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Princess Diana - Engagement

Time: Tuesday Feb 24, 1981

Place: London, England, United Kingdom

Details: Their engagement became official on 24 February 1981.



Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Jean Monnet broke with de Gaulle
Sunday Jun 23, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Valentine greeting card
Valentine's Day-Chaucer's poetry about "Valentine's Day"
1382 - Londen, United Kingdom
April Fools' Day
April Fools' Day-Pranks (U.K.)
1957 - London, U.K.
Ben Jonson Birth
Ben Jonson Birth
Sunday Jun 11, 1572 - London
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Henry VIII acquired York Place from Cardinal Thomas Wolsey
1534 - London, England, United Kingdom
Princess Diana Image
Princess Diana-Second Baby
Saturday Sep 15, 1984 - London, England, United Kingdom
Robin Williams 1996 Image
Robin Williams-Singing for charity
Dec, 1999 - London, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Islamist-related terror attack
Wednesday Mar 22, 2017 - London, England, United Kingdom
Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern-A toast to the Commonwealth
Friday Apr 20, 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip's active naval career had ended
Jul, 1951 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill was promoted to lieutenant-colonel
Jan, 1916 - England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip served in the British forces
1940 - United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was promoted to commander
Monday Jun 30, 1952 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill was appointed Minister of Munitions
Jul, 1917 - England, United Kingdom
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-British Government denounced the armistice
Sunday Jun 23, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II at NASA
Queen Elizabeth II-First communication between Queen and Congress
1991 - London, United Kingdom
Brexit-EU negotiators said that an agreement must be reached between UK and the EU
Oct, 2018 - United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip returned to Britain
Sep, 1939 - London, England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was flotilla leader HMS Wallace
Jun, 1942 - United Kingdom
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Townsend returned United Kingdom
Mar, 1958 - United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II at NASA
Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth undertook her first appearance
1943 - London, United Kingdom
A painting dedicated to the founders of Black History Month, the Black United Students at Kent State University, by Ernie Pryor
Black History Month-Black History Month was first celebrated United Kingdom
Oct, 1987 - United Kingdom
Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding-Winning Brit award
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014 - London, United Kingdom
Chocolate-The expansion of the cacao beans Pantation
2nd Millenium - England, France and Netherlands
Theresa May
Theresa May-Defeated again
Friday Mar 29, 2019 - England
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle broadcast again
Monday Jun 24, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Big Ben
1859 - London, England, United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher Image
Margaret Thatcher-Marriage
Thursday Dec 13, 1951 - Wesley's Chapel, London, England
Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding-Marylebone Project
Thursday Dec 24, 2015 - London, United Kingdom
X-ray-The first to unknowingly produce X-ray
1785 - London, England, United Kingdom
Heysel plan
Heysel Stadium Events-Extradited and formally charged with manslaughter
Feb, 1987 - London, England, United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II at NASA
Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth received an honorary BAFTA
Thursday Apr 4, 2013 - London, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Winston is back
Sunday Sep 3, 1939 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Lloyd George moved Churchill to the War Office
Jan, 1919 - England, United Kingdom
Tony Blair Image
Tony Blair-Blair the Leader of Opposition
Tuesday Jul 12, 1994 - England
Brexit-Prime Minister postponed the vote in the House of Commons on her Brexit deal
Monday Dec 10, 2018 - United Kingdom
Brexit-Cameron announced a referendum date
Thursday Jun 23, 2016 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-1923 United Kingdom general election
Thursday Dec 6, 1923 - United kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Opening Speech
Feb, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-The Withdrawal Agreement was brought back to the House
Friday Mar 29, 2019 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Liberals won general election in January 1906
Jan, 1906 - United Kingdom
Brexit-The first alternative offered was that if MPs rejected May's deal in the next week
Friday Apr 12, 2019 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill crossed the floor
Tuesday May 31, 1904 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-The House of Commons voted for both houses to vacate the Palace of Westminster to allow for a complete refurbishment of the building
Jan, 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Commons Chamber was completed
1852 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-The Chamber of the House of Commons reopened
1950 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Theresa May called a snap general election
Apr, 2017 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Real division between Churchill and the Conservatives
1903 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Commons Chamber was rebuilt
1940s - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-The second alternative offered was that if MPs approved May's deal
Wednesday May 22, 2019 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-The House of Commons
1547 - London, England, United Kingdom
The Holocaust-United Nations objected "bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination"
Thursday Dec 17, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Marcus sailed to England
1912 - England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Bomb hit the chamber of the House of Commons
1941 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-India Bill entered Parliament
Dec, 1934 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill lost his Dundee seat
Nov, 1922 - United kingdom
Brexit-House of Commons voted 432 to 202 against the deal
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill opposed the government's proposed Aliens Bill
May, 1904 - England, United Kingdom
World War II
World War II-The Norway Debate
Tuesday May 7, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-UK and EU negotiators agreed the text of a draft withdrawal agreement
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Commons debated Dominion Status for India
Thursday Dec 3, 1931 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill took his seat in the House of Commons
Feb, 1901 - London, England, United Kingdm
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace-House of Commons backed funding for the project
Mar, 2017 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Norway Debate
Tuesday May 7, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-"blood, toil, tears and sweat" speech
Monday May 13, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill introduced the second reading of the Coal Mines Bill in parliament
Mar, 1911 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill called the Munich Agreement "a total and unmitigated defeat"
Wednesday Oct 5, 1938 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Lloyd George introduced the National Insurance Act 1911
Apr, 1911 - England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Partial agreement was reached
Dec, 2017 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Asquith's government introduced the Home Rule Bill
1912 - England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill voted in support of the Representation of the People Act 1918
1918 - England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Chequers plan
Thursday Jul 12, 2018 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill convinced the House of Commons to authorize the government purchase of a 51 percent share in the profits of oil produced by the Anglo-Persian Oil Company
Jun, 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-European Union Referendum Act 2015
2015 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill defected from the Conservatives
1904 - England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Duke was commended by the Speaker of the British House of Commons for his role in supporting the Queen
2002 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-UK would trigger Article 50
Mar, 2017 - United Kingdom
Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth Blackwell-Medical Act of 1858
1858 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-A Car bomb
Friday Mar 30, 1979 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Royal Assent
Monday Sep 9, 2019 - United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-A Fire
Thursday Oct 16, 1834 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-The North Wall of Westminster Hall is undergoing restoration
Oct, 2012 - London, England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip became the first lieutenant of HMS Wallace
Oct, 1942 - United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Most of the work had been carried out
1860 - London, England
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip spent four months on the battleship HMS Ramillies
Jan, 1940 - United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-The new Pugin-Barry design
Monday Apr 27, 1840 - London, England, United Kingdom
Libraries-Public Libraries Act 1850
Thursday Aug 15, 1850 - London, England, United Kingdom
Elizabeth Woodville
Elizabeth Woodville-Elizabeth was present at the birth of her granddaughter Margaret
Jun, 1491 - Westminster Palace, London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Works proceeded quickly
Feb, 1835 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War II
World War II-United Kingdom declaration of war on Japan
Monday Dec 8, 1941 - United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Failed Gunpowder Plot
1605 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-The Stonework had to be replaced
1910s - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-The Cost to restore the Palace of Westminster
Jun, 2015 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War II
World War II-Neville Chamberlain resignation
Friday May 10, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Clear defects
1849 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Old Palace
1016 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-White Chamber
1801 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Fire destroyed the royal residential
1512 - London, England, United Kingdom
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Painted Chamber
13th Century - London, England, United Kingdom
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace-Destruction of the Palace of Westminster by fire
Thursday Oct 16, 1834 - London, England, United Kingdom

On This Day - 24 February

Aureus of Augustus, the first Roman Emperor
Roman Empire-Diocletian's first "Edict against the Christians" was published
Tuesday Feb 24, 303 - Roman Empire
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Qualifiers delivered their unanimous report
Wednesday Feb 24, 1616 - Italy
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln arrived in disguise in Washington, D.C.
Sunday Feb 24, 1861 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-The House of Representatives Against Johnson
Monday Feb 24, 1868 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-Impeachment
Monday Feb 24, 1868 - U.S.
World War II
World War II-Japan withdrew from the League of Nations
Friday Feb 24, 1933 - Geneva, Switzerland
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Neil became a Midshipman
Thursday Feb 24, 1949 - Naval Air Station Pensacola, Pensacola, Florida, U.S.
Korean War Image
Korean War-The Military Commission discussed the PVA's logistical problems
Sunday Feb 24, 1952 - China
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn-Hepburn received the Golden Globe for World Film Favorite that year
Thursday Feb 24, 1955 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Che Guevara Image
Che Guevara-Last public appearance
Wednesday Feb 24, 1965 - Algiers, Algeria
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Operation Kheibar
Friday Feb 24, 1984 - Majnoon Island, Iraq
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Iraqi 2nd Counter-offensive To retake al-Faw
Monday Feb 24, 1986 - al-Faw Peninsula, Iraq
Hirohito-The Emperor Funeral
Friday Feb 24, 1989 - Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm Image
Gulf War-The 1st Cavalry Division conducted a couple artillery missions
Sunday Feb 24, 1991 - Kuwait
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm Image
Gulf War-the US VII Corps, in full strength and spearheaded by the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, launched an armored attack into Iraq
Sunday Feb 24, 1991 - Iraq
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm Image
Gulf War-British and American armored forces crossed the Iraq–Kuwait border
Sunday Feb 24, 1991 - Iraq
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm Image
Gulf War-1st Infantry Division rolled through the breach in the Iraqi defense
Sunday Feb 24, 1991 - Kuwait
Shakira Image
Shakira-Shakira's First Grammy Award nomination
Wednesday Feb 24, 1999 - Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, USA
Raúl Castro Image
Raúl Castro-16th President of Cuba
Sunday Feb 24, 2008 - Havana, Cuba
Fidel Castro Image
Fidel Castro-Retirement
Sunday Feb 24, 2008 - Havana, Cuba
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-Vodafone in Libya
Wednesday Feb 24, 2010 - Tripoli, Libya
Raúl Castro Image
Raúl Castro-Cuba's Parliament named Raúl Castro to a new five-year term as President
Sunday Feb 24, 2013 - Havana, Cuba
Sepp Blatter Image
Sepp Blatter-FIFA Reduce The Suspension
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016 - FIFA headquarters, Zurich, Switzerland
Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish-Bellyache
Friday Feb 24, 2017 - U.S.
Brexit-Prime Minister May announced that the next vote on the withdrawal agreement
Sunday Feb 24, 2019 - United Kingdom
George Washington
George Washington-Washington Monument
Monday Feb 24, 2020 at 01:12:00 AM - Washington D.C., U.S.
Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Russian Invasion of Ukraine-"A special military operation" in eastern Ukraine
Thursday Feb 24, 2022 at 05 AM - Ukraine
Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Russian Invasion of Ukraine-Battle of Antonov Airport
Thursday Feb 24, 2022 at 07 AM - Hostomel, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine
Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Russian Invasion of Ukraine-Battle of Kharkiv
Thursday Feb 24, 2022 at 07 AM - Kharkiv, Ukraine
Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Russian Invasion of Ukraine-Attack on Snake Island
Thursday Feb 24, 2022 - null
Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Russian Invasion of Ukraine-Battle of Okhtyrka
Thursday Feb 24, 2022 - Kyiv, Ukraine
Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Russian Invasion of Ukraine-Battle of Konotop
Thursday Feb 24, 2022 - Конотоп, Sumy, Ukraine

February 1981

Princess Diana Image
Princess Diana-Proposed
Friday Feb 6, 1981 - United Kingdom
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona-To Boca
Friday Feb 20, 1981 - La Boca, near Buenos Aires, Argentina
Carlos the Jackal Image
Carlos the Jackal-Bombing of the Radio Free Europe offices
Saturday Feb 21, 1981 - Munich, Germany
King Juan Carlos Image
Juan Carlos I-Military Coup attempted
Monday Feb 23, 1981 - Spain


Sepp Blatter Image
Sepp Blatter-General Secretary
1981 - FIFA headquarters, Zurich, Switzerland
Kosovo War Image
Kosovo War-4,000 Serbs moved from Kosovo to central Serbia
Thursday Jan 1, 1981 - Kosovo
Kosovo War Image
Kosovo War-Open and total war
1981 - Kosovo
Marco van Basten
Marco van Basten-Playing for Ajax
1981 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-The world's first international cellular network and the first to allow international roaming
1981 - Finland
A Colombian marine on a field training exercise
Colombian conflict-The Creation of The 1981 Muerte a Secuestradores (MAS)
1981 - Colombia
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde-Joined Baker & McKenzie
1981 - Chicago, Illinois , U.S.
Computer animation-SGI
1981 - U.S.
Canon Camera
Cameras-Sony Mavica
1981 - Tokyo, Japan
Carlos Slim
Carlos Slim-Cigarros la Tabacelera Mexicana (Cigatam)
1981 - Mexico
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-Ronald Reagan cancelled the dispersal of Economic Aid to Nicaragua
Jan, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Intel microprocessor
Microprocessor-Intel's First 32-bit Microprocessor
1981 - California, U.S.
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Operation Nasr
Sunday Jan 4, 1981 - Dezful, Khuzestan Province, Iran
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-The Battle of Dezful
Sunday Jan 4, 1981 - Dezful, Khuzestan Province, Iran
Iranian Revolution Image
Iranian Revolution-The Algiers Accords and The hostages release
Monday Jan 19, 1981 - Algeria
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter-Fifty-two American hostage
Tuesday Jan 20, 1981 - Tehran, Iran
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan-A President
Tuesday Jan 20, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Chris Gardner Sep 2011
Christopher Paul Gardner-Christopher Jarrett Medina Gardner's Birth
Wednesday Jan 28, 1981 - San Francisco, California, U.S.
Jacintha Darlene Gardner-Jacintha Darlene's Brother
Wednesday Jan 28, 1981 - U.S.
Chris Gardner and his Son
Christopher Jarrett Medina Gardner-Birth
Wednesday Jan 28, 1981 - San Francisco, California, U.S.
Princess Diana Image
Princess Diana-Proposed
Friday Feb 6, 1981 - United Kingdom
Internet-Number of hosts had grown to 213
1981 - U.S.
Internet-Computer Science Network (CSNET)
1981 - U.S.
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona-To Boca
Friday Feb 20, 1981 - La Boca, near Buenos Aires, Argentina
Carlos the Jackal Image
Carlos the Jackal-Bombing of the Radio Free Europe offices
Saturday Feb 21, 1981 - Munich, Germany
Cathedral of St. Helena
Stuart Long -Long graduation
1981 - Helena, Montana
King Juan Carlos Image
Juan Carlos I-Military Coup attempted
Monday Feb 23, 1981 - Spain
Kosovo War Image
Kosovo War-The First major outbreak occurred in Kosovo's main city
Sunday Mar 1, 1981 - Pristina, Kosovo
Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff-To Levante
Mar, 1981 - Levante, Cordoba, Spain
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan-Assassination Attempt
Monday Mar 30, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Attack on H3
Friday Apr 3, 1981 - H-3 Airbase, Iraq
Juan Trippe
Juan Trippe-Death
Friday Apr 3, 1981 - New York, U.S.
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-FA Cup semi-final 1981
Saturday Apr 11, 1981 - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury-Mercury recorded several tracks with Michael Jackson
1981 - U.S. and United Kingdom
Bob Marley Image
Bob Marley-Death
Monday May 11, 1981 - University of Miami Hospital, Miami, U.S.
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Unsuccessful Assassination
Wednesday May 13, 1981 - Vatican City
Statue of Greyfriars Bobby
Greyfriars Bobby-Red granite monument
Wednesday May 13, 1981 - Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Llewellyn married Tatiana Soskin
1981 - England, United Kingdom
Russell Bufalino
Russell Bufalino-Conspiring to kill the witness
May, 1981 - U.S.
Bob Marley Image
Bob Marley-State Funeral
Thursday May 21, 1981 - Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica
Disasters with highest death tolls-1981 Golbaf Earthquake
Thursday Jun 11, 1981 at 10:24:00 AM - Iran
Daniel Craig - Film Premiere "Spectre" - James Bond
James Bond-For Your Eyes Only
Wednesday Jun 24, 1981 - United Kingdom
Bill Gates Image
Bill Gates-Microsoft's company restructuring
Thursday Jun 25, 1981 - Washington, U.S.
Bill Gates Image
Bill Gates-Microsoft's company restructuring
Thursday Jun 25, 1981 - Washington, U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Alden Winship "Tom" Clausen was President of the World Bank
Wednesday Jul 1, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Pedro López (serial killer)-López confessed murders
Tuesday Jul 7, 1981 - Ambato, Tungurahua, Ecuador
Board and pieces of Trivial Pursuit
Trivial Pursuit-The game released
1981 - Canada
Prince Charles Image
Prince Charles-1st Marriage
Wednesday Jul 29, 1981 - St. Paul's Cathedral, London, England
Princess Diana Image
Princess Diana-"Fairytale Wedding"
Wednesday Jul 29, 1981 - London, England, United Kingdom
KFC-The African Branches
1981 - Mauritius
Mehan Markle Image
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex-Birth
Tuesday Aug 4, 1981 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-President Reagan Signed National Security Decision Directive Number 7
Thursday Aug 6, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
1981 - U.S.
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie-To New York
1981 - Palisades, New York, United States
Bicycle-Mountain Bike
1981 - U.S.
Stan Lee
Stan Lee-Moving to California
1981 - California, U.S.
IBM-Financial Swaps
1981 - U.S.
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Ending The Iraqi Siege of Abadan
Saturday Sep 26, 1981 - Abadan, Khuzestan Province, Iran
Chris Gardner and his Son
Christopher Jarrett Medina Gardner-Hard days
1981 - California, U.S.
Zlatan Ibrahimović - image
Zlatan Ibrahimović-Born
Saturday Oct 3, 1981 - Malmö, Sweden
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-The assassination of President Anwar Sadat
Tuesday Oct 6, 1981 - Cairo, Egypt
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy-Not allowed at Raiford Prison
Oct, 1981 - Florida, U.S.
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-The Ambush
Wednesday Oct 14, 1981 - Iran
Daniel Craig - Film Premiere "Spectre" - James Bond
James Bond-Licence Renewed was published
1981 - United Kingdom
Daniel Craig - Film Premiere "Spectre" - James Bond
James Bond-Marvel Comics published a two-issue comic book adaptation of the film For Your Eyes Only
1981 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Queen Elizabeth II at NASA
Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth II visited New Zealand
Oct, 1981 - Dunedin, New Zealand
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury-Greatest Hits
Monday Oct 26, 1981 - England, United Kingdom
Best Buy opens its 800th store in Chicago, Illinois
Best Buy-Burnsville location featured a high-volume
1981 - Burnsville, Minnesota, U.S.
Margaret Thatcher Image
Margaret Thatcher-The Anglo-Irish Inter-Governmental Council
Friday Nov 6, 1981 - England
A three-dimensional printer - 3D printing
3D printing-Hideo Kodama filed a patent for this XYZ plotter
Tuesday Nov 10, 1981 - Japan
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-Xerox released a system similar to the Alto
1981 - U.S.
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-President Reagan Signed National Security Directive 17
Tuesday Nov 17, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Russell Bufalino
Russell Bufalino-Bufalino was sentenced to 10 Years
Nov, 1981 - Leavenworth, Washington, U.S.
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn-They All Laughed
Friday Nov 20, 1981 - U.S.
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Operation Tariq al-Qods
Saturday Nov 28, 1981 - Iran
Black Friday
Black Friday-The earliest known published reference to this explanation occurs
Saturday Nov 28, 1981 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Chris Gardner and his Son
Christopher Jarrett Medina Gardner-Year of Struggle
1981 - San Francisco, California, U.S.
Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff-Returned to Ajax
Dec, 1981 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Retaken The town of Bostan
Sunday Dec 6, 1981 - Bostan, Khuzestan Province, Iran
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy-Bundy initiated a series of interviews with Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth
1981 - Florida, U.S.
Mohamed Aly Image
Muhammad Ali Clay-Last match
Friday Dec 11, 1981 - Nassau, Bahamas
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip wrote to his eldest son counseling him to make up his mind
1981 - United Kingdom
Qasem Soleimani
Qasem Soleimani-Seriously Injured
Dec, 1981 - Iran
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden became a ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee
1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
1981 - U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden has received honorary degrees from Saint Joseph's University
1981 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm Image
Gulf War-Arms Sales to Iraq reached a record spike
1981 - Iran