Roman Republic - Pyrrhus moved back to Tarentum
Time: 280 BC
Place: Taranto, Italy
Details: Pyrrhus then marched on Rome, but could not take any Roman city on his way; facing the prospect of being flanked by the two consular armies, he moved back to Tarentum.
Roman Republic-Several Roman warships entered the harbour of Tarentum
282 BC - Taranto, Italy
Roman Republic-Pyrrhus arrived in Tarentum
Nov, 276 BC - Taranto, Italy
World War II-Invasion of Italy
Saturday Sep 4, 1943 - Salerno, Calabria and Taranto, Italy
World War II-Battle of Taranto
Monday Nov 11, 1940 - Taranto, Italy
Roman Republic-Battle of Heraclea
Jul, 280 BC - Policoro, Matera, Italy
Huns-Sack of Aquileia
Thursday Jul 18, 452 - Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Roman Republic-Quinctius Crispinus were ambushed and killed near Venusia
208 BC - Potenza, Italy
Roman Republic-Pyrrhus sends Cineas to Rome
Dec, 280 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Roman Republic-Pyrrhus landed in Italy
Dec, 280 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)
Roman Republic-Pyrrhus withdraws and gets close to Campania
280 BC - Naples, Italy
Roman Republic-Battle of Heraclea
Jul, 280 BC - Policoro, Matera, Italy