Gaetano Valeri Birth
Time: Sunday Sep 21, 1760
Place: Padua
Details: The Italian composer Gaetano Valeri was born in Padua, Italy in 1760.

Galileo Galilei-Galileo moved to the University of Padua
1592 - University of Padua, Padua, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Spina was an Etruscan port city
7th Century BC - Spinea, Venice, Italy

Francesco Totti-First Senior Cap
Saturday Oct 10, 1998 - Italy

Igor Stravinsky-The Premiere of The Rake's Progress
Tuesday Sep 11, 1951 - Venice, Italy

Plague-Venice dictates that travelers from the Levant in the eastern Mediterranean be isolated in a hospital for forty days
1403 - Italy

Lady Gaga-A Star Is Born
Saturday Sep 1, 2018 - Venice, Italy

Byzantine Empire-Crusader army arrived at Venice in the summer
1202 - Venice

Galileo Galilei-Sidereus Nuncius
Saturday Mar 13, 1610 - Italy

An anti-Venetian alliance by The League of the Kingdom
Thursday Dec 10, 1508 - Venice

Andrea di Pietro della Gondola's death
Tuesday Aug 19, 1580 - Venice

Leonardo da Vinci-To Venice
1499 - Venice, Italy

Pietro Longhi Birth
Saturday Nov 5, 1701 - Venice

Libraries-Biblioteca Marciana
1468 - Venice, Italy

Bonaventura Furlanetto Birth
Tuesday May 27, 1738 - Venice

Angelina Jolie-The Tourist
Friday Dec 10, 2010 - United States

Roman Empire-Lucius Verus died
169 - Altinum, Italy, Roman Empire

Benito Mussolini-Turin massacre
Dec, 1922 - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Gran Cavallo
Nov, 1494 - Ferrara, Italy

World War 1-Armistice of Villa Giusti
Sunday Nov 3, 1918 - Trieste & Villa Giusti, Italy

World War 1-Battle of Vitorrio Veneto
Thursday Oct 24, 1918 - Vitorrio Veneto, Italy

Roman Empire-Philip was killed
Sep, 249 - Verona, Italy, Roman Empire

Cristiano Ronaldo-Ronaldo made his debut for Juve
Saturday Aug 18, 2018 - Marcantonio Bentegodi Stadium, Verona, Italy

Father's Day-Customary day for the celebration of fatherhood in Catholic Europe
1508 - Eurpe

Mozart-Accademia Filarmonica of Verona
Jan, 1771 - Verona, Italy

Unification of Italy-Battle of Custoza
Jul, 1848 - Custoza, Sommacampagna, Verona, Italy

World War 1-Rapallo Conference
Monday Nov 5, 1917 - Liguria and Peschiera del Garda, Italy
On This Day - 21 September

Mozart-A new baby and a new house
Tuesday Sep 21, 1784 - Vienna, Austria

Red Summer-Ephram Gethers was shot
Sunday Sep 21, 1919 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Great Depression-Britain leaves the gold standard, and the pound sterling depreciates by 25%
Monday Sep 21, 1931 - London, England, United Kingdom

Francisco Franco-A Detour to free the besieged garrison at the Alcázar of Toledo
Monday Sep 21, 1936 - Toledo, Spain

Francisco Franco-Commander-in-chief and head of government
Monday Sep 21, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Franco was chosen as chief military commander at a meeting of ranking generals
Monday Sep 21, 1936 - Salamanca, Spain

World War II-Cash and Carry
Thursday Sep 21, 1939 - Washington D.C., U.S.

The Holocaust-Letter from Reinhard Heydrich to the Einsatzgruppen
Thursday Sep 21, 1939 - Germany

First Indochina War-Sir Douglas Gracey proclaimed martial law
Friday Sep 21, 1945 - French Indochina (Now Vietnam)

Iran–Iraq War-Iraqi Air Force Launched Surprise Air Strikes
Sunday Sep 21, 1980 - Iran

Iran–Iraq War-Starting The Battle of Khorramshahr
Sunday Sep 21, 1980 - Khorramshahr, Khuzestan Province, Iran

Ruhollah Khomeini-War with Iraq
Sunday Sep 21, 1980 - Iran

Vodafone-Verizon Wireless
Tuesday Sep 21, 1999 - New York, U.S.

Richard Branson-Branson pledged to invest the profits of Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Trains in research for environmentally-friendly fuels
Thursday Sep 21, 2006 - England, United Kingdom

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley converted themselves from investment banks to bank holding companies to increase their protection by the Federal Reserve
Sunday Sep 21, 2008 - U.S.

Garry Kasparov-A 12-game match
Monday Sep 21, 2009 - Valencia, Spain

HTC-Google acquire 4000 employees
Thursday Sep 21, 2017 - Mountain View, California, U.S.

Java (programming language)-Java SE 9
Thursday Sep 21, 2017 - California, U.S.

Philip Howard Birth
Friday Sep 21, 1629 - London

Polyxena of Hesse Birth
Tuesday Sep 21, 1706 - Hesse

Ivan Dmitriev Birth
Sunday Sep 21, 1760 - Simbirsk

John Coen's death
Friday Sep 21, 1629 - East-Indies

Jacob Lustig Birth
Tuesday Sep 21, 1706 - Hamburg
21 September 1760

Ivan Dmitriev Birth
Sunday Sep 21, 1760 - Simbirsk
September 1760

Ivan Dmitriev Birth
Sunday Sep 21, 1760 - Simbirsk

Chocolate-The Chocolate Lombart
1760 - France

Melchor Lpez Birth
Saturday Jan 19, 1760 - Hueva

Juana Olivera Birth
Saturday Apr 12, 1760 - Caracas

George II's death
Saturday Oct 25, 1760 - Great Britain

Marie-Jean Vestris Birth
Thursday Mar 27, 1760 - Paris

Ishmail Spicer Birth
Thursday Mar 27, 1760 - Bozrah

Ivan Dmitriev Birth
Sunday Sep 21, 1760 - Simbirsk

Johann Hebel Birth
Saturday May 10, 1760 - Basel

Patrick O'Brien Birth
Saturday Jan 19, 1760 - Kinsale

Claude-Joseph Birth
Saturday May 10, 1760 - France

Breckinridge Birth
Tuesday Dec 2, 1760 - Virginia

Richard founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church
Thursday Feb 14, 1760 - Philadelphia

Occupation of Berlin
Thursday Oct 9, 1760 - Berlin