Mother's Day - Mother's Day (Hungary)
Time: 1925
Place: Hungary
Details: It was first celebrated in 1925 by the Hungarian Red Cross Youth.

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Austrian troops were defeated by the Hungarian
Friday Sep 29, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Hungary)

X-ray-X-rays emitted from Lenard tubes
1888 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-1945 Hungarian parliamentary election
Sunday Nov 4, 1945 - Hungary

Ferdinand II signed a peace treaty
Tuesday Feb 4, 1620 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Releasing most of The Political Prisoners From The 1956 Hungarian Revolution
1963 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Sending South African General Jan Smuts To Hungary
Friday Apr 4, 1919 - Hungary

World War 1-Deceleration of the War
Tuesday Jul 28, 1914 - Austria-Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Fighting Ceased
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Serbian Army Attack
Tuesday Nov 5, 1918 - Hungary (then Kingdom of Hungary)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Ernő Gerő broadcast a Speech Condemning The writers' and Students' Demands
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 at 08:00:00 PM - Hungary

Battle of Mohacs
Tuesday Aug 12, 1687 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Establishment of The "Revolutionary Workers'-Peasants' Government of Hungary"
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 - Hungary

Ferdinand IV's death
Thursday Jul 9, 1654 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Local Revolutionary Councils Had been Officially Sanctioned
Tuesday Oct 30, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Imre Nagy Broadcast His Final Plea To The Nation and The World
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 05:20:00 AM - Hungary

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Ferdinand decided to send Austrian and Croatian troops to Hungary to crush a democratic rebellion
Sep, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Hungary)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Relations between Hungary and The United States began to Improve
1956 - Hungary

BMW-BMW announced to build 1 billion euro car factory in Hungary
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Rákosi Removed Nagy From Office
Apr, 1955 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Nagy Formally declared Hungary's Withdrawal From The Warsaw Pact
Thursday Nov 1, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Military Action Towards The demonstrations in Front of The Office of State Security and The Local Jail
Friday Oct 26, 1956 - Kecskemét, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Romanian Army Tested The Strength of The Hungarian Defense
Sunday Jul 27, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Coordinated Attack against Hungary
Friday Jul 11, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-A Ceasefire Was Arranged
Sunday Oct 28, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Army Units Were brought In To Secure Csepel and Restore Order
Saturday Oct 27, 1956 - Csepel, Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Negotiations On The Soviet Withdrawal
Saturday Nov 3, 1956 - Tököl, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-There Were 71 Cases of Armed Clashes between The Army and The Populace In Fifty Communities
Monday Oct 29, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Army Units withdrew from Csepel
Monday Oct 29, 1956 - Hungary

Incandescent light bulb-Sándor Just and Croatian Franjo Hanaman were granted a Hungarian patent for a tungsten Filament Lamp
Tuesday Dec 13, 1904 - Hungary

Revolutions of 1848-Hungarian Revolution of 1848
Wednesday Mar 15, 1848 - null

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-A mass of Protesters Gathered in Front of The Parliament Building
Thursday Oct 25, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Incandescent light bulb-Filling lamps with krypton gas rather than argon
1930 - Budapest, Hungary

Lionel Messi-International Team debut
Wednesday Aug 17, 2005 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Entering Budapest
Sunday Aug 3, 1919 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Communist Party merged With The Social Democratic Party
1949 - Hungary

Angelina Jolie-The Land of Blood and Honey
Friday Dec 23, 2011 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Resurrect MEFESZ Student Union
Monday Oct 22, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Soviet Army Had Completely Encircled Budapest
Saturday Nov 3, 1956 at 09:30:00 PM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungarian Army retreated Towards Budapest
Thursday Jul 31, 1919 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Councils decided To End The Nationwide Labour Strikes and Resume Work
Monday Nov 5, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Ernő Gerő Requested Soviet Military Intervention
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Free Kossuth Rádió Stopped Broadcasting
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 08:07:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Armoured Units Crossed Into Buda and Fired The First Shots at The Army Barracks on Budaörsi Road
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 04:25:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Most of Budapest Became Under Soviet Control
Thursday Nov 8, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Lacoste-Opening a New Flagship Store In Budapest
Mar, 2016 - Budapest, Hungary

Josip Broz Tito-Went on to come second in the army fencing championships
May, 1914 - Budapest, Austria-Hungary

Byzantine Empire-Attila's death
453 - Eastern Europe (most commonly known in Hungary)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Nagy was Executed
Monday Jun 16, 1958 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Protesters Convened Next To The Statue of József Bem
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Hungarian Currency Experienced Marked Depreciation
1946 - Hungary

World War II-Fall of Budapest
Tuesday Feb 13, 1945 - Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary

Huns-The Romans breached the treaty
440 - Danube River, Budapest, Hungary

World War II-Budapest Offensive
Monday Oct 30, 1944 - Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-László Rajk was Reburied
Saturday Oct 6, 1956 - Hungary

Nikola Tesla-Tesla moved to Budapest
1881 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Successful Communist Coup d'état
Friday Mar 21, 1919 - Hungary (then Kingdom of Hungary)

Freddie Mercury-Queen also played behind the Iron Curtain
1986 - Budapest, Romania

Uber-Uber leaves Budapest
Sunday Jul 24, 2016 - Budapest, Hungary

The Holocaust-Jews were deported from Hungary
May, 1944 - Hungary

The Holocaust-Jews were required to wear the yellow star in Hungary
Wednesday Mar 22, 1944 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Organised Defence of The City Evaporated
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 08:00:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

World War II-Operation Panzerfaust
Monday Oct 16, 1944 - Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary

The Holocaust-Hitler ordered the military occupation of Hungary
Sunday Mar 19, 1944 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Incident at Radio Budapest building
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Libraries-Bibliotheca Corviniana
1490 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Arresting The Leader of The Hungarian Catholic Church
1949 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Aster Revolution in Budapest
Thursday Oct 31, 1918 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Attacking The Central Committee of The Communist Party building
Tuesday Oct 30, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Soviet Tanks Penetrated Budapest
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 03:00:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Representatives of The Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania met to Review Internal Developments in Hungary
Jan, 1957 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Imre Nagy Replaced András Hegedüs as Prime Minister
Wednesday Oct 24, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Nagy and His Group Were Arrested
Thursday Nov 22, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Removal of Stalin's Bronze Statue
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 at 09:30:00 PM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Armed Protesters Attacked The ÁVH detachment Guarding The Budapest Hungarian Working People's Party Headquarters
Tuesday Oct 30, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Soviet Tanks Entered Budapest
Wednesday Oct 24, 1956 at 02:00:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo travelled to Hungary
1485 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Technical University Students Staged a demonstration
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Most Soviet Troops had Withdrawn from Budapest
Tuesday Oct 30, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Beginning The Retreat of The Hungarian Army behind The demilitarized Zone
Saturday Mar 22, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Soviet Tanks were stationed outside the Parliament
Wednesday Oct 24, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Rákosi was deposed as General Secretary of The Hungarian Working People's Party
Wednesday Jul 18, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungary Received Notification of The New Demarcation Line
Wednesday Mar 19, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungary Signed an armistice With Czechoslovakia
Monday Jun 23, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Releasing Béla Kun
Thursday Mar 20, 1919 - Hungary (then Kingdom of Hungary)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-János Kádár Proclaimed The "Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government"
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 06:00:00 AM - Szolnok, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungarian Forces Established a Solid Bridgehead at Szolnok
Sunday Jul 20, 1919 - Szolnok, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Breaking Through The Tisza River defense Lines
Tuesday Apr 29, 1919 - Szolnok, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Romanian Army crossed the Tisza River
Tuesday Jul 29, 1919 - Tisza River, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Romania controled The Entire East bank of The Tisza River
Thursday May 1, 1919 - Tisza River, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The post-war Hungarian Economy Suffered From Multiple Challenges
1946 - Hungary

Louis of Hungary and Maria of Bohemia married
Thursday Jul 22, 1515 - Louis of Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Romania was Forced Into Further Retreat
Tuesday Jun 3, 1919 - Tisza River, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungary Sued For Peace
Friday May 2, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Hungarian Infantry Crossed The Tisza River and Attacked Romanian Positions.
Sunday Jul 20, 1919 at 03:00:00 AM - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Romanian Troops departed Hungary
1920 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Hungarian Took Túrkeve and Mezőtúr
Wednesday Jul 23, 1919 - Túrkeve, Hungary - Mezőtúr, Hungary

First Indochina War-Phan Bội Châu was captured
1925 - Shanghai, China

Josip Broz Tito-Moved to Kraljevica
1925 - Kraljevica, Croatia

Francisco Franco-First wave of troops ashore at Al Hoceima
1925 - Al Hoceima, Morocco

Lucky Luciano-$12 million wealth
1925 - U.S.

Hirohito-The Rank of Colonel in the army
1925 - Tokyo, Japan

Louis Armstrong-Back to Chicago
1925 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.

Ho Chi Minh-Ho organized "Youth Education Classes"
1925 - Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Marie Curie-Laying The Foundations For Warsaw's Radium Institute
1925 - Warsaw, Poland

John Maynard Keynes-Marriage
1925 - England

Incandescent light bulb-Marvin Pipkin patented a process for frosting the inside of Lamp bulbs without weakening them
1925 - Florida, U.S.

Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Enthusiastic golfer
1925 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Cameras-Leica I
1925 - Germany

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle disapproved to take command in Morocco
1925 - Morocco

Adolf Hitler-A Meeting with the Prime Minister of Bavaria
Sunday Jan 4, 1925 - Germany

Charles de Gaulle-Joseph Paul-Boncour the first political patron
1925 - France

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower attended the Command and General Staff College
1925 - Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, U.S.

Heinrich Himmler-First role under Hitler
Feb, 1925 - Germany

Anna May Wong-Forty Winks
Monday Feb 2, 1925 - U.S.

Adolf Hitler-NSDAP returned
Monday Feb 16, 1925 - Germany

Marcus Garvey-Imprisoned
Feb, 1925 - Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.

Adolf Hitler-Barred from public speaking
Friday Feb 27, 1925 - Germany

Chinese Civil War-Sun's Death
Thursday Mar 12, 1925 - China

St. Patrick's Day-St Patrick's Society of Selangor
Tuesday Mar 17, 1925 - Selangor, Malaysia

Disasters with highest death tolls-The Tri-State Tornado
Wednesday Mar 18, 1925 - (Missouri–Illinois–Indiana), U.S.

Winston Churchill-Churchill controversially albeit reluctantly restored the gold standard in his first budget at its 1914 parity
Apr, 1925 - England, United Kingdom

Anna May Wong-Wong joined a group of serial stars on a tour of the vaudeville circuits
1925 - U.S.

Malcolm X-Birth
Tuesday May 19, 1925 - Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Hachikō-The professor's Death
Thursday May 21, 1925 - Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan

Hachikō-The Wait Starts
Friday May 22, 1925 - Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan

Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Marriage
Monday Jun 1, 1925 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Eiffel Tower-Illuminated signs for Citroën adorned three of the tower's sides
1925 - Paris, France

Eiffel Tower-The con artist Victor Lustig "sold" the tower for scrap metal
1925 - Paris, France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle worked "pen officer"
Wednesday Jul 1, 1925 - France

Walt Disney-Marriage
Monday Jul 13, 1925 - Lewiston, Idaho,U.S.

Heinrich Himmler-Joining The Schutzstaffel
1925 - Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Proposing an agreement with France
1925 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Gustav Stresemann-Trade war against Poland
1925 - Poland

Juan Trippe-Colonial Air Transport
Wednesday Oct 7, 1925 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.

Margaret Thatcher-Birth
Tuesday Oct 13, 1925 - Grantham, Lincolnshire, England

League of Nations-Incident at Petrich
Monday Oct 19, 1925 - Petrich, Tsardom of Bulgaria

Weimar Republic- Treaty of Locarno
Oct, 1925 - Germany

Salvador Dali-First Solo Exhibition
Saturday Nov 14, 1925 - Barcelona, Spain

Audrey Hepburn-Ella has been divorced
1925 - Batavia, Dutch East Indies (Present-Day Jakarta, Indonesia)

Gustav Stresemann-Locarno Treaties
Tuesday Dec 1, 1925 - London, England, United Kingdom

Mother's Day-Protesting
1925 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini "the leader"
1925 - Italy

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini's formal title changed
Thursday Dec 24, 1925 - Italy