Hittites - Mursili II
Time: 1330 BC
Place: Hittite Empire
Details: After Šuppiluliuma I, and a very brief reign by his eldest son, another son, Mursili II became king (c. 1330 BC). Having inherited a position of strength in the east, Mursili was able to turn his attention to the west, where he attacked Arzawa and a city known as Millawanda (Miletus), which was under the control of Ahhiyawa.
Hittites-Hattusa was burnt
1180 BC - Hittite Empire
Hittites-Šuppiluliuma I
1350s BC - Hittite Empire
Plague-The plague spreads to Constantinople
1347 - Turkey and Ukraine
Hittites-Tudhaliya I
1430s BC - Hittite Empire