Conflict in Myanmar - KNU called for a Federal Union with fair Karen Representation
Time: 1976
Place: Myanmar
Details: The initial aim of the largest Karen opposition group, the Karen National Union (KNU), and its armed wing, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), was to obtain independence for the Karen people. However, since 1976 they have instead called for a federal union with fair Karen representation and the self-determination of the Karen people.
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Garry Kasparov-The Soviet Junior Championship
1976 - Tbilisi, Georgia
Desmond Doss: Hacksaw Ridge-Completely Deaf
1976 - Rising Fawn, Georgia, U.S.
Visa Inc.-The directors of IBANCO determined that bringing the various international networks together into a single network with a single name internationally would be in the best interests of the corporation
1976 - U.S.
Muhammad Yunus-Yunus's visits to the village of Jobra
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1976 - Paris, France