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Armenian Genocide - Morgenthau memoirs

Time: Friday Jul 16, 1915

Place: U.S.

Details: As the orders for deportations and massacres were enacted, many consular officials reported what they were witnessing to Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, Sr., who described the massacres as a "campaign of race extermination" in a telegram sent to the United States Department of State on 16 July 1915. In memoirs that he completed during 1918.



Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-The Signing of the United Nations Outer Space Treaty, and The Apollo 1 Fire
Friday Jan 27, 1967 - Washington D.C., London and Moscow
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-The official announcement of Apollo 11
Thursday Jan 9, 1969 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-U.S. congressional panel narrowly voted that the incident was indeed genocide
Thursday Mar 4, 2010 - U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Nixon announced the ground invasion of Cambodia
Thursday Apr 30, 1970 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde-A Manager Director
Tuesday Jul 5, 2011 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Opening The Impeachment Hearings against The President
Thursday May 9, 1974 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Flames engulf a building following the outbreak of hostilities between the Panamanian Defense Force and U.S. forces during Operation Just Cause
Invasion of Panama-President Bush order of the execution of the Panama invasion plan
Sunday Dec 17, 1989 at 01 AM - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Martin Luther King Image
Martin Luther King-Assassination
Thursday Apr 4, 1968 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Determining the first person on the Moon
Mar, 1969 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-NASA announcement of The Selection of The Second Group
Monday Sep 17, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-NASA announcement
Apr, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan-Last Day in Presidency
Friday Jan 20, 1989 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Bay of Pigs plan (Operation Zapata)
Tuesday Apr 4, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Flames engulf a building following the outbreak of hostilities between the Panamanian Defense Force and U.S. forces during Operation Just Cause
Invasion of Panama-The official U.S. justification For The invasion
Wednesday Dec 20, 1989 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan-Left hand Surgery
Saturday Jan 7, 1989 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-The Landing on the surface of the Moon
Sunday Jul 20, 1969 at 08:17:00 PM - The Moon
Old Computers - image
Computer-The First public description of an integrated Circuit
Wednesday May 7, 1952 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Patch Adams
Patch Adams-Adams graduated from High School in 1963
1963 - Wakefield High School, 4901 S Chesterfield Rd, Arlington, Virginia 22204, United States
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman-The First ever televised nationally
Thursday Jan 20, 1949 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Martin Luther King Image
Martin Luther King-March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Wednesday Aug 28, 1963 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Plane Crashes Images
Plane Accidents-The first powered aircraft crash
Thursday Sep 17, 1908 - Fort Myer, Virginia, U.S.
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman-Assassination Attempt
Wednesday Nov 1, 1950 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett-Friendship With Katharine Graham
1973 - Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.
Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
Bay of Pigs Invasion-Operation Pluto
Saturday Jan 28, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan-A President
Tuesday Jan 20, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Rosa Parks Image
Rosa Parks-The Casket was transported to Washington, D.C.
Sunday Oct 30, 2005 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Joining the NASA Astronaut Corps as part of "The New Nine"
Thursday Sep 13, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Armstrong applied to become an Astronaut
Monday Jun 4, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bosnian War (The government building in the centre of Sarajevo burns after being hit by tank fire during the siege in 1992) Image
Bosnian War-Washington Agreement
Thursday Mar 17, 1994 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Announcing the New Apollo Crew assignment
Monday Nov 20, 1967 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Huawei logo - image
Huawei-The Department of Commerce granted Huawei a Temporary Three-month license
Sunday May 19, 2019 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
NATO flag
NATO Establishment-The Signature of The North Atlantic Treaty
Monday Apr 4, 1949 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Korean War Image
Korean War-Help to South Korea
Tuesday Jun 27, 1950 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter-A President
Thursday Jan 20, 1977 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Slayton offered Armstrong the Post of Commander of Apollo 11
Monday Dec 23, 1968 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Destroyed Yugoslav Army T-55 tank. This tank was hit by a Croatian AT missile, abandoned by its crew and later destroyed by another JNA tank
Croatian War of Independence-A meeting of Croatian, Bosnian, and Bosnian Croat representatives with US Secretary of State
Saturday Feb 26, 1994 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Steven Spielberg image
Steven Spielberg-Department of Defense Medal
Wednesday Aug 11, 1999 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-Americans spoke out against the genocide
Jun, 1915 - Washington D.C., U.S.
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-The Pentagon Memorial
Thursday Sep 11, 2008 - The Pentagon Memorial in Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-President Reagan Signed National Security Directive 17
Tuesday Nov 17, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Osama bin Laden Image
Bin Laden-Senate voted to double the reward
Friday Jul 13, 2007 - U.S.
Lucky Luciano Image
Lucky Luciano-U.S. Supreme Court refused to review his case
Monday Oct 10, 1938 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-The ARPA canceled its funding to "Man In Space Soonest"
Friday Aug 1, 1958 - Arlington, Virginia, U.S.
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn-Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn
Mar, 1991 - U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Full, Free, and Absolute Pardon
Sunday Sep 8, 1974 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Internet-the network had been turned over to the Defense Communications Agency
Jul, 1975 - U.S.
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-American Airlines Flight 77 (Collision)
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 09:37:00 AM - The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Rapid Orders
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 02:40:00 PM - The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Rebuilding of the Damaged Section of the Pentagon
2002 - The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.
Internet-Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic Computer Network
1963 - The Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower served as executive officer to General George V. Moseley
1929 - U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower was promoted to brigadier general
Friday Oct 3, 1941 - U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower retired from active service as an army general
Tuesday Jun 3, 1952 - U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower was promoted to General of the Army
Wednesday Dec 20, 1944 - U.S.
Internet-Director of the newly established Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO)
Oct, 1962 - U.S.
Internet-Licklider left the IPTO
1964 - U.S.
Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth-USNS Sojourner Truth (T-AO 210)
Thursday Mar 19, 2020 - The Pentagon, Virginia, U.S.
A Colombian marine on a field training exercise
Colombian conflict-The AUC Was added to the US State Department's List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations
2001 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of Amazon
Amazon-Amazon announced it would open its highly sought-after new headquarters, known as (HQ2)
Nov, 2018 - New York and Virginia, U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Announcing the Crew assignments for Gemini 8
Monday Sep 20, 1965 - Washington D.C., U.S.
1983 - U.S.
Garry Kasparov Image
Garry Kasparov-Kasparov began training Hikaru Nakamura
Jan, 2011 - New York, U.S.
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan-Second Term as a President
Sunday Jan 20, 1985 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy Hoffa-Reassert His Power over the Teamsters
1974 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-The First Moon walk
Monday Jul 21, 1969 at 05:56:00 AM - The Moon
Logo of Amazon
Amazon-Amazon would focus solely on Arlington location
Thursday Feb 14, 2019 - Arlington, Virginia, U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-The Meeting with Slayton
Wednesday Apr 5, 1967 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter-Camp David Accords
Sunday Sep 17, 1978 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Korean War Image
Korean War-New U.S. President
Wednesday Oct 29, 1952 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-The Second human to walk on the Moon
Monday Jul 21, 1969 - The Moon
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-The backup Crew for Gemini 5
Monday Feb 8, 1965 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
Bay of Pigs Invasion-Nikita Khrushchev's Telegram To President Kennedy
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 02:00:00 PM - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Project "Mercury"
Wednesday Nov 5, 1958 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett-The Washington Post Company
1973 - Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm Image
Gulf War-The Project Conclusions
Tuesday May 22, 1984 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde-Announced her candidacy to be head of the IMF
Wednesday May 25, 2011 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Alexander Butterfield's Testimony under oath to Congress
Jul, 1973 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Neil became an Employee of NASA
Wednesday Oct 1, 1958 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Collage of Images From The Vietnam War
Vietnam War-The Battle against communism
Sunday Nov 24, 1963 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump fired Chris Krebs
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020 - Arlington, Virginia, U.S.
Collage of Images From The Vietnam War
Vietnam War-Nixon implied the US would intervene again militarily if the North launched a full offensive
Thursday Mar 15, 1973 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan-Assassination Attempt
Monday Mar 30, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy Hoffa-75,000 Members
1933 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Bosnian War (The government building in the centre of Sarajevo burns after being hit by tank fire during the siege in 1992) Image
Bosnian War-Pub.L. 103–337 was signed by the President
Wednesday Oct 5, 1994 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Gold Room Bretton Woods Participating Nations Display Case - Bretton Woods Conference
Bretton Woods Conference-John Maynard Keynes first proposed the ICU
1941 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Holmes birth
Friday Feb 3, 1984 - Washington, D.C., U.S
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Holmes ranked the world's youngest self-made woman in 2014
2014 - Washington, D.C., U.S
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Nixon's responses to protesters
Saturday May 9, 1970 - The Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C., U.S.
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-Another 30 Days
Apr, 1868 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-The Washington Post Report about The Profit Increase
2005 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Nixon was Inaugurated as President
Monday Jan 20, 1969 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Gold Room Bretton Woods Participating Nations Display Case - Bretton Woods Conference
Bretton Woods Conference-The U.S. government invited the Allied countries to send representatives to an international monetary conference
Thursday May 25, 1944 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter-Announced his candidacy for President of the United States
Thursday Dec 12, 1974 - Washington D.C., U.S.
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Strivings of the Negro People
Sunday Aug 1, 1897 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Prince Harry Image
Prince Harry-U.S. Tour
Thursday May 9, 2013 - Washington, DC, U.S.
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde-The PBS NewsHour interview
Thursday Jul 1, 2010 - Washington D.C., U.S.
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-File 17
Friday Jul 1, 2016 - Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington D.C., U.S.
Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution-The U.S. Granted Carranza's Government Diplomatic Recognition
Oct, 1915 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Five Men Were Caught breaking Into The Democratic party Headquarters
Saturday Jun 17, 1972 - The Democratic party headquarters, Watergate complex, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Member of The United States NAS
2006 - Washington D.C., United States

On This Day - 16 July

Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire-Eastern and Western traditions of the Chalcedonian Christian Church reached a terminal crisis
Sunday Jul 16, 1054 - Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-The Abduction from the Harem
Tuesday Jul 16, 1782 - Burgtheater, Vienna, Austria
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Battle of Bailén
Saturday Jul 16, 1808 - Bailén, Spain
Mao Zedong 1963 - image
Mao Zedong-The Second Congress of The Communist Party
Sunday Jul 16, 1922 - Shanghai, China
King Edward VIII
Edward VIII-An Irish Fraudster
Thursday Jul 16, 1936 - Constitution Hill, near Buckingham Palace, London, England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Promotion to lieutenant
Thursday Jul 16, 1942 - United Kingdom
World War II
World War II-Invasion of Normandy
Sunday Jul 16, 1944 - Normandy, France
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was promoted to lieutenant commander
Sunday Jul 16, 1950 - Malta
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Apollo 11 Launch
Wednesday Jul 16, 1969 - Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, U.S.
Indira Gandhi Image
Indira Gandhi-Minister of Finance
Wednesday Jul 16, 1969 - New Delhi, India
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Iran try again further North
Friday Jul 16, 1982 - Basra, Iraq
A three-dimensional printer - 3D printing
3D printing-Alain Le Méhauté, Olivier de Witte, and Jean Claude André filed their patent
Monday Jul 16, 1984 - France
Daniel Craig - Film Premiere "Spectre" - James Bond
James Bond-Never Send Flowers was published
Friday Jul 16, 1993 - United Kingdom
David Cameron Image
David Cameron-The Director of Corporate Affairs
Saturday Jul 16, 1994 - London, England
YouTube-TiVo service update
Wednesday Jul 16, 2008 - San Bruno, California, U.S.
Aaron Hernandez Image
Aaron Hernandez-Boston double homicide
Monday Jul 16, 2012 - Boston's South End, Massachusetts, U.S.
Uber logo
Uber-Uber officially launches in China
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014 - Beijing, China
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-Model 3
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014 - U.S.
Uber logo
Uber-Administrative judge recommends that Uber be fined $7.3 million and suspended from operating in California
Thursday Jul 16, 2015 - California, U.S.
Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart-Universal Pictures announced that Kevin Hart: What Now?
Thursday Jul 16, 2015 - California, U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Helsinki Summit
Monday Jul 16, 2018 - Helsinki, Finland

July 1915

Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-A two-page report concerning the Armenian massacres
Wednesday Jul 7, 1915 - Istanbul, Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)


Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-The Russian Empire's response
1915 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
The Wright brothers-Orville sold the company
1915 - U.S.
Marie Curie
Marie Curie-Curie Produced Hollow Needles Containing "Radium Emanation"
1915 - Paris, France
Heinrich Himmler
Heinrich Himmler-Training at early Age
1915 - Munich, Germany
John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes-Official government position at the Treasury
Jan, 1915 - England
Graves at Arlington on Memorial Day Image
Memorial day-In Flanders Fields
1915 - U.S.
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange-Basis of quoting and trading in stocks changes from percent of par value to dollars
1915 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower graduated in the middle of the class
1915 - U.S.
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle received the Croix de Guerre
Monday Jan 18, 1915 - France
A jack-o'-lantern, one of the symbols of Halloween
Halloween-The Orton and Spooner Ghost House
1915 - Liphook, England, United Kingdom
Carter G. Woodson
Carter G. Woodson-Woodson wrote a letter to Grimké
Thursday Jan 28, 1915 - U.S.
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-The Birth of a Nation
Monday Feb 8, 1915 - U.S.
World War 1-Gallipoli battles
World War 1-Gallipoli battles
Wednesday Feb 17, 1915 - Gallipoli, Europian part of Turkey, Ottoman Empire
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-Directive 8682
Thursday Feb 25, 1915 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
The official opening of the League of Nations.
League of Nations-Creation of international bodies with administrative and legislative powers
1915 - U.S
The official opening of the League of Nations.
League of Nations-Setting up of League to Enforce Peace
1915 - U.S
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Anglo-French task force attempted a naval bombardment of Turkish defenses in the Dardanelles
Mar, 1915 - Dardanelles, Turkey
Father's Day
Father's Day-Harry claimed that he had first come up with the idea for Father's Day
1915 - U.S.
Carter G. Woodson
Carter G. Woodson-Woodson wrote to Grimké's comments about his proposals
Thursday Mar 18, 1915 - U.S.
Vasily Zaitsev Image
Vasily Zaitsev-Birth
Tuesday Mar 23, 1915 - Yeleninskoye, Russian Empire
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-Wounded and taken prisoner
Thursday Mar 25, 1915 - Bukovina, Romania
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-Stravinsky Received a Commission From Winnaretta Singer For a Small-Scale Theatrical Work
Apr, 1915 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution-The Battle of Celaya
Tuesday Apr 6, 1915 - Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Mediterranean Expeditionary Force began its assault at Gallipoli
Apr, 1915 - Gallipoli, Ottoman Empire (Present-day in Turkey)
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-Van City
Monday Apr 19, 1915 - Van, Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
World War 1-Second Battle of Ypres
World War 1-Second Battle of Ypres
Thursday Apr 22, 1915 - Ypres, Belgium
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Brigadier General L. S. Blackden lectured to the group on the war effort
Apr, 1915 - Jamaica
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-The Red Sunday
Friday Apr 23, 1915 - Ankara, Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-"the Armenian riots and massacres, which had arisen in a number of places in the country"
May, 1915 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Asquith agreed under parliamentary pressure to form an all-party coalition government
May, 1915 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War 1-The war in Italy
World War 1-The war in Italy
Saturday May 8, 1915 - Italy
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-The Triple Entente warned Ottoman Empire
Monday May 24, 1915 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-Tehcir Law
Saturday May 29, 1915 - Istanbul, Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-Americans spoke out against the genocide
Jun, 1915 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-Moving to Morges
Jun, 1915 - Morges, Switzerland
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower served initially in logistics and then the infantry at various camps
1915 - Texas and Georgia, U.S.
Mussolini biografia
Benito Mussolini-Mussolini joined the Italian army
1915 - Italy
Willis Carrier Image
Willis Carrier-Carrier Engineering Corporation
Saturday Jun 26, 1915 - New York, U.S.
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-A two-page report concerning the Armenian massacres
Wednesday Jul 7, 1915 - Istanbul, Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Tesla attempted to sue the Marconi Company for infringement of his wireless tuning patents
1915 - United Kingdom
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Office space at 8 West 40th Street
1915 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-An Unattributed report
Aug, 1915 - New York, U.S.
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle commanded the 10th company
Aug, 1915 - France
World War 1-Central Powers Captured Warsaw
World War 1-Central Powers Captured Warsaw
Thursday Aug 5, 1915 - Warsaw, Poland
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-No Armenian question longer exists
Monday Aug 9, 1915 - Istanbul ,Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Garvey attracted financial contributions from many prominent patrons
1915 - Jamaica
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle rank of the captain became permanent
Friday Sep 3, 1915 - France
Carter G. Woodson
Carter G. Woodson-Woodson founded the Association for the Study of African American Life and History
Thursday Sep 9, 1915 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-Temporary Law of Expropriation and Confiscation
Monday Sep 13, 1915 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
1915 - New York, U.S.
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Armenian genocide
1915 - Ottoman Empire
Mussolini biografia
Benito Mussolini-Mussolini's marriage
Saturday Sep 25, 1915 - Italy
Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution-The U.S. Granted Carranza's Government Diplomatic Recognition
Oct, 1915 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle returned to command of the 10th company again
Oct, 1915 - France
World War 1-Bulgaria's War Declaration
World War 1-Bulgaria's War Declaration
Tuesday Oct 12, 1915 - Bulgaria
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Nobel Prize rumors
Saturday Nov 6, 1915 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Asquith rejected Churchill's request to be appointed Governor-General of British East Africa
Thursday Nov 25, 1915 - British East Africa
World War 1-Franco-British Pressure
World War 1-Franco-British Pressure
Dec, 1915 - Salonica, Greece
World War 1-Serbia division
World War 1-Serbia division
Dec, 1915 - Serbia
World War 1-Russian retirement
World War 1-Russian retirement
1915 - Galica, Poland ( Germany that time)
Frank Sinatra 1957 - image
Frank Sinatra-Birth
Sunday Dec 12, 1915 - Hoboken, New Jersey, U.S.