Bicycle - Michaux et Cie
Time: 1868
Place: Paris, France
Details: Together with their friend Georges de la Bouglise, they formed a partnership with Pierre Michaux, Michaux et Cie ("Michaux and company"), in 1868, avoiding the use of the Olivier family name and staying behind the scenes, lest the venture proves to be a failure.
James Bond-The Moneypenny Diaries
2005 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-The new cabinet was finalized
Wednesday Nov 21, 1945 - France
Charles de Gaulle-The mass demonstrations challenged De Gaulle's legitimacy
May, 1968 - France
Charles de Gaulle-Pompidou persuaded De Gaulle to dissolve parliament
Thursday May 30, 1968 - Paris, France
Bernard Arnault-Divorce
1990 - France
Nokia-Opening the second pulp mill
1868 - Nokia, Finland
Second Boer War-Britain annexed Basutoland in the Drakensberg Mountains following an appeal from Moshesh
1868 - South Africa
Memorial day-Adding Confederate to the holiday name
1868 - U.S.
Memorial day-Northern states adapt Decoration day
1868 - U.S.
1868 - England, United Kingdom