George Washington - Howe landed 20,000 troops at Gravesend, Brooklyn
Time: Aug, 1776
Place: Gravesend, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
Details: Howe's troop strength totaled 32,000 regulars and Hessians, and Washington's consisted of 23,000, mostly raw recruits and militia. In August, Howe landed 20,000 troops at Gravesend, Brooklyn, and approached Washington's fortifications, as King George III proclaimed the rebellious American colonists to be traitors.
Visa Inc.-Visa Europe was an entirely separate company to Visa Inc.
Oct, 2007 - New York, U.S.
Apple Inc.-Fortune Global 500 List of 1998
1998 - New York, U.S.
Apple Inc.-Fortune Global 500 List of 2005
2005 - New York, U.S.
Ford-Fortune Global 500 List of 2008
2008 - New York, U.S.
Samsung-Fortune Global 500 List of 2006
2006 - New York, U.S.
August 1776
George Washington-Alexander was captured
Saturday Aug 31, 1776 - New York, U.S.
Ignaz von Seyfried Birth
Thursday Aug 15, 1776 - Vienna
George Washington-Congress allowed free blacks to serve in the militia
Wednesday Jan 17, 1776 - U.S.
George Washington-The Continental Army reduced by half to 9,600 men
Jan, 1776 - U.S.
George Washington-Washington's troops brought up Knox's big guns
Sunday Mar 10, 1776 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Coverture-Abigail Adams
Mar, 1776 - U.S.
George Washington-9,000 British troops and Loyalists began a chaotic ten-day evacuation of Boston
Monday Mar 18, 1776 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.