Josip Broz Tito - Gain employment in Zagreb
Time: Sep, 1910
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Details: After completing his apprenticeship in September 1910, Broz used his contacts to gain employment in Zagreb and at the age of 18 joined the Metal Workers' Union and participated in his first labour protest. He also joined the Social Democratic Party of Croatia and Slavonia.
Josip Broz Tito-The assassination of Milorad Drašković
Tuesday Aug 2, 1921 - Zagreb, Croatia
Slobodan Milošević-Plans by Milošević to carve out territory from Croatia to the local Serbs had begun
Jun, 1990 - Croatia
Josip Broz Tito-Independent State of Croatia
Thursday Apr 10, 1941 - Croatia
Josip Broz Tito-The CPY district committee
1924 - Zagreb, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
Josip Broz Tito-He was appointed secretary of the Zagreb branch of the Metal Workers' Union
Mar, 1927 - Zagreb, Croatia
September 1910
Igor Stravinsky-Moving to Switzerland
Sep, 1910 - Switzerland
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle promoted to sergeant
Sep, 1910 - France
Igor Stravinsky-Their Second Son Was born
Friday Sep 23, 1910 - Lausanne, Switzerland
Francisco Franco-Graduated
1910 - Toledo, Spain
Xinhai Revolution-Homer Lea Supported Sun Yat-sen's Military Ambitions
1910 - China
Marie Curie-She isolated Pure Radius Metal
1910 - Paris, France
Marie Curie-Curie succeeded in isolating Radium
1910 - Paris, France
Antibiotic-The Hoechst Company began To Market The Salvarsan Compound
1910 - Höchst, Frankfurt, Germany