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Spiez Castle - Johannes sold the castle, town, church and surrounding villages to Johann II von Bubenberg

Time: 1338

Place: Spiez, Switzerland

Details: As part of their retaliation for the murder, the Habsburgs withdrew half of the Spiez fief from Thüring von Brandis and granted the whole fief to Johannes von Strättligen. Thirty years later, in 1338, Johannes sold the castle, town, church and surrounding villages to Johann II von Bubenberg who was the Schultheiss of Bern.



Spiez Castle
Spiez Castle-The Castle built
933 - Spiez, Switzerland
Spiez Castle
Spiez Castle-New Castle
17th Century - Spiez, Switzerland
Spiez Castle
Spiez Castle-French invasion of Switzerland
1798 - Switzerland
Spiez Castle
Spiez Castle-The Bubenberg-appointed vogt took orders from Bern
1340 - Spiez, Switzerland
Spiez Castle
Spiez Castle-The great hall and the northern buildings were expanded and renovated
1600 - Spiez, Switzerland


Yersinia pestis
Plague-Bubonic plague
1338 - Central Asia