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Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt - Ibrahim's forces won and captured the Grand Vizier

Time: Wednesday Dec 21, 1831

Place: Turkey

Details: The Grand Vizier, in a last-ditch attempt to block Ibrahim's advance towards the capital. While Ibrahim commanded a force of 50,000 men, most of them were spread out along his supply lines from Cairo, and he had only 15,000 in Konya. Nevertheless, when the armies met on December 21, Ibrahim's forces won in a rout, capturing the Grand Vizier after he became lost in fog attempting to rally the collapsing left flank of his forces.



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On This Day - 21 December

Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Vizier Reşid Mehmed Pasha
Wednesday Dec 21, 1831 - Konya, Turkey
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21 December 1831

Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Vizier Reşid Mehmed Pasha
Wednesday Dec 21, 1831 - Konya, Turkey

December 1831

Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Vizier Reşid Mehmed Pasha
Wednesday Dec 21, 1831 - Konya, Turkey


Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
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Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
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