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Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon - Margaret invited him as a guest to Les Jolies Eaux

Time: 1974

Place: Les Jolies Eaux St Vincent and the Grenadines

Details: Llewellyn was 17 years her junior. In 1974, Margaret invited him as a guest to Les Jolies Eaux, the holiday home she had built on Mustique. It was the first of several visits. Margaret described their relationship as "a loving friendship". Once, when Llewellyn left on an impulsive trip to Turkey, Margaret became emotionally distraught and took an overdose of sleeping tablets. "I was so exhausted because of everything", she later said, "that all I wanted to do was sleep". As she recovered, her ladies-in-waiting kept Lord Snowdon away from her, afraid that seeing him would distress her further.



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