Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt - Ibrahim had forced the Saudi leader to surrender
Time: Sep, 1818
Place: Saudi Arabia
Details: By the end of September 1818, he had forced the Saudi leader to surrender and had taken Diriyah, which he sacked.

1973 oil crisis-Arab oil producers cut production by 5% and instituted an oil embargo against Israel's allies
Wednesday Oct 17, 1973 - Middle East

2nd Millenium - Saudi Arabia

Frederick Douglass-Birth
Saturday Feb 14, 1818 - Maryland, U.S.

Dahomey Amazons-Dahomey had great importance in the army
1818 - Benin

Flag of the United States-20 Stars
Saturday Apr 4, 1818 - U.S.

Bicycle-Dandy Horse
1818 - Germany

Abraham Lincoln-Mother's death
Monday Oct 5, 1818 - Indiana, U.S.