Orazio Tiberio Vecchi Brith
Time: Wednesday Dec 6, 1550
Place: Modena
Details: Orazio Tiberio Vecchi was born in Modena, Italy.

Francesco III d'Este Birth
Wednesday Jul 2, 1698 - Modena

Giovanni Maria Bononcini Birth
Tuesday Sep 23, 1642 - Modena

Francesco Maria Guaitolirt Birth
Sunday Dec 29, 1563 - Carpi

Marcello Malpighi Birth
Friday Mar 10, 1628 - Crevalcore

Roman Empire-Tiberius died
Monday Mar 16, 37 - Miseno, Italy, Roman Empire

Etruscan civilization-The Proto-Villanovan culture
1300 BC - Italy

Revolutions of 1848-Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states
1848 - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Meeting of Francis I and Leo X
Sunday Dec 19, 1515 - Bologna, Italy

Benito Mussolini-Second assassination was failed
Sunday Oct 31, 1926 - Italy

Etruscan civilization-The Villanovan culture was regarded as the oldest phase
900 BC - Bologna, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Bologna
534 BC - Bologna, Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Walk to Canossa
Jan, 1077 - Canossa Castle, Italy

Napoleon-Siege of Mantua
Monday Jul 4, 1796 - Mantua, Italy

Eleonora Gonzaga Birth
Monday Nov 18, 1630 - Mantua

Etruscan civilization-Felsina was an area around Bologna
10th Century BC - Bologna, Italy

Prince Harry-The First Overseas Tour
Friday Apr 19, 1985 - Italy

World War II-Gothic Line
Mar, 1945 - Northern Italy

Father's Day-Customary day for the celebration of fatherhood in Catholic Europe
1508 - Eurpe

Benito Mussolini-Turin massacre
Dec, 1922 - Italy

Lodovico Giustini Birth
Wednesday Dec 12, 1685 - Pistoia

Bank of America-Parmalat SpA sued Bank of America for $10 billion
Jul, 2009 - Collecchio, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Gran Cavallo
Nov, 1494 - Ferrara, Italy

Unification of Italy-Battle of Custoza
Jul, 1848 - Custoza, Sommacampagna, Verona, Italy

Mozart-Accademia Filarmonica of Verona
Jan, 1771 - Verona, Italy

World War II-One million soldier disarmed
Thursday Sep 9, 1943 - Italy, Balkans, Southern France

Cristiano Ronaldo-Ronaldo made his debut for Juve
Saturday Aug 18, 2018 - Marcantonio Bentegodi Stadium, Verona, Italy

Roman Empire-Philip was killed
Sep, 249 - Verona, Italy, Roman Empire

Leonardo da Vinci-Birth
Wednesday Apr 14, 1452 - Anchiano, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo moved from Anchiano to Vinci
1457 - Vinci, Florence, Italy

Etruscan civilization-War with Veii and Tarquinii
509 BC - Rome, Italy
On This Day - 6 December

Abraham Lincoln-Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Wednesday Dec 6, 1865 - U.S.

Juneteenth-Thirteenth Amendment ratified
Wednesday Dec 6, 1865 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Marie Curie-Curie gave birth to their Second Daughter
Tuesday Dec 6, 1904 - Paris, France

World War 1-Battle of Bucharest
Wednesday Dec 6, 1916 - Bucharest, Romania

Winston Churchill-Asquith resigned as Prime Minister and was succeeded by Lloyd George
Wednesday Dec 6, 1916 - London, England, United Kingdom

Irish War of Independence-Anglo-Irish Treaty
Tuesday Dec 6, 1921 - London, England, United Kingdom

Irish War of Independence-First internationally recognized head of an independent Irish government
Wednesday Dec 6, 1922 - Ireland

Winston Churchill-1923 United Kingdom general election
Thursday Dec 6, 1923 - United kingdom

Brunei revolt-Police Were Put on Full Alert
Thursday Dec 6, 1962 - Brunei

Internet-4-node network was connected
Saturday Dec 6, 1969 - U.S.

Juan Carlos I-The People ratify on The New Constitution
Wednesday Dec 6, 1978 - Spain

Robin Williams-First major performance
Saturday Dec 6, 1980 - U.S.

Iran–Iraq War-Going on the defensive
Saturday Dec 6, 1980 - Iran

Iran–Iraq War-Retaken The town of Bostan
Sunday Dec 6, 1981 - Bostan, Khuzestan Province, Iran

Robin Williams-Velardi's divorce
Tuesday Dec 6, 1988 - California, U.S.

Tony Hawk-First Child
Sunday Dec 6, 1992 - U.S.

Charles Antetokounmpo-Giannis birth (Fourth child)
Tuesday Dec 6, 1994 - Athens, Greece

Bolivarian Revolution-Winning The 1998 elections
Sunday Dec 6, 1998 - Venezuela

David Cameron-The Leader of the Conservative Party and Leader of the Opposition
Tuesday Dec 6, 2005 - London, England

New York Stock Exchange-NYSE's governing board voted to merge with rival Archipelago
Tuesday Dec 6, 2005 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Eminem-Curtain Call: The Hits
Tuesday Dec 6, 2005 - U.S.

Muhammad Yunus-NORAD Published a Statement Clearing Yunus and The Bank From any Allegations of Embezzlement
Monday Dec 6, 2010 - Oslo, Norway

Oculus-Oculus Touch
Tuesday Dec 6, 2016 - California, U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
Wednesday Dec 6, 2017 - Jerusalem, Israel

Warren Hasting Birth
Saturday Dec 6, 1732 - Churchill

Claude Fleury Birth
Thursday Dec 6, 1640 - Paris

James Elphinston Birth
Saturday Dec 6, 1721 - Edinburgh

Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon Birth
Saturday Dec 6, 1721 - Paris

Mnsdotter Brith
Monday Nov 6, 1550 - Sweden