World War II - First Jassy–Kishinev offensive failed
Time: Tuesday Jun 6, 1944
Place: Eastern Romania
Details: Soviets made incursions into Romania, which was repulsed by Axis forces. The military engagements of first Jassy–Kishinev offensive occurred between 8 April and 6 June 1944.
On This Day - 6 June
Napoleon-Napoleon appointed his brother as the new King of Spain
Monday Jun 6, 1808 - Spain
German revolutions of 1848–1849-Austria and Prussia withdrew their delegates from the Assembly
Wednesday Jun 6, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)
Frederick Douglass-First African American nominated for Vice President of the United States
Thursday Jun 6, 1872 - U.S.
Christmas Island-Annexation of the Island by The British Crown
Wednesday Jun 6, 1888 - Christmas Island
First Sino-Japanese War-Sending Chinese Soldiers
Wednesday Jun 6, 1894 - Korea
6 June 1944
Adolf Hitler-Battle of Normandy
Tuesday Jun 6, 1944 - Northern France, France
Dwight D. Eisenhower-The D-Day
Tuesday Jun 6, 1944 - Normandy, U.S.
Winston Churchill-D-Day
Tuesday Jun 6, 1944 - Normandy, France
June 1944
World War II-Mariana and Palau Islands campaign
Jun, 1944 - Mariana and Palau Islands, Pacific Ocean
Josip Broz Tito-The Balkan Air Force was formed
Jun, 1944 - Yugoslavia
World War II-Rome was captured
Sunday Jun 4, 1944 - Rome, Italy
Adolf Hitler-Battle of Normandy
Tuesday Jun 6, 1944 - Northern France, France
Dwight D. Eisenhower-The D-Day
Tuesday Jun 6, 1944 - Normandy, U.S.
Desmond Doss: Hacksaw Ridge-Bronze star medal
1944 - Guam
Akio Morita-Graduation
1944 - Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Hirohito-The effect of The U.S. air raids on the cities of Japan
1944 - Tokyo, Japan
Muhammad Yunus-Moving To The City of Chittagong
1944 - Chittagong, Bangladesh
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Emalia's Peak
1944 - Kraków, Poland