Ancient India - New urban settlements arising at the Ganges plain
Time: 500 BC
Place: Indian subcontinent (Present-Day India)
Details: After 500 BCE, the so-called "second urbanization" started, with new urban settlements arising at the Ganges plain, especially the Central Ganges plain.
Disasters with highest death tolls-2002 Indian Heat Wave
May, 2002 - India
Ancient India-Early "republics" or Gaṇa sangha
7th Century BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day India)
Ancient India-The Vedic period
1500 BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day India)
Ancient India-In South India the Neolithic began by 3000 BCE
31st Century BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day India)
Ancient India-Sources of ancient Tamil history
500 BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day India)
Arameans-Story of Ahikar
500 BC - Aswan, Egypt
Roman Republic-Servius Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus
500 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Roman Republic-The Conflict or Struggle between the Plebeians and Patricians
500 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Scythian-Oricos was a Scythian king
500 BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Ancient China-Cast iron was first invented in China
500 BC - China