Historydraft Logo

Elon Musk - Master Plan Part 2

Time: Jul, 2016

Place: California, United States

Details: In July 2016, Musk released Tesla's "master plan part 2": Create stunning solar roofs with seamlessly integrated battery storage. Expand the electric vehicle product line to address all major segments, including small Sports utility vehicle (SUV) and pickup truck. Develop a self-driving capability that is 10X safer than manual via massive fleet learning. Enable your car to make money for you when you aren't using it.



Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Tesla Motors
Feb, 2004 - Palo Alto, California, United States
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Tesla.com
Feb, 2016 - California, United States
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Tesla's Master Plan
2006 - Palo Alto, California, United States
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-The CEO of Tesla
2008 - Palo Alto, California, United States
Bitcoin-Tesla has sold or will sell its Bitcoin holdings
Wednesday May 19, 2021 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Autopilot
Jul, 2016 - California, United States
Bitcoin-Bitcoin price surge after Elon Musk and Tesla announcements of investments in the Bitcoin
Monday Feb 8, 2021 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Zip2
1995 - California, United States
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-HP revealed that its board of directors has unanimously declined Xerox's $24 a share cash-and-stock offer
Thursday Mar 5, 2020 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-Xerox began to pursue a hostile takeover of PC and printer manufacturer HP Inc.
Nov, 2019 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-Xerox revealed that they are putting their campaign to acquire HP on hold by postponing additional presentations, interviews with the press, and meetings with HP shareholders
Friday Mar 13, 2020 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Java (programming language)-James Gosling's Resignation
Friday Apr 2, 2010 - California, U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-The Agreement
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019 - California, United States
Java (programming language)-Last free public Update
Jan, 2019 - California, U.S.
The logo for Zoom Video Communications
Zoom Video Communications-First Customer
Nov, 2012 - Stanford University, California, U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-The PhD
1995 - California, United States
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Holmes discovered a wearable patch to monitor patients' blood
2003 - Stanford, California, United States
Internet-Fundamental Reformulation
1973 - Stanford, California, U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Dropping out a PhD
1995 - California, United States
Google LLC
Google LLC-The Beginning of Google
Jan, 1996 - Stanford, California, U.S.
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes- Holmes attended Stanford University
2002 - Stanford, California, United States
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook opened to everyone at Least 13 years old
Saturday Sep 26, 2009 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google became The Default Search Engine Provider For Yahoo!
Jun, 2000 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Intel microprocessor
Microprocessor-HP Released Its First System With a PA-RISC CPU
1986 - Palo Alto, California, United States
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google's Investors agreed to Hire Eric Schmidt as The Chairman and CEO of Google
2001 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Balwani joined Theranos in 2009
2009 - Palo Alto, California, United States
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2012
2012 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla announced that it planned to acquire ultracapacitor energy storage manufacturer Maxwell Technologies
Feb, 2019 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Delivering The First 30 Units of The Model 3
Friday Jul 28, 2017 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Model X deliveries started
Sep, 2015 - U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2016
2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Java (programming language)-Java 14
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020 - California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google Began Selling advertisements associated With Search Keywords
2000 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Android logo 2019 Image
Android-Android Foundation
Oct, 2003 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Settlement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency
Monday Apr 1, 2019 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Holmes and Balwani companies signed a partnership
2010 - Palo Alto, California, United States
Oculus-Nate Mitchell Departure
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla announced it had been chosen "through a competitive process" to supply Southern California Edison (SCE)
Sep, 2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2009
2009 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla reported about 500,000 reservations
Jul, 2017 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2010
2010 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla announced It would cut its full-time workforce by 7%
Jan, 2019 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2018
2018 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Unveiling The Model Y
Thursday Mar 14, 2019 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Standard Range base model
Thursday Feb 28, 2019 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Holmes changed the name of the company to Theranos 
Feb, 2003 - Palo Alto, California, United States
Logo of the company Apple Inc.
Apple Inc.-Jobs Died
Wednesday Oct 5, 2011 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla founded
Tuesday Jul 1, 2003 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla and Toyota announced a partnership
Thursday May 20, 2010 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2013
2013 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2014
2014 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-The world's second best selling plug-in electric car
Sep, 2018 - U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Autopilot Moving Forward
Apr, 2019 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Musk 's Opinion about The Model X Design
May, 2017 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-New master plan for Tesla
Wednesday Jul 20, 2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2011
2011 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-The Tesla Semi Was First mentioned
2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla announced that it would shut down the bulk of it's stores
Feb, 2019 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Trademarked The Name "Model Y"
Aug, 2013 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla reported over 325,000 reservations
Thursday Apr 7, 2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla glass technology group
Nov, 2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Powerwall home and Powerpack industrial battery packs
Apr, 2015 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-The Tesla Semi official announcement
Thursday Nov 16, 2017 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Deliveries of the Model X Signature series
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015 - U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Model 3 Production reached 5,000 per week
Jun, 2018 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla announced that they would unveil Model Y production plans
Feb, 2018 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla announced that the Model Y would use the Model 3 platform
Aug, 2017 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Musk described a future "Model Y"
Oct, 2015 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla unveiled the 2020 Roadster
Thursday Nov 16, 2017 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-The Company moved to Palo Alto
Jun, 2004 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-The Company Moved Its Offices To Palo Alto
Mar, 1999 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Android logo 2019 Image
Android-Steve Perlman's Investment
2004 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Kroger-Kroger announced expanded its service with robotics company
2019 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2015
2015 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Customer deliveries totaled 1,764 units in the U.S.
2017 - U.S.
Oculus-HQ Transported
Jan, 2015 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Logo of Amazon
Amazon-Amazon launches A9.com
Oct, 2003 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2017
2017 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla Financial State of 2008
2008 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Oculus-The Note 4 VR collaboration
2010s - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Oculus-Oculus Rift S Favored
2019 - California, U.S.
Oculus-Michael Abrash
Friday Mar 28, 2014 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Oculus-Oculus Go End-of-Life
Jun, 2020 - California, U.S.
Oculus-The Oculus Quest
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018 - California, U.S.
Oculus-Oculus Quest 2 Announcement
Sep, 2020 - California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google Employees and Contractors Staged a Global Walk-Out To Protest
Thursday Nov 1, 2018 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Oculus-Oculus Go
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017 - California, U.S.
Android logo 2019 Image
Android-2019 Market Share
Dec, 2019 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Oculus-The first Generation
2018 - California, U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Electric Cars
2014 - California, United States
Oculus-Gear VR
Friday Nov 20, 2015 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google's Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Thursday Aug 19, 2004 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-The Number of Monthly Unique visitors to Google Surpassed One Billion
May, 2011 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Oculus-Oculus Quest 2 Favored
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020 - California, U.S.
Oculus-Oculus Link
Nov, 2019 - California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-The Number of Employees
Dec, 2018 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google Released The First Android Phone Under Its Own Brand
Jan, 2010 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Oculus-Oculus from Facebook
2016 - California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-The Company Leased an Office Complex From Silicon Graphics
2003 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google announced That It Had acquired YouTube
Oct, 2006 - Mountain View, California, U.S.

July 2016

Zlatan Ibrahimović - image
Zlatan Ibrahimović-Moving To Manchester United
Friday Jul 1, 2016 - Manchester, England
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-File 17
Friday Jul 1, 2016 - Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington D.C., U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-A US$1 Billion Suit Was Filed against The Company
Jul, 2016 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Mark Zuckerburg
Mark Zuckerberg-Accused by Israeli cabinet minister
Saturday Jul 2, 2016 - Israel
Nintendo Image
Nintendo-Pokémon Go
Tuesday Jul 5, 2016 - Kyoto, Japan
Shaquille O'Neal
Shaquille O'Neal-Big Show and O'Neal had another brief confrontation
Jul, 2016 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart-Hart animated The Secret Life of Pets
Jul, 2016 - U.S.
Theresa May
Theresa May-Leader of the Conservative Party
Monday Jul 11, 2016 - England
Logo of Ikea - image
IKEA-IKEA announced that it was extending this recall to China
Tuesday Jul 12, 2016 - China
David Cameron Image
David Cameron-Cameron submit his resignation to the Queen
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016 - London, England
Theresa May
Theresa May-Second Female British Prime Minister
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016 - England
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-A Coup d'état was attempted by The Military
Friday Jul 15, 2016 - Turkey
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-A Running mate
Friday Jul 15, 2016 - U.S.
The Headquarters of the UNCTAD are located at the Palais des Nations in Geneva
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-Nairobi Conference (2016)
Sunday Jul 17, 2016 - Nairobi, Kenya
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump and Mike Pence were officially nominated by the Republican Party
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016 - U.S.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-President Erdoğan declared The State of Emergency
Wednesday Jul 20, 2016 - Turkey
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Autopilot
Jul, 2016 - California, United States
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-New master plan for Tesla
Wednesday Jul 20, 2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Neuralink
Jul, 2016 - San Francisco, California, United States
Uber logo
Uber-Uber leaves Budapest
Sunday Jul 24, 2016 - Budapest, Hungary
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-Lazio transfer
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016 - Rome, Italy
Uber logo
Uber-Uber, legal in the country
Thursday Jul 28, 2016 - China
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-39-page petition
Thursday Jul 28, 2016 - Brazil


Amancio Ortega Portrait
Amancio Ortega-60% of Inditex
2016 - A Coruña, Galicia, Spain
Doss Desmond US Army Image
Desmond Doss: Hacksaw Ridge-Hacksaw Ridge
2016 - U.S.
Oculus Rift
Virtual reality-HTC Vive
2016 - Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Prince William and Duchess Kate of Cambridge visits Sweden 02 Image
Prince William-Royal ranks
Friday Jan 1, 2016 - London, United Kingdom
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-The world's top selling plug-in car
2016 - U.S.
Rosa Parks Image
Rosa Parks-Rosa's Detroit House was Partly Restored
2016 - Berlin, Germany
Papa John's Pizza logo Image
Papa John's Pizza-Papa John's Started Operating In Spain
2016 - Spain
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google Reached a Settlement with the UK
Jan, 2016 - UK
Sofia Kenin Image 1
Sofia Kenin-Playing in the junior tour in 2016
2016 - U.S.
DC Comics logo
DC Comics-DC announced a line-wide relaunch titled DC Rebirth
2016 - U.S.
Andrew Yang Image
Andrew Yang-VFA Documentry
2016 - U.S.
Mehan Markle Image
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex-Political action
2016 - U.S.
Banking hacks image
Banking Frauds and Hacks-Bangladesh Bank
2016 - Dhaka, Bangladesh
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Combating Fake News by Using Fact Checkers
2016 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook Released its Blueprints of Surround 360 Camera
2016 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange-DJIA hits an all-time high of 18,873.6
2016 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-The Tesla Semi Was First mentioned
2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-Discontinuation The "Nexus" Branding
2016 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
League of Legends logo
League of Legends-New Loot System
2016 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Zinedine Zidane - image
Zinedine Zidane-The Manager of Real Madrid
Monday Jan 4, 2016 - Madrid, Spain
Netflix 2014 logo
Netflix-Major international expansion
Jan, 2016 - Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.
Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi-Fifth Ballon d'Or
Monday Jan 11, 2016 - France
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Theranos directed some irregularitie
Jan, 2016 - California, United States
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-Own publicly-traded company
Jan, 2016 - U.S.
Netflix 2014 logo
Netflix-Blocking VPNs
Jan, 2016 - U.S.
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-Returning to Torino
Thursday Jan 14, 2016 - Turin, Italy
Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart-Ride Along 2
2016 - U.S.
IBM-A New Cloud Video Unit
2016 - U.S.
YouTube-YouTube expanded its headquarters in San Bruno
Jan, 2016 - San Bruno, California, U.S.
Java (programming language)-Plugin
Jan, 2016 - U.S.
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Vacating the building for six years
2016 - London, England, United Kingdom
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-The New Day
Monday Jan 25, 2016 - Miami, Florida, U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-$1 million research
2016 - U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Two women were paid for non-disclosure agreements regarding their alleged affairs with Trump
2016 - U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Tesla Shares
Friday Jan 29, 2016 - California, United States
OPPO LOGO 2019 Image
Oppo-Similar to Oneplus
Jan, 2016 - Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla battery cell costs
Feb, 2016 - U.S.
Hong Kong independence flag
Hong Kong independence-Mong Kok civil unrest broke out between police and protesters
Monday Feb 8, 2016 - Mong Kok, China
OPPO LOGO 2019 Image
Oppo-PBA smartphone partnership
Tuesday Feb 9, 2016 - Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Young Minds
Feb, 2016 - Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Qasem Soleimani
Qasem Soleimani-Offensive in Aleppo Governorate's northern countryside
Feb, 2016 - Syria
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Tesla.com
Feb, 2016 - California, United States
A painting dedicated to the founders of Black History Month, the Black United Students at Kent State University, by Ernie Pryor
Black History Month-Virginia McLaurin in the White House
Sunday Feb 21, 2016 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Xiaomi logo Image
Xiaomi-Mi 5 smartphone
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016 - Anningzhuang Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Sepp Blatter Image
Sepp Blatter-FIFA Reduce The Suspension
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016 - FIFA headquarters, Zurich, Switzerland
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-The First Deputy Head of The Presidential Administration
Mar, 2016 - Kyrgyzstan
Microsoft Corporation current (2019) logo
Microsoft-Microsoft announced The merger of its PC and Xbox Divisions
Tuesday Mar 1, 2016 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.
Lacoste logo Image
Lacoste-Opening a New Flagship Store In Budapest
Mar, 2016 - Budapest, Hungary
Uber logo
Uber-UberEATS app with all-day delivery launches in Los Angeles
Tuesday Mar 1, 2016 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Muhammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus-He Was appointed To The High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth
Mar, 2016 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Oculus-Facebook Itegration
Mar, 2016 - California, United States
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-Brazilian authorities raided Lula's home
Friday Mar 4, 2016 - Brazil
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-World Trade Center station (PATH)
Thursday Mar 3, 2016 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Xiaomi logo Image
Xiaomi-Redmi Note 3 launch in India
Tuesday Mar 8, 2016 - Anningzhuang Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Chumlee-Chumlee's home was raided
Wednesday Mar 9, 2016 - Nevada, U.S.
Chumlee-First appearance in court
Friday Mar 11, 2016 - U.S.
Caracas (Venezuela), March 5, 2014. The Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Ricardo Patiño, participated in the commemoration of the death of Commander Hugo Chávez Image
Bolivarian Revolution-The International Policy Digest
Monday Mar 14, 2016 - Venezuela
Uber logo
Uber-UberEATS launches in Chicago, Houston, and San Francisco
Tuesday Mar 15, 2016 - Chicago, Houston and San Francisco
Google LLC
Google LLC-Google announced The Introduction of Google Analytics 360 Suite
Tuesday Mar 15, 2016 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish-music video for "Ocean Eyes"
Mar, 2016 - U.S.
Visa Inc. logo
Visa Inc.-The agreement was amended in response to the feedback of European Commission
Monday Mar 21, 2016 - Europe
Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff-Death
Thursday Mar 24, 2016 - Barcelona, Spain
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump was poised to win the Republican nomination
Mar, 2016 - U.S.
Hong Kong independence flag
Hong Kong independence-Hong Kong National Party
Monday Mar 28, 2016 - Hong Kong, China
Oculus-Oculus Rift Release
Monday Mar 28, 2016 - California, U.S.
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla unveiled (Model 3)
Thursday Mar 31, 2016 - U.S.
Logo of Ford Motor Company - image
Ford-A Ten-Year Building Project
Apr, 2016 - Dearborn, Michigan, U.S.
BMW logo
BMW-The ReachNow car-sharing service
Apr, 2016 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-WrestleMania 32
Sunday Apr 3, 2016 - Arlington, Texas, U.S.
Reddit-Reddit launches a new blocking tool
Apr, 2016 - San Francisco, California, United States
Shaquille O'Neal
Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal participated in his first ever match
Apr, 2016 - Arlington, Texas, U.S.
Black Friday
Black Friday-"Jour XXL" (XXL day) instead of Black Friday
2016 - France
Black Friday
Black Friday-Total spending on online retail sites on Black Friday 2016 was £1.23bn
2016 - United Kingdom
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Tesla reported over 325,000 reservations
Thursday Apr 7, 2016 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Hong Kong independence flag
Hong Kong independence-Demosistō
Sunday Apr 10, 2016 - Hong Kong China
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-India and Bhutan
Apr, 2016 - Asia
Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart-Hart co-hosted the 2016 MTV Movie Awards with Dwayne Johnson
Sunday Apr 10, 2016 - California, U.S.
Uber logo
Uber-Uber launches in Buenos Aires
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Zuckerberg Outlined His 10 Year Vision
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Kobe Bryant Image
Kobe Bryant-The last game
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016 - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Bitcoin-Bitcoin Core 0.12.1 was released
Friday Apr 15, 2016 - U.S. and Worldwide
IBM-A 14-year Low
Apr, 2016 - U.S.
Disasters with highest death tolls-2016 Ecuador Earthquake
Saturday Apr 16, 2016 - Ecuador
Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong-The Fortunes
2016 - United Kingdom
Prince Charles Image
Prince Charles-Charles appeared In a Comedy Sketch
Saturday Apr 23, 2016 - The Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom
Reddit-Reddit released The Official App and the iOS App Store
2016 - San Francisco, California, United States
The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-Nokia announced its intent to acquire Withings
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016 - Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Nintendo Image
Nintendo-The NX information
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016 - Kyoto, Japan
Garry Kasparov Image
Garry Kasparov-The Ultimate Blitz Challenge
Thursday Apr 28, 2016 - St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.
Narendra Damodardas Modi Image
Narendra Damodardas Modi-Ujjwala scheme
Apr, 2016 - India
Uber logo
Uber-Uber and Lyft cease operations in Austin
Monday May 9, 2016 - Austin, Texas, U.S.
Xiaomi logo Image
Xiaomi-Mi Max launch
Monday May 9, 2016 - Anningzhuang Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Logo of the company Apple Inc.
Apple Inc.-Investing in DiDi
Thursday May 12, 2016 - Beijing, China
DC Comics logo
DC Comics-The new logo
Tuesday May 17, 2016 - U.S.
The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-Microsoft Mobile sold its Nokia-branded feature phone business to HMD Global
Wednesday May 18, 2016 - Espoo, Finland
Hachiko Image
Hachikō-The Reunion
Thursday May 19, 2016 - Japan
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie-A Visiting Professor
May, 2016 - London, England, United Kingdom
Chumlee-Chumlee was charged with 20 felony counts
Monday May 23, 2016 - U.S.
The Bank of America Corporate Center, headquarters of Bank of America in Charlotte
Bank of America-Intentional breach of contract
Monday May 23, 2016 - New York City, New York, U.S.