Great Wall of China - Qi Jiguang repairs
Time: 1567
Place: China
Details: Qi Jiguang between 1567 and 1570 also repaired and reinforced the wall, faced sections of the ram-earth wall with bricks and constructed 1,200 watchtowers from Shanhaiguan Pass to Changping to warn of approaching Mongol raiders.

Great Wall of China-Tourism reputation
19th Century - China

Great Wall of China-Modern state
2010s - Zhangjiakou, China

Great Wall of China-The end of the Ming
1644 - Liaodong, China

Great Wall of China-Build of the first long wall
221 BC - from Mamitu near Yumenguan to Liaodong, China

French Wars of Religion
Friday Sep 29, 1567 - France

Battle at Carberry
Thursday Jun 15, 1567 - Scotland

Arresting of The Count of Egmont and the Count of Hoorn
Friday Sep 29, 1567 - Alba