Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties) - Gongsun Kang established the Daifang Commandery on the Korean Peninsula
Time: 204
Place: Korean Peninsula
Details: The warlord Gongsun Kang established the Daifang Commandery on the Korean Peninsula.

Kim Jong-un-The Successor
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 - North Korea

Korean War-The PVA First Phase Offensive
Wednesday Oct 25, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-North Korea confirmed it ended the 1953 Armistice
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission
Tuesday Sep 28, 2010 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Chairman of the Central Military Commission and Supreme leader of the country
Monday Dec 26, 2011 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Fourth Conference of the Workers' Party
Tuesday Mar 27, 2012 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-First Official Image
Thursday Sep 30, 2010 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Declared Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army
Thursday Dec 29, 2011 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-First public speech
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Kim Jong-un-"Eternal General Secretary"
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012 - North Korea

Korean War-Parliamentary elections in the North
Wednesday Aug 25, 1948 - North Korea

Nuclear Power-First nuclear weapon test in North Korea
Monday Oct 9, 2006 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Chairman of the National Defence Commission
Friday Apr 13, 2012 - North Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-Battle of Pyongyang
Saturday Sep 15, 1894 - Pyongyang, Korea (Now North Korea)

Korean War-Pyongyang was Captured
Thursday Oct 19, 1950 - Pyongyang, North Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-Chinese Forces Retreated To The Northern City of Pyongyang
Saturday Aug 4, 1894 - Pyongyang, Korea (Now North Korea)

Kim Jong-un-Workers' Party's 65th-anniversary celebration
Sunday Oct 10, 2010 - North Korea

Korean War-Kim Il-Sung revised his war plan
Wednesday Jun 21, 1950 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Birth
Jan, 1982 - Pyongyang, North Korea

Kim Jong-un-A Daejang
Monday Sep 27, 2010 - North Korea

Korean War-The UN Command forces followed the ROK forces northwards
Saturday Oct 7, 1950 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Supreme People's Assembly
Sunday Mar 9, 2014 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-The Rubber stamp parliament of North Korea
Sunday Mar 8, 2009 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Kim Jong-il died
Saturday Dec 17, 2011 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Demonstrate Loyalty
Monday Jan 9, 2012 - Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, North korea

Korean War-The Battle of Kumsong
Wednesday Jun 10, 1953 at 12:00:00 AM - North Korea

Korean War-The First confrontation between Chinese and US military
Wednesday Nov 1, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-China entered the war
Wednesday Oct 18, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-Chinese New Year's Offensive
Sunday Dec 31, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-State of War
Saturday Mar 30, 2013 - North Korea

Korean War-An Automobile Accident
Saturday Dec 23, 1950 - North Korea

Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Battle of Gaixia
204 BC - Present-Day in Suzhou, Anhui, China

Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Zhao Tuo established the state of Nanyue
204 BC - Nanyue, China

Ptolemaic Kingdom-Ptolemy V Epiphanes Eucharistos was the King of Ptolemaic Egypt
204 BC - Alexandria, Egypt

Seleucid Empire-Ptolemy IV died
Jul, 204 BC - Egypt