Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt - Ibrahim's forces won and captured the Grand Vizier
Time: Wednesday Dec 21, 1831
Place: Turkey
Details: The Grand Vizier, in a last-ditch attempt to block Ibrahim's advance towards the capital. While Ibrahim commanded a force of 50,000 men, most of them were spread out along his supply lines from Cairo, and he had only 15,000 in Konya. Nevertheless, when the armies met on December 21, Ibrahim's forces won in a rout, capturing the Grand Vizier after he became lost in fog attempting to rally the collapsing left flank of his forces.

Disasters with highest death tolls-526 Antioch Earthquake
May, 526 - Byzantine Empire (now Turkey)

Ottoman Empire-Armenian genocide
1915 - Ottoman Empire

Disasters with highest death tolls-458 Antioch Earthquake
Sep, 458 - Byzantine Empire (now Turkey)

Disasters with highest death tolls-587 Antioch Earthquake
Sunday Sep 30, 587 - Byzantine Empire (now Turkey)

Disasters with highest death tolls-342 Antioch Earthquake
342 - Roman Empire (now Turkey)

Hittites-Zalpuwa first attacked Kanesh under Uhna
1833 BC - Present-Day Kayseri Province, Turkey

Ottoman Empire-Anatolian Beyliks
1250s - Turkey

Kroger-Kroger opened their second Fresh Eats
Thursday Jun 1, 2017 - Turkey

Huns-The Saragurs defeated the Akatziri
463 - Turkey

Kingdom of Pergamon-Battle of Aphrodisium
238 BC - Anatolia

Hittites-Anitta text
1745 BC - Kussara (Present-Day Souhtwestern Kültepe)

Napoleon-Ottoman Emperor Selim III recognized Napoleon as Emperor
Feb, 1806 - Ottoman Empire (Present Day Turkey)

Assyria-Shalmaneser I conquered eight kingdoms in central Anatolia
1274 BC - Central Anatolia

Zara-Unpaid wages
Nov, 2017 - Turkey

Ahmed II's death
Sunday Feb 6, 1695 - Turkey

Murad II's death
Monday Feb 3, 1451 - Turkey

Ottoman Empire-Ottoman Interregnum
Tuesday Jul 20, 1402 - Anatolia, and Balkans

Disasters with highest death tolls-115 Antioch Earthquake
Friday Dec 13, 115 - Roman Empire (now Turkey)

Disasters with highest death tolls-1983 Erzurum Earthquake
Sunday Oct 30, 1983 at 04:12:00 AM - Turkey

Ottoman Empire-Hamidian massacres
1894 - Ottoman Empire

Armenian Genocide-Temporary Law of Expropriation and Confiscation
Monday Sep 13, 1915 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)

Zara-Child labor
Sunday Aug 7, 2016 - Turkey
On This Day - 21 December

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Vizier Reşid Mehmed Pasha
Wednesday Dec 21, 1831 - Konya, Turkey

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Battle of Konya
Friday Dec 21, 1832 - Konya, Ottoman Empire

Abraham Lincoln-South Carolina took the lead by adopting an ordinance of secession
Friday Dec 21, 1860 - U.S.

Armenian Genocide-Trabzon
Saturday Dec 21, 1918 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)

The Holocaust-"400,000 Germans to be sterilized"
Thursday Dec 21, 1933 - U.S.

Walt Disney-Releasing Snow White
Tuesday Dec 21, 1937 - Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Josip Broz Tito-The First Proletarian Brigade
Sunday Dec 21, 1941 - Yugoslavia

Josip Broz Tito-Tito visited India
Tuesday Dec 21, 1954 - India

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty
Tuesday Dec 21, 1954 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Signing an agreement To exchange Prisoners
Friday Dec 21, 1962 - Havana, Cuba

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Bloody Christmas
Saturday Dec 21, 1963 - Cyprus

Carlos the Jackal-OPEC Attack
Sunday Dec 21, 1975 - Vienna, Austria

1973 oil crisis-640-foot (200 m) oil tanker Argo Merchant runs aground on the Nantucket Shoals
Tuesday Dec 21, 1976 - U.S.

Emmanuel Macron-Birth
Wednesday Dec 21, 1977 - Amiens, France

Prince Harry-Baptism
Friday Dec 21, 1984 - St George's Chapel, The Cloisters, Windsor, UK

Plane Accidents-Pan Am Flight 103
Wednesday Dec 21, 1988 - Lockerbie, Scotland

Invasion of Panama-Marriott hostages
Thursday Dec 21, 1989 - Panama City, Panama

Croatian War of Independence-The SAO Krajina
Friday Dec 21, 1990 - Croatia

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Alma-Ata Protocol
Saturday Dec 21, 1991 - Russia

Croatian War of Independence-Istria was under attack
Saturday Dec 21, 1991 - Istria, Croatia

Angelina Jolie-Girl, Interrupted
Tuesday Dec 21, 1999 - United States

Narendra Damodardas Modi-Second Term
Saturday Dec 21, 2002 - India

Lionel Messi-World Player of the Year of 2009
Monday Dec 21, 2009 - Kongresshaus Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Eminem-Relapse: Refill
Monday Dec 21, 2009 - U.S.

Colombian conflict-The Washington Post revealed a Covert CIA Program
Saturday Dec 21, 2013 - U.S.

Facebook, Inc.-Standard & Poor's added Facebook To Its S&P 500 Index
Saturday Dec 21, 2013 - New York City, New York, U.S.

OnePlus-Ban lifted
Sunday Dec 21, 2014 - India

Sepp Blatter-The Ban
Monday Dec 21, 2015 - FIFA headquarters, Zurich, Switzerland

Papa John's Pizza-The Company CEO resign's announcement
Thursday Dec 21, 2017 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.
21 December 1831

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Vizier Reşid Mehmed Pasha
Wednesday Dec 21, 1831 - Konya, Turkey
December 1831

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Vizier Reşid Mehmed Pasha
Wednesday Dec 21, 1831 - Konya, Turkey

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim defeated Ottoman army at Homs
Friday Jul 8, 1831 - Homs, Syria

Abraham Lincoln-Thomas and other family prepared to move to a new homestead
1831 - Coles County, Illinois, U.S.

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Ottoman army at Beilan
Friday Jul 29, 1831 - Belen, Hatay, Turkey

Ottoman Empire-Muhammad Ali Pasha revolted against Sultan Mahmud II
1831 - Egypt

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim was sent to conquer Syria
1831 - Syria

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha occupied Damascus
1831 - Damascus, Syria

Abraham Lincoln-Abraham made his home in New Salem
1831 - New Salem, Illinois, U.S.

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha were sent north to besiege Acre
Oct, 1831 - Acre, Israel

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Egyptian invasion of Syria
Monday Oct 31, 1831 - Ottoman Syrian provinces

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln and some friends took goods by flatboat to New Orleans
1831 - New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Vizier Reşid Mehmed Pasha
Wednesday Dec 21, 1831 - Konya, Turkey