Ferdinand I's death
Time: Thursday Jan 25, 1494
Place: Naples
Details: The cruel king of Naples, Ferdinand I, died.

Diego Maradona-Diego Junior met Maradona
May, 2003 - Italy

Giuseppe de Majo Birth
Thursday Dec 5, 1697 - Naples

The last bulwark in Naples lost in Louis XII era
Friday Jan 1, 1504 - Naples

iOS-iOS Developer Academy
Oct, 2016 - Naples, Italy

Diego Maradona-Mi enfermedad
1991 - Argentina

Antibiotic-Vincenzo Published a Paper on The Antibacterial Power of Some Extracts of Mold
1895 - Italy

Lorenzo Fago Birth
Wednesday Aug 13, 1704 - Naples

Gennaro Manna Birth
Thursday Dec 12, 1715 - Naples

Masaniello Birth
Monday Jun 29, 1620 - Naples

Paolo Parenti Birth
Saturday Sep 15, 1764 - Naples

Masaniello's Naples Revolt Against Spain
Sunday Jul 7, 1647 - Naples

Invitation Jews to return to Sicily
Wednesday Feb 3, 1740 - Sicily

Lucky Luciano-$57,000 cash and new car
Saturday Jun 9, 1951 - Naples, Italy

Penicillin-Vincenzo Tiberio concluded that these molds contained soluble substances having antibacterial action
1895 - University of Naples, Naples, Italy

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Honorary in Economics
Wednesday Mar 19, 2003 - Naples, Italy

Alfonso II of Naples
Thursday Jan 25, 1494 - Naples

Etruscan civilization-Syracuse's tyrant Hiero defeated the Etruscans
474 BC - Italy

Francesco Totti-Win goal against Napoli
Sunday Feb 22, 1998 - Naples, Italy

Lucky Luciano-Arrived in Naples
Thursday Feb 28, 1946 - Naples, Italy

Lucky Luciano-Restrictions
Monday Nov 1, 1954 - Naples, Italy

Lucky Luciano-Death
Friday Jan 26, 1962 - Naples, Italy

Diego Maradona-To Napoli
Thursday Jul 5, 1984 - Naples, Italy

Diego Maradona-First ever Serie A Italian Championship
1987 - Naples, Italy

Diego Maradona-Second league title
1990 - Naples, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Etruscan expansion
900 BC - Campania, Italy

Roman Republic-Pyrrhus withdraws and gets close to Campania
280 BC - Naples, Italy

Roman Republic-A war broke out between the Aurunci and the Sidicini
337 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Roman Empire-Hadrian died
Thursday Jul 10, 138 - Baiae, Italy, Roman Empire (Present-Day Bacoli, Campania, Italy)

Ciro Immobile-Birth
Tuesday Feb 20, 1990 - Torre Annunziata, Italy

Ciro Immobile-Young talent
2007 - Sorrento, Napoli, Italy

Roman Empire-Mount Vesuvius erupted in Pompeii
79 - Pompeii, Italy, Roman Empire

Roman Republic-The Amphitheatre of Pompeii
070s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Roman Republic-The Latin War
340 BC - Naples, Italy

Roman Empire-Tiberius left power in the hands of Lucius Aelius Sejanus
26 - Capri, Italy

Roman Empire-Augustus died
Tuesday Aug 19, 14 - Nola (Present-Day in Naples, Italy)

Etruscan civilization-The Etruscans established relations with the first Greek immigrants
700s BC - Ischia, Naples, Italy

Roman Republic-The Sidicini
4th Century BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day northward Italy)

Disasters with highest death tolls-1455 Naples Earthquake
Wednesday Dec 5, 1455 - Crown of Aragon (now Italy)

Roman Republic-Battle of Beneventum
275 BC - Benevento, Italy

Unification of Italy-End of the Habsburg rule in Italy
1792 - Italy
On This Day - 25 January

Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Huan of Han died
Monday Jan 25, 168 - Han, China

Mamluks-Tuman bay I was the twenty fifth Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Friday Jan 25, 1501 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-The Mamluk Sultanate collapsed
Thursday Jan 25, 1517 - Cairo, Egypt

Itzak Stern-Birth
Friday Jan 25, 1901 - Kraków, Grand Duchy of Cracow, Austro-Hungarian Empire (Present Day Poland)

Xinhai Revolution-The Great Ming Uprising
Sunday Jan 25, 1903 - China

League of Nations-The conferees agreed to form the League of Nations after World War I
Saturday Jan 25, 1919 - Paris, France

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-India's Independence Day in Lahore
Saturday Jan 25, 1930 - Lahore, India

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-The Indian National Congress declared the independence of India
Saturday Jan 25, 1930 - India

Heinrich Himmler-Commander of the Hastily formed Army Group Vistula
Thursday Jan 25, 1945 - Pomerania, Poland

Korean War-Operation Thunderbolt
Thursday Jan 25, 1951 - Han River, South Korea

Nike, Inc.-Establishing
Saturday Jan 25, 1964 - Oregon, U.S.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton-Lack of Merit
Monday Jan 25, 1999 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Prince William-The Search and Rescue Training unit
Monday Jan 25, 2010 - United Kingdom

Dwayne Johnson-Royal Rumble (2015)
Sunday Jan 25, 2015 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-The New Day
Monday Jan 25, 2016 - Miami, Florida, U.S.

David Cameron-President of Alzheimer's Research UK
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017 - England

New York Stock Exchange-DJIA reaches 20,000 for the first time
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Lula da Silva-2 more years in prison
Thursday Jan 25, 2018 - Brazil

Nancy Pelosi-Trump signed a stopgap bill to reopen the government without any concessions regarding a border wall for three weeks up
Friday Jan 25, 2019 - U.S.

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Additional provinces and travel restrictions
Saturday Jan 25, 2020 - Wuhan, China

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Over 1000 cases confirmed
Saturday Jan 25, 2020 - Geneva, Switzerland

Founding of Sao Paulo
Monday Jan 25, 1554 - São Paulo

Canneman Birth
Saturday Jan 25, 1777 - Amsterdam

William Cavendish Birth
Wednesday Jan 25, 1640 - Handsworth

Alfonso II of Naples
Thursday Jan 25, 1494 - Naples

Battle of Mikatagahara
Thursday Jan 25, 1573 - Japan

Wyatt's rebellion
Monday Jan 25, 1554 - Kent
25 January 1494

Alfonso II of Naples
Thursday Jan 25, 1494 - Naples
January 1494

Alfonso II of Naples
Thursday Jan 25, 1494 - Naples

Leonardo da Vinci-Gran Cavallo
Nov, 1494 - Ferrara, Italy

The uprising in Florence
Thursday Nov 8, 1494 - Florence

Alfonso II of Naples
Thursday Jan 25, 1494 - Naples

Oronce Finé Brith
Thursday Dec 20, 1494 - Briançon