Abraham Lincoln - Lincoln family including Thomas, moved west to Illinois
Time: Mar, 1830
Place: Illinois, U.S.
Details: In March 1830, fearing another milk sickness outbreak, several members of the extended Lincoln family, including Thomas, moved west to Illinois, a free state, and settled in Macon County.

Abraham Lincoln-Illinois Republican State Convention
Thursday May 10, 1860 - Decatur, Illinois, U.S.

Mamie Till-Alma joined Louis again
Jan, 1924 - Chicago, Illinois, United States

Abraham Lincoln-Douglas was up for re-election in the U.S. Senate
1858 - U.S.

Flag of the United States-Star for Illinois
Sunday Jul 4, 1819 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Illinois Staats-Anzeiger
May, 1859 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln briefly interrupted his campaign to serve as a captain in the Illinois Militia
1832 - Illinois, U.S.

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski birth
Friday May 22, 1942 - Illinois, Chicago, U.S.A

Microprocessor-The MC68020
1984 - Illinois, U.S.

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski moved to Lombard
1971 - Chicago, Illinois, United States

Abraham Lincoln-Honest Abe
1850s - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Robert Todd Lincoln birth
Wednesday Aug 2, 1843 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Marriage
Saturday Nov 5, 1842 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-William Wallace Lincoln
Sunday Dec 22, 1850 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln and Mary bought a house
1844 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Tad Lincoln
Tuesday Apr 5, 1853 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Edward Baker Lincoln
Wednesday Mar 11, 1846 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln received a patent for a flotation device for the movement of boats in shallow water
1849 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln and Mary engaged
1840 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln supported General Zachary Taylor for the Whig nomination
1848 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln began practicing law with William Herndon
1844 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Defense of Simeon Quinn
1859 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln told a group of political allies that he would accept the nomination if offered
Saturday Jan 21, 1860 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln professed to friends in 1861 to be "an old line Whig, a disciple of Henry Clay"
1861 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln was elected to the Illinois legislature but declined to take his seat
1854 - Illinois, U.S.

Barack Obama-Announcement candidacy of President
Saturday Feb 10, 2007 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln supported the Wilmot Proviso
1846 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln was defeated by John J. Hardin
1843 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln's House Divided Speech
Thursday Jun 17, 1858 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-"The Institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy"
1837 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln won election
1846 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Admitted to the Illinois bar
1836 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln's second state house campaign
1834 - Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln spoke against the Mexican–American War
1846 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Funeral
Friday Apr 21, 1865 - Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Microprocessor-The Most Significant of The 32-bit Designs
1979 - Illinois, U.S.

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski's family transferred to suburban Evergreen Park
Friday Feb 22, 1952 - Illinois, United States

Abraham Lincoln-Bloomington Convention
Friday May 30, 1856 - Bloomington, Illinois, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln's Lost Speech
Friday May 30, 1856 - Bloomington, Illinois, U.S.

Algerian War-The first Governor-General of Algeria
1830 - Algeria

Simón Bolívar-Venezuela was proclaimed independent
Wednesday Jan 13, 1830 - Venezuela

Simón Bolívar-Dream fell apart
Wednesday Jan 20, 1830 - Gran Colombia

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln took responsibility for chores
1830 - Indiana, U.S.

Simón Bolívar-Bolívar finally resigned the presidency
Tuesday Apr 27, 1830 - Gran Colombia

Frederick Douglass-Converted to Christianity
1830 - Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.

Buckingham Palace-Death of George IV
Saturday Jun 26, 1830 - Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England, United Kingdom

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-State of Law and Order
1830 - Egypt

Lothar Meyer-Birth
Friday Aug 20, 1830 - Varel, Duchy of Oldenburg (Present Day Varel, Germany)

Ottoman Empire-French invaded Ottoman Algeria
1830 - Algeria

Simón Bolívar-Death
Friday Dec 17, 1830 - Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino in Santa Marta, Gran Colombia (now Colombia)