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Joseph Stalin - February Revolution

Time: Thursday Mar 8, 1917

Place: Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire

Details: Stalin was in the city when the February Revolution took place; uprisings broke out in Petrograd—as Saint Petersburg had been renamed—and Tsar Nicholas II abdicated to escape being violently overthrown. In Old style it was on 23/2/1917.



Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-The February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-Stravinsky Received a Commission From Winnaretta Singer For a Small-Scale Theatrical Work
Apr, 1915 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Garry Kasparov Image
Garry Kasparov-Saint Petersburg Dissenters' March
Saturday Mar 3, 2007 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-The Concert in Saint Petersburg
Feb, 1909 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-1st Marriage
Tuesday Jan 23, 1906 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Stalin's Image
Joseph Stalin-Arrested
Feb, 1913 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Putin Image
Vladimir Putin-Graduation
1975 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-October Manifesto
Tuesday Oct 17, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-Bloody Sunday
Sunday Jan 22, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-Receiving a Half-Course Diploma
Apr, 1906 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Strike by railway workers
Saturday Oct 21, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-The July Days
Tuesday Jul 3, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Putin Image
Vladimir Putin-Adviser on international affairs to the Mayor
May, 1990 - Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Minister of Interior killed
Wednesday Aug 10, 1904 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Putin Image
Vladimir Putin-Birth
Tuesday Oct 7, 1952 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Alfred Nobel Image
Alfred Nobel-Nobel's father moved to Saint Petersburg
1837 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-Unsuccessful assassination
Friday Jan 4, 1918 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-The Saint Petersburg Soviet was formed and called for a general strike in October
Oct, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Stalin's Image
Joseph Stalin-October Revolution
Wednesday Nov 7, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Stalin's Image
Joseph Stalin-Massacre Protesters
Jan, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Putin Image
Vladimir Putin-First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Saint Petersburg
Mar, 1994 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Alfred Nobel Image
Alfred Nobel-The Family moved to Saint Petersburg
1842 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Putin Image
Vladimir Putin-Head of the Committee for External Relations of the Mayor's Office
Friday Jun 28, 1991 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-The Tsar made new concessions
Friday Feb 17, 1905 - Russian Empire
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona-Extremely erratically behavior
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Bloody Sunday
Sunday Jan 22, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Lothar Meyer
Lothar Meyer-Dmitri Mendeleev published a periodic table of all elements known at that time
1869 - Russian Empire
Dmitri Mendeleev-Beyond Chemistry
1870s - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-Mendeleev became a professor
1864 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-The delegates' meeting house is closed
Saturday May 27, 1905 - Russian Empire
Dmitri Mendeleev-The Periodic Law
Mar, 1869 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Strike occurred at the Putilov plant
Dec, 1904 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Dmitri Mendeleev-Mendeleev got a doctorate of Science
1865 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-Studing Law
1901 - Saint Petersburg, Russia (Russian Empire)
Dmitri Mendeleev-Principles of Chemistry
1868 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-Second Marriage
Sunday Apr 2, 1882 - Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-"The Father of the Periodic Table"
1869 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-The City had no electricity and newspaper distribution was halted
Saturday Jan 21, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Dmitri Mendeleev-Mendeleev loves Anna
1881 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Tsar appointed Dmitri Feodorovich Trepov as governor in St Petersburg
Thursday Jan 12, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
World War II
World War II-Siege of Leningrad ended
Thursday Jan 27, 1944 - Leningrad, U.S.S.R. (Present Day Saint Petersburg, Russia)
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Former war minister killed
Tuesday Dec 5, 1905 - Russian Empire
World War II
World War II-Siege of Leningrad
Monday Sep 8, 1941 - Leningrad, U.S.S.R. (Present Day Saint Petersburg, Russia)
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Emancipation reform
1861 - Russian Empire
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Tsar dismissed the Minister of the Interior
Saturday Feb 18, 1905 - Russian Empire
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Union of Liberation
1904 - Russian Empire
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-To Saint Petersburg
1893 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Controversial Orthodox priest Georgy Gapon, who headed a police-sponsored workers' association, led a huge workers' procession to the Winter Palace to deliver a petition to the Tsar
Sunday Jan 22, 1905 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Dmitri Mendeleev-The Unknown
1860s - Saint Petersburg, Russia
First Chechen War (A Chechen fighter stands near the government palace building during a short lull in fighting in Grozny, Chechnya) Image
First Chechen War-The Russian Empire failed
1917 - Russia
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists
1903 - Russian Empire
Libraries-M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library (National Library of Russia)
1795 - Petersburg, Russia
Mikhail Kozlovsky Birth
Mikhail Kozlovsky Birth
Tuesday Nov 6, 1753 - St. Petersburg
Dmitri Mendeleev-The death of The Chemist
Saturday Feb 2, 1907 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-Sickness and Death
1850 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-The beginning of a Chemist
1850 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-Mendeleev's master's degree
1856 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-The Graduation
1855 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-Back Home
1861 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-The Engagement
Friday Apr 4, 1862 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-The Marriage
Sunday Apr 27, 1862 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Putin Image
Vladimir Putin-Joined the KGB
1975 - Okhta, Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), Russia
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-Born
Saturday Jun 17, 1882 - Lomonosov (Then Oranienbaum), Saint Petersburg, Russia
Stalin's Image
Joseph Stalin-Police raided the Bolsheviks
Tuesday Nov 6, 1917 - Russian Empire

On This Day - 8 March

Nanjing Road during Xinhai Revolution
Xinhai Revolution-Yuan Was Inaugurated as The Provisional President of The Republic of China
Friday Mar 8, 1912 - Beijing, China
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-The February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
World War 1-Battle of Bakhmach
World War 1-Battle of Bakhmach
Friday Mar 8, 1918 - Bakhmach, Ukraine
Hachiko Image
Hachikō-Hachikō's Death
Friday Mar 8, 1935 - Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Hachiko Image
Hachikō-Annual ceremony
Sunday Mar 8, 1936 - Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Battle of Madrid (Spanish Civil War)
Spanish Civil War-Battle of Guadalajara
Monday Mar 8, 1937 - Guadalajara, Spain
World War II
World War II-The Allied advance from Paris to the Rhine
Thursday Mar 8, 1945 - France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Germany
World War II
World War II-Bombing of Tokyo
Thursday Mar 8, 1945 - Tokyo, Japan
Gold Room Bretton Woods Participating Nations Display Case - Bretton Woods Conference
Bretton Woods Conference-Formally organized at an inaugural meeting
Friday Mar 8, 1946 - Savannah, Georgia, U.S.
J.F.Kennedy Image
John F. Kennedy-Committed the first combat troops to Vietnam
Monday Mar 8, 1965 - Vietnam
Collage of Images From The Vietnam War
Vietnam War-3,500 U.S. Marines were unilaterally dispatched
Monday Mar 8, 1965 - South Vietnam
Prince Charles Image
Prince Charles-The Royal Air Force College Cranwel
Monday Mar 8, 1971 - Royal Air Force, Cranwell, England
Mohamed Aly Image
Muhammad Ali Clay-1st Fight against Frazier
Monday Mar 8, 1971 - Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury-Queen II
Friday Mar 8, 1974 - London, England, United Kingdom
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Withdrawing The Iranian ambassador From Iraq
Thursday Mar 8, 1990 - Baghdad, Iraq
(Second Chechen War) A Russian Mi-8 helicopter shot down by Chechen fighters near the Chechen capital, Grozny
Second Chechen War-Maskhadov was killed in an operation by Russian security forces
Tuesday Mar 8, 2005 - Grozny, Chechnya, Russia
David Cameron Image
David Cameron-Cameron became a member of the Privy Council
Wednesday Mar 8, 2006 - London, England
Kim Jong-un Image
Kim Jong-un-The Rubber stamp parliament of North Korea
Sunday Mar 8, 2009 - North Korea
Muhammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus-The Court Confirmed Yunus's Dismissal
Tuesday Mar 8, 2011 - Dhaka, Bangladesh
Kaká-Draw on his MLS debut
Sunday Mar 8, 2015 - Florida, U.S.
Xiaomi logo Image
Xiaomi-Redmi Note 3 launch in India
Tuesday Mar 8, 2016 - Anningzhuang Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China
3D medical animation corona virus Image
Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Italian extended quarantine
Sunday Mar 8, 2020 - Italy
Anne Bonny Birth
Anne Bonny Birth
Wednesday Mar 8, 1702 - Kinsale
André Michaux Birth
André Michaux Birth
Tuesday Mar 8, 1746 - Satory
Ensenada became the premier of Spain
Ensenada became the premier of Spain
Friday Mar 8, 1754 - Ensenada

8 March 1917

Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-The February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire

March 1917

Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-The February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
World War 1-Baghdad Capturing
World War 1-Baghdad Capturing
Mar, 1917 - Mesopotamia, Iraq, Ottoman Empire
Yasunari Kawabata
Yasunari Kawabata-Moving to Tokyo
Mar, 1917 - Tokyo, Japan
World War 1-Battles of Gaza
World War 1-Battles of Gaza
Monday Mar 26, 1917 - Gaza&Sinai, Egypt and Palestine


BMW logo
BMW-BMW logo
1917 - Munich, Germany
Prime minister David Ben-Gurion Image
David Ben-Gurion-Marriage
1917 - New York, U.S.
First Chechen War (A Chechen fighter stands near the government palace building during a short lull in fighting in Grozny, Chechnya) Image
First Chechen War-The Russian Empire failed
1917 - Russia
John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes-Companion of the Order of the Bath for his wartime work
1917 - London, England
Juan Trippe
Juan Trippe-Finishing School
1917 - Pottstown, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Lady Liberty under a blue sky
Statue of Liberty-WWI Recruitment
1917 - U.S.
World War 1-The war in the middle east
World War 1-The war in the middle east
Jan, 1917 - Sinai, Egypt& Palestine
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Joel Spingarn established a camp to train African Americans to serve as officers in the United States military
1917 - U.S.
Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution-Approving a New Constitution
Monday Feb 5, 1917 - Mexico City, Mexico
Mussolini biografia
Benito Mussolini-Mussolini was injured severely
Feb, 1917 - Italy
World War 1-British naval blockade began
World War 1-British naval blockade began
Thursday Feb 15, 1917 - Germany
Palace of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles-United States role in the World War I
1917 - U.S
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-The February Revolution
Thursday Mar 8, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
King Edward VIII
Edward VIII-Love Affair
1917 - United Kingdom
World War 1-Baghdad Capturing
World War 1-Baghdad Capturing
Mar, 1917 - Mesopotamia, Iraq, Ottoman Empire
Yasunari Kawabata
Yasunari Kawabata-Moving to Tokyo
Mar, 1917 - Tokyo, Japan
World War 1-Battles of Gaza
World War 1-Battles of Gaza
Monday Mar 26, 1917 - Gaza&Sinai, Egypt and Palestine
Mao Zedong 1963 - image
Mao Zedong-Mao Published His First article
Apr, 1917 - Changsha, Hunan, China
World War 1-USA in the War
World War 1-USA in the War
Monday Apr 2, 1917 - U.S
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Garvey initially signed up to fight but was ruled physically unfit to do so
Apr, 1917 - U.S.
World War 1-Nivelle offensive
World War 1-Nivelle offensive
Monday Apr 16, 1917 - Northern France
World War 1-Drunk soldiers
World War 1-Drunk soldiers
Thursday May 3, 1917 - Verdun, France
World War 1-Ottoman army was  defeated
World War 1-Ottoman army was defeated
Thursday May 3, 1917 - Tulkarm, Palestine
World War 1-Removed Commander
World War 1-Removed Commander
Tuesday May 15, 1917 - France
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Garvey launched a New York branch of UNIA
May, 1917 - New York, U.S.
J.F.Kennedy Image
John F. Kennedy-Birth
Tuesday May 29, 1917 - Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Garvey began calling for armed self-defense
May, 1917 - U.S.
World War 1-Greece is an Ally
World War 1-Greece is an Ally
Jun, 1917 - Greece
J.F.Kennedy Image
John F. Kennedy-Baptized
Tuesday Jun 19, 1917 - Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.
Photograph taken showing the body of Will Brown after being burned by a white lynch mob - Red Summer
Red Summer-Violent racial riots against blacks due to labor tensions
1917 - Illinois and Texas, U.S.
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Garvey shared a stage with Harrison at the inaugural meeting of the latter's Liberty League of Negro-Americans
Jun, 1917 - U.S.
World War 1-Battle of Passchendaele
World War 1-Battle of Passchendaele
1917 - Passchendaele, Belgium
World War 1-Czechoslovak Legon defeated Austro-Hungarian Army in Zborov
World War 1-Czechoslovak Legon defeated Austro-Hungarian Army in Zborov
Monday Jul 2, 1917 - Zborov, Ukraine
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill was appointed Minister of Munitions
Jul, 1917 - England, United Kingdom
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-The July Days
Tuesday Jul 3, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
A laser beam used for welding
Laser-Einstein established the theoretical foundations for the laser and the maser in the paper Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung (On the Quantum Theory of Radiation)
1917 - Germany
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-East St. Louis riots
Jul, 1917 - East St. Louis, Illinois, U.S.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Tesla won AIEE Edison Medal
1917 - U.S.
Battle of Madrid (Spanish Civil War)
Spanish Civil War-Spain was neutral in World War I
Saturday Jul 28, 1917 - Spain
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Silent Parade
Sunday Jul 29, 1917 - 57th Street, New York City, New York, U.S.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Tesla postulated that electricity could be used to locate submarines via using the reflection of an "electric ray" of "tremendous frequency"
Aug, 1917 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Gustav Stresemann
Gustav Stresemann-Becoming the National Liberals' de facto leader
1917 - German Empire (Present Day Germany)
Albrecht Kossel
Albrecht Kossel-Honesty
1917 - Germany
H1N1 navbox Image
Spanish Flu-The Hypotheses of the Origins
1917 - Étaples, France
World War 1-Russian Empire Defeat
World War 1-Russian Empire Defeat
1917 - Russia
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Houston riot of 1917
1917 - Houston, Texas, U.S.
World War 1-Central Powers Spearhead
World War 1-Central Powers Spearhead
Friday Oct 26, 1917 - Caporetto, Kobarid (Italy and Solvania)
World War 1-Battle of Beersheba
World War 1-Battle of Beersheba
Wednesday Oct 31, 1917 - Beersheba, (Syria this time)
Prime minister David Ben-Gurion Image
David Ben-Gurion-Balfour Declaration
Nov, 1917 - Palestine
World War 1-Doullens Conference
World War 1-Doullens Conference
Monday Nov 5, 1917 - Doullens, France
World War 1-Rapallo Conference
World War 1-Rapallo Conference
Monday Nov 5, 1917 - Liguria and Peschiera del Garda, Italy
Stalin's Image
Joseph Stalin-Police raided the Bolsheviks
Tuesday Nov 6, 1917 - Russian Empire
Stalin's Image
Joseph Stalin-October Revolution
Wednesday Nov 7, 1917 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Stalin's Image
Joseph Stalin-A new Government
Thursday Nov 8, 1917 - Russia
Palace of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles-Decree on Peace
Friday Nov 9, 1917 - France
World War 1-Battle of Jerusalem
World War 1-Battle of Jerusalem
Saturday Nov 17, 1917 - Jerusalem, Palestine
Indira Gandhi Image
Indira Gandhi-Born
Sunday Nov 18, 1917 - Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin-Constituent Assembly to be elected
Nov, 1917 - Russian Empire
Heinrich Himmler
Heinrich Himmler-Officer Candidate
Dec, 1917 - Munich, Germany
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower was in charge of training at Fort Oglethorpe
1917 - Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, U.S.
World War 1-Armistice with the Central Powers
World War 1-Armistice with the Central Powers
Sunday Dec 9, 1917 - Romania
World War 1-Central powers russian armistice
World War 1-Central powers russian armistice
Sunday Dec 9, 1917 - Russia
Joseph Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was educated at a Gymnasium
1917 - Germany