Ancient India - Magadha being ruled by the Haryanka dynasty
Time: 7th Century BC
Place: Indian subcontinent (Present-Day Rajgir, Bihar, India)
Details: Early sources, from the Buddhist Pāli Canon, the Jain Agamas, and the Hindu Puranas, mention Magadha being ruled by the Haryanka dynasty for some 200 years, c. 600–413 BCE.

Ancient India-Haryanka dynasty
544 BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day Rajgir, Bihar, India)

Ancient India-Bimbisāra was a King of Magadha
554 BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day Rajgir, Bihar, India)

Ancient India-Shaishunaga dynasty
420s BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day Rajgir, Bihar, India)

Ancient India-Maurya Empire established by Chandragupta Maurya
322 BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day India)

Seleucid Empire-Maurya Empire
321 BC - Present-Day in India

Mother Teresa-The Holly Family Hospital
1948 - Patna, India

Seleucid Empire-Seleucid–Mauryan relations
300s BC - Present-Day in India

Ancient India-Alexander attacked Nanda Empire of Magadha
320s BC - Pataliputra (Present-Day Patna, India)

Ancient India-Magadha was a location of an advanced Neolithic
19th Century BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day Patna, Bihar, India)

Ancient India-Nanda Empire
5th Century BC - Pataliputra (Present-Day Patna, India)