thursday May 30, 1968 - Paris, France
Rwandan genocide-The RPF invaded
1990 - Rwanda
Rwandan genocide-Civil Defense
1990 - Rwanda
Croatian War of Independence-The League of Communists broke up
Jan, 1990 - Croatia
Kosovo War-the Yugoslav government announced it would press ahead with the creation of a multi-party system
Jan, 1990 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)
Rwandan genocide-Large numbers of grenades and munitions
1990 - Rwanda